...and Oceans - As in Gardens, So in Tombs {2023}
…and Oceans - Cosmic World Mother {2020}
(The True) Veiled – In Binding Presence {2019}
1349 - The Infernal Pathway {2019}
1349 – The Wolf & the King {2024}
13th Temple - Sol Mortuus {2020}
13th Temple - Southern Woods & Invernal Tombs {2017}
13th Temple - Under a Crimson Moon [EP] {2017}
1789 – 1789 [EP] {2021}
1914 - The Blind Leading the Blind {2018}
A Diadem of Dead Stars - Emerald Sunsets [Compilation] {2023}
A Vintage Death - Acrid Death Fragrance [EP] {2018}
Aarkanne - Mysterii {2021}
Abacination - Demo II [Demo] {2012}
Abamath / Tahazu - Abamath / Tahazu [Split] {2020}
Abbath - Dread Reaver {2022}
Abbath - Outstrider {2019}
Abduction - All Pain As Penance {2019}
Abduction - Jehanne {2020}
Aberathiedeus - The Scent of the Old Black Masses {2019}
Aberration – Refracture {2024}
Abhor - Nequaquam Vacuum: Beginning of the Great Opera [Compilation] {2000}
Abhor - Occulta religiO {2018}
Abhor - Ritualia Stramonium {2015}
Abhor - Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Antichristi) {2022}
Abhorration - After Winter Comes War [EP] {2021}
Abhorred – None Shall be Spared [EP / Re-Release] {2024}
Abhorrency – Climax Of Disgusting Impurities {2022}
Abhorrent Execration - Vengeance Unfolds [EP] {2024}
Abigorum - Vergessene Stille {2021}
Abjection - Malignant Deviation [EP] {2021}
Ablaze My Sorrow - Among Ashes And Monoliths {2021}
Abominablood - Abomination Continues [EP] {2018}
Abominated - Traumatic Putrefaction {2023}
Abominated – Decomposed [EP] {2021}
Abomination Storm - Death-Hate-Genocide [EP] {2024}
Abraded - Abdraded {2021}
Abraded - Unadulterated Perversity {2023}
Absconder - Destruction of the Lower Half [EP] {2019}
Absolute Key & Hail Conjurer – Trident Vision Live {2024}
Absolutum – I [EP] {2018}
Abstracter - Cinereous Incarnate {2018}
Absu - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L. {1993}
Absu - The Sun of Tiphareth {1995}
Absu - The Third Storm of Cythrául {1997}
Abvulabashy - Atomik Triumphator Elite {2020}
Abysmal Dawn - Phylogenesis {2020}
Abysmal Desecration – Total Extinction Of Humanity [EP] {2024}
Abysmal Grief - Feretri {2013}
Abysmal Lord - Bestiary Of Immortal Hunger {2022}
Abysmal Lord - Cathedral [EP] {2020}
Abysmal Lord - Exaltation Of The Infernal Cabal {2019}
Abysmal Spite - Demo MMXXII [Demo] {2022}
Abysmal Spite – Triumph Over Mortality [EP] {2023}
Abysmalist - Reflections of Horror [Demo] {2019}
Abyssal [MEX] - Misanthrope {2018}
Abythic – Beneath Ancient Portals {2018}
Acephalix - Decreation {2017}
Acephalix – Theothanatology {2022}
Acid Witch - Rot Among Us {2022}
Açoite - Açoite {2019}
Acrid Tomb – Acrid Tomb [Demo] {2022}
Act of Impalement - Infernal Ordinance {2023}
Ad Hominem – Napalm for All {2018}
Adorior - Bleed On My Teeth {2024}
Adragard – From the Burning Mist {2018}
Adversarial - Solitude With the Eternal... {2024}
Adverso - Ex Inanis [Demo] {2018}
Adzalaan – Into Vermillion Mirrors {2018}
Aedes – Odious Imprecation [EP] {2025}
Aegrus - Invoking the Abysmal Night {2023}
Aegrus - The Carnal Temples [EP] {2022}
Aeon Furnace - Providence Descends [Demo] {2023}
Aeternus - Philosopher {2023}
Aethyrick - Pilgrimage {2022}
Aethyrick - The Seventh [EP] {2022}
Afvallige – Nevelveld [Demo] {2018}
Agönphetish - Promo '23 [Demo] {2023}
Agos - Aonian Invocation {2018}
Aguynguerran - Christreign Annihilation [Demo] {2003}
Ahna - Crimson Dawn {2020}
Akasha - Canticles Of The Sepulchral Deity [Re-Release] {2020}
Akitsa - Haine Et Vengeance En Concert (Québec 2019) {2022}
Akitsa – Devenir Le Diable {2023}
AKIX - An Obscure Delirious Séance [Demo] {2018}
Akrotheism – The Law of Seven Deaths {2019}
Äkth Gánahëth - From the Cursed Glades [Demo] {2020}
Alastis - Revenge {1998}
Alburnum - Buitenlucht [EP] {2022}
Alchemy of Flesh - Ageless Abominations {2021}
Alchemyst - Nekromanteion {2012}
Alcohelldrugs - Infernal Metal Punk {2020}
Alcoholocaust [POR] - Necro Apocalipse Bestial {2019}
Alda - A Distant Fire {2021}
Alghol - From The Caverns [EP] {2022}
Alghol – Forgotten Paths [EP] {2020}
Alhistja - Alhistja [Demo] {2022}
Altar - Youth Against Christ {1994}
Altar of Gore - Obscure & Obscene Gods {2020}
Altarage - MMXV [Demo] {2015}
Altars - Ascetic Reflection {2022}
Altered Dead - Returned to Life {2021}
Amaltheia - Amaltheia {2022}
Amargor - Tenebres i Foscúria {2023}
Amargor - Terres de somnis a Perdre [EP] {2022}
Ambroxiak - Detritus of Elysian Creation {2021}
Amorphous Dominion - Demo 2022 [Demo] {2022}
Amputation - Slaughtered In The Arms Of God [Compilation] {2020}
Anael - Mare {2021}
Anasarca - Godmachine {1998}
Anatomia - Corporeal Torment {2021}
Anatomia - Cranial Obsession {2017}
Anatomia - Decaying In Obscurity [Re-Release] {2022}
Anatomia / Eternal Rot - Anatomia / Eternal Rot [Split] {2024}
Ancestral Fortitude - Stronghold [Demo] {2023}
Ancient - Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends {1997}
Ancient - Proxima Centauri {2001}
Ancient Burial - Beyond the Watchtowers {2020}
Ancient Flame - Tyrant Blood {2019}
Ancient Malignity – Ancient Malignity {2020}
Ancient Necromancy - Diabolical Forest Alchemy [Demo] {2020}
And Now the Owls Are Smiling - Dirges {2021}
And Now The Owls Are Smiling - Epitaph {2022}
And Now the Owls Are Smiling - The Comforting Grip of Misery {2019}
Andracca - A Sermon in the Universal Language of Suffering [EP] {2020}
Åndutsyn - The Epitome Of The End Of The Cavernous Forestry [Demo] {2023}
Anéanti - Poison: Les Formules Diaboliques [EP] {2023}
Ante-Inferno - Antediluvian Dreamscapes {2022}
Ante-Inferno - Fane {2020}
Antediluvian - The Divine Punishment {2021}
Anthroplague - Demo [Demo] {2015}
Anthropophagous - Abuse Of A Corpse {2023}
Anthropophagous - Spoiled Marrow [Demo] {2019}
Aparthiva Raktadhara - Adyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা) {2022}
Apep - The Invocation of the Deathless One {2020}
Apes of God - Procession of Death [EP] {2019}
Apocryphal [USA] - Embrace of Death {2013}
Apokalyptic Raids - The Pentagram [Re-Release] {2019}
Apoptosis - Monument of Ignorance [EP] {2016}
Apostasy - Death Return {2022}
Appalling – Inverted Realm {2019}
Apparition - Apparition [Demo] {2021}
Arbor - In Starless Night... We Follow A River Of Blood [Demo] {2023}
Arbor – Promo ‘24 [Demo] {2024}
Arch Enemy - Stigmata {1998}
Archaeos - Iahes [Demo] {2015}
Archaic Thorn - Eradication {2020}
Archaic Tomb - Congregations for Ancient Rituals [Demo] {2018}
Archaic Tomb / Cryptworm - Persecution Paraphrenalia / Putrefactive Regurgitation [Split] {2019}
Archgoat - The Apocalyptic Triumphator {2015}
Archgoat – All Christianity Ends [EP] {2022}
Archgoat – Worship the Eternal Darkness {2021}
Arckanum - The 11 Year Anniversary Album [Compilation] {2004}
Arde - Ancestral Cult {2021}
Ares Kingdom - By the Light of Their Destruction {2019}
Argesk - Realm of Eternal Night {2020}
Aridus - Serpent Moon {2023}
Arma Christi - Egocentric Oblivion {2016}
Armnatt - Dense Flame {2021}
Armnatt - Dense Fog {2020}
Armnatt - Immortal Nature {2022}
ARNA - Dragged to a Lunar Grave {2021}
Arnor - Demo I - Northern Forge [Demo] {2018}
Arnor - Demo II - All Eyes To The Frontline [Demo] {2019}
Arnor / Pagan Moon - Arnor / Pagan Moon [Split] {2019}
Arroganz - Primitiv {2017}
Arsis - Visitant {2018}
Artifact of Skulls - Heretic Wargoat Legion [Demo] {2016}
Arvalastra - The Key to the Shrine of Putrefaction {2020}
Arzhaabat - Forest Tribes Triumphant [Demo] {2023}
Arzhaabat – In Veligrad Shadows {2023}
Asagraum - Veil of Death, Ruptured {2023}
Ascended Dead - Evenfall of the Apocalypse {2023}
Ascended Dead - The Advent {2015}
Ascendency - Ascending Primacy [Demo] {2019}
Ascendency - Birth of an Eternal Empire [EP] {2020}
Aseptic – Senses Decay [EP] {2018}
Asgard - Leuchtenstadt {2021}
Asgrauw - Façade {2022}
Ashen Tomb - Ashen Tomb [EP] {2023}
Ashes of Old - Purification (Through the Fire) {2020}
Askeregn - Brennende Åkres Grøde {2022}
Asphyx - Crush The Cenotaph [Demo] {1989}
Asphyx - Incoming Death {2016}
Asphyx - On The Wings of Inferno {2000}
Assumption - Absconditus {2018}
Astral Crypt Of Moloch – Impurity [Demo] {2023}
Astral Tomb - Degradation of Human Consciousness [EP] {2021}
Astral Tomb - Soulgazer {2022}
Astriferous - Pulsations From The Black Orb {2023}
Astriferous - Raise High the Scepter of Indulgence [Demo] {2019}
Astriferous - The Lower Levels of Sentience [EP] {2020}
At The Gates - At War With Reality {2014}
Atavisma - Where Wolves Once Dwelled [Demo] {2014}
Ateiggär - Us d'r Höll Chunnt Nume Zyt [EP] {2019}
Atomic Aggressor - Invoking the Primal Chaos [EP] {2019}
Atomic Cretins - Spiritual Cancer [EP] {2019}
Atomic Goatcrime – Atomic Goat Exterminium! [EP] {2023}
Atonement - Genesis of Blasphemy [Demo] {2020}
Atra Mors - Dominate upon the Throne of Might {2019}
Atra Mors [UK] - Spirits of the Darkwood [EP] {2018}
Atrament - Scum Sect {2018}
Atramentus - Stygian {2020}
Attic - Sanctimonious {2017}
Attic – Return of the Witchfinder {2024}
Aurae Lunae - Demo I [Demo] {2022}
Auroch - From Forgotten Worlds [Re-release] {2017}
Autonoesis - Moon of Foul Magics {2022}
Autophagy - Bacteriophage {2022}
Autophagy - Demo [Demo] {2018}
Autopsy - Morbidity Triumphant {2022}
Avenger [CZE] - Fall of Devotion, Wrath and Blasphemy [Re-Release] {2001}
Avgrunn - Demo 1 : Offer til den urgamle [Demo] {2019}
Avlivad - Demo MMXX [Demo] {2020}
Avræ Lvnæ – Ntdd Strl {2023}
Avulsed – Deathgeneration {2016}
Aynsophar - Abysmal Secrets Of Unknown [EP] {2017}
Ayyur - The Lunatic Creature [EP] {2018}
Azaab - Summoning the Cataclysm {2022}
Azaghal - Mustamaa {1999}
Azath - Through a Warren of Shadow {2020}
Azator - Horrors from Aeons Past [EP] {2019}
Azatoth - Ungodly Carnage [Demo] {2022}
Azazel - Aegrum Satanas Tecum {2021}
Aznaitin – Aznaitin [Demo] {2024}
Ænigmatum - Ænigmatum {2019}
Backyard Mortuary - Lure of the Occult {2012}
Bal-Sagoth - Battle Magic {1998}
Bal-Sagoth - The Power Cosmic {1999}
Balmog - Covenants Of Salt [EP] {2023}
Balmog - Eve {2021}
Balmog - Pillars Of Salt [EP] {2020}
Bane - Esoteric Formulae {2018}
Baphomancia - Agonized in Belial's Land [Demo] {2019}
Baptized by Fire - Upon The Pyre {2019}
Barbarian - Viperface {2022}
Barbarian [ITA] - To No God Shall I Kneel {2019}
Barbarian Swords – Worms {2016}
Barbaric Horde - Axe of Superior Savagery {2020}
Bastard Altar - Struggling Beams of a Waning Moon [Demo] {2022}
Bastard Cröss - Bastard Cröss [EP] {2021}
Bastard Cröss / Black Knife [Split] {2022}
Bastard Grave - Diorama of Human Suffering {2019}
Bastard Grave - Vortex Of Disgust {2023}
Bastard Priest – Vengeance… of the Damned [EP] {2020}
Bat – Axestasy [EP] {2019}
Baxaxaxa - The Old Evil [Demo] {2019}
Baxaxaxa – De Vermis Mysteriis {2023}
Beastcraft / Hyl - Himni ad Impios [Split] {2023}
Beastgod - Black Goat Victorious [Demo] {2023}
Becerus - Homo Homini Brutus {2021}
Bedsore - Bedsore [Demo] {2018}
Bedsore - Hypnagogic Hallucinations {2020}
Beenkerver - Ontaard {2022}
Begraven - Demo 2014 [Demo] {2014}
Begrime Exemious - Rotting in the Aftermath {2022}
Beherit - Messe Des Morts [EP / Re-Release] {2023}
Bekëth Nexëhmü - De Glömdas Ursjälar [Demo] {2016}
Belphegor - The Devils {2022}
Belshazzar – Holy Blood [Demo] {2019}
Benediction - Grind Bastard {1998}
Benediction - Scriptures {2020}
Benediction - Transcend the Rubicon {1993}
Benothing - Temporal Bliss Surrealms [EP] {2021}
Bestial Warfare - Desecrating Goat Assault [EP] {2020}
Bestialgoat – Infernal Goat Of Extermination {2024}
Bewitcher - Under the Witching Cross {2019}
Beyond Death's Throne - Haphazard Ethos [EP] {2021}
Beyond Man – Beyond Man {2021}
Beyond The Permafrost - Fallen from the Throne {2023}
Binah - Phobiate {2018}
Black Altar / Kirkebrann - Deus Inversus [Split] {2020}
Black Beast - Nocturnal Bloodlust {2019}
Black Bleeding - A Bright Future {2015}
Black Blood Invocation - Black Blood Invocation [Demo] {2017}
Black Ceremonial Kult - Crowned in Chaos [EP] {2021}
Black Cilice - Esoteric Atavism {2022}
Black Cilice - Transfixion of Spirits {2019}
Black Crucifixion - Triginta [Compilation] {2021}
Black Curse - Burning in Celestial Poison {2024}
Black Death Cult - Devil's Paradise {2019}
Black Edifice – The Miasmic Trance [EP] {2023}
Black Ejaculation - Upheaval of Desecration [Demo] {2019}
Black Fucking Cancer - Procreate Inverse {2022}
Black Fullmoon – Black Fullmoon [Demo] {2024}
Black Howling - Return of Primordial Stillness {2018}
Black Hurst - Black Hurst [Demo] {2023}
Black Knife - Live At Haus Of Yarga {2023}
Black Knife - Murder Season {2021}
Black Knife / Wraith / Graveripper / Unholy Night - Faster Than the Fucking Devil [Split] {2022}
Black Kruud - A Labyrinth of Fallen Towers [EP] {2019}
Black Mass Pervertor - Life Beyond the Wall of Flesh [EP] {2018}
Black Mass Pervertor - Lux Sodomiticum [EP] {2020}
Black Mold - Atavism [Demo] {2018}
Black Mold - Tales of Degradation [Demo] {2019}
Black Mold - The Unnatural Red Glow Of The Night [EP] {2023}
Blackbraid - Blackbraid I {2022}
Blackdeath - Phantasmhassgorie {2019}
Blackrat - Dread Reverence {2018}
Blasphamagoatachrist - Bastardizing the Purity {2020}
Blasphamagoatachrist - Black Metal Warfare [Demo] {2018}
Blasphematory - The Lower Catacombs {2022}
Blasphemous Division - Regiments of Chaos [Demo] {2017}
Blasphemous Putrefaction - Festering Plagues [EP] {2019}
Blasphemy - Blood upon the Soundspace [Demo] {2018}
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom.... [Re-Release] {2018}
Blasphemy - Gods of War [Re-Release] {2018}
Blasted Heath - Vela {2022}
Blau Blut - Cockaigne [Demo] {2023}
Blaze of Perdition - Near Death Revelations {2015}
Blaze Of Sorrow - Absentia {2020}
Blaze of Sorrow - Vultus Fati {2023}
Blessing Lycanthropy - Demo I [Demo] {2022}
Blessing Lycanthropy - Demo II [Demo] {2022}
Blood Chalice - Demo 2016 [Demo] {2016}
Blood Chalice - The Blasphemous Psalms of Cannibalism {2022}
Blood Countess - Occulta Tenebris {2022}
Blood Feast - Chopped, Sliced and Diced [EP] {2018}
Blood Incantation - Hidden History Of The Human Race {2019}
Blood Incantation - Starspawn {2016}
Blood Loss – Rehearsal Demo ’23 [Demo] {2023}
Blood Moon Zenith - Blood Moon Zenith [Demo] {2020}
Blood Oath - Lost in an Eternal Silence {2023}
Blood Ouroboros - Obfuscation of Hideous Ego [Demo] {2020}
Blood Rage - Welcome to Crimson Pines [EP] {2022}
Blood Rage / Mortuary Ghoul – Horror Worshipping Death [Split] {2023}
Blood Rites – Demo 1 [Demo] {2018}
Blood Spore / Coagulate / Soul Devourment / Gutvoid - Four Dimensions Of Auditory Terror [Split] {2021}
Blood Stronghold - Spectres of Bloodshed {2020}
Bloodbath - Survival of the Sickest {2022}
Bloodlet Throne - Sovngarde {2022}
Bloodletter - Funeral Hymns {2021}
Bloodlust - Blackmass {2019}
Bloodphemy - Dawn of Malevolence {2023}
Bloodphemy - In Cold Blood {2019}
Bloodrust - A Legacy of Vengeance {2021}
Bloodspawn - Bloodspawn [EP] {2021}
Bloodspell - Cloaked in Burning Night [EP] {2019}
Bloody Sign - Exploding Of Elements {2007}
Blue Hummingbird on the Left – Atl Tlachinolli {2019}
Blut Aus Nord - Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses {2022}
Blyh - Awake to Emptiness {2019}
Body Asphyxiation Science - Gravitational Blood Art [EP] {2022}
Body Asphyxiation Science - Space Adaptation Syndrome [Demo] {2021}
Body Asphyxiation Science – Heresy [EP] {2023}
Body Asphyxiation Science / Trench Foot - Intergalactic Gore [Split] {2022}
Bodyrot - Fleshworks [EP] {2022}
Bok – Metastasis Dei [Demo] {2024}
Bokkerijders - Bokkerijders [Demo] {2022}
Bölzer - Soma [EP] {2014}
Bone Sickness - Theatre of Morbidity {2018}
Bonehunter - Children of the Atom {2018}
Bonehunter - Dark Blood Reincarnation System {2021}
Borboropsis - Decorticated Burial of Delirium [EP] {2021}
Borda's Rope / Helm Of Saga - Borda's Rope / Helm of Saga [Split] {2023}
Boreal - The Battle of VOSAD {2020}
Borgne - Temps Morts {2021}
Bottenberg - Demo 2022 [Demo] {2022}
Brahdr'uhz - Total FOADYFB {2020}
BrainBath - BrainBath [EP] {2022}
Briargh - Eboros {2015}
Brüka - Demo [Demo] {2020}
Brüka - Plague Tempest [EP] {2022}
Brüka / Temple ov Ahriman - Brüka / Temple ov Ahriman [Split] {2022}
Brutality - Ruins of Humans [EP] {2013}
Brutality - Sea of Ignorance {2016}
Bullcreek - Osschaert {2017}
Burial - Inner Gateways to the Slumbering Equilibrium at the Center of Cosmos {2021}
Burial [HOL] - Frigid Cold [Demo / Re-Release] {2020}
Burial [ITA] - Presence from the Beyond [Demo] {2019}
Burial [ITA] - The Forgotten [EP] {2019}
Burial Choir - The Eucharist of Martyrs {2021}
Burial Curse - Burial Curse [EP] {2021}
Burial Moon - Burial Moon [EP] {2023}
Burial Remains - Spawn of Chaos {2020}
Burier - Burier [Demo] {2019}
Burning Hatred - Carnage {2016}
Burning Lord - Demo #2 [Demo] {2022}
Burning Winds – Return To Hell [Compilation / Re-issue] {2023}
Bütcher - 666 Goats Carry My Chariot {2020}
Bythos - The Womb of Zero {2020}
Byyrth - Echoes from the Seven Caves of Blood {2018}
Cachot d’Effroi / Wolftower – Split MMXXIV [Split] {2024}
Cadaver Coils - Offerings of Rapture and Decay {2022}
Cadaveribus - Open the Gate [EP] {2020}
Cadaveric Fumes - Echoing Chambers of Soul {2021}
Cadaveric Incubator - Nightmare Necropolis {2023}
Cadaverous - Remnants Of Violence {2022}
Cadaverous - Slam The Coffin Shut EP [EP] {2022}
Caedes Cruenta - Of Ritual Necrophagia And Mysterious Ghoul Cults {2021}
Caedes Cruenta - Ερείπια ψυχών [Re-Release] {2020}
Call from Subconscious - Sorrow and Avidity {2021}
Cancerbero - Reconquering the Throne of Death {2019}
Cancerian Moon - Under Two Cusps: Collected Rituals [Re-Release] {2020}
Candelabrum - Nocturnal Trance {2022}
Cannabis Corpse - Nug So Vile {2019}
Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific {2023}
Carcinoid - Encomium To Extinction [EP] {2023}
Cardiac Arrest - The Day That Death Prevailed {2020}
Cardiac Arrest - The Stench of Eternity {2024}
Carnal Ruin – The Damned Lie Rotting [EP] {2020}
Carnal Savagery - Scent Of Death {2022}
Carnal Tomb - Abhorrent Veneration {2019}
Carnal Tomb - Ascend [Demo] {2014}
Carnal Tomb - Inevitable Decomposition {2015}
Carnal Tomb - Rotten Remains {2016}
Carnal Tomb – Embalmed In Decay {2023}
Carnation - Where Death Lies {2020}
Carnifex [FIN] - Pathological Rites {2018}
Casket Slime - Enter the Casket {2021}
Casket Slime - They Sleep We Creep {2020}
Castrator - Defiled in Oblivion {2022}
Castrivenian – Eternal Fog’s Rebirth [Demo] {2024}
Catacomb - Back To Unknown Kadath [EP] {2022}
Catacomb - When The Stars Are Right {2023}
Cathartic - Through the Abysmal Gates of Subconscious {2022}
Caustic Vomit - Eloquent Requiems Of Necrotic Decadence [Demo] {2023}
Caustic Vomit - Festering Odes to Deformity [Demo] {2019}
Caustic Wound - Death Posture {2020}
Cave Altar - Impermanence [Demo] {2021}
Cave Grave - Cavernous Disseminations [Demo] {2020}
Caveman Cult - Blood and Extinction {2021}
Caveman Cult - Savage War is Destiny {2016}
Caveman Cult - Supremacía Primordial [EP] {2018}
Cavurn – Rehearsal [Demo] {2018}
Celestial Grave - Vitriolic Atonement {2022}
Celestial Sanctuary - Mass Extinction [Demo] {2019}
Celestial Sanctuary - Soul Diminished {2021}
Celestial Sanctuary / Thorn / Fumes / Perilaxe Occlusion - Absolute Convergence [Split] {2022}
Celestial Sword - Fallen from the Astral Temple {2020}
Cemetarian - Tomb of Morbid Stench [Demo] {2019}
Cemetery Dwell - Cold Visions of Nether [Demo] {2020}
Cemetery Filth - Screams from the Catacombs [EP] {2014}
Cemetery Lights - Consumption {2022}
Cemetery Lights – Lemuralia [EP] {2018}
Cemetery Urn - Barbaric Retribution {2018}
Cemetery Urn - Suffer the Fallen {2023}
Cenotafio - El Encierro De Las Grandes Revelaciones [Demo] {2015}
Cenotafio - Larvae Tedeum Teratos {2019}
Centenary - Death...the Final Frontier {2021}
Centinex - Desolated Past [Compilation] {2022}
Centinex - Redeeming Filth {2014}
Centinex - The Pestilence [EP] {2022}
CEP - First Tape [Demo] {2023}
Cerebral Rot - Odious Descent into Decay {2019}
Cerebral Rot - Spewing Purulence [EP] {2020}
Ceremonial Bloodbath - The Tides of Blood {2020}
Ceremonial Castings - Our Journey Through Forever {2022}
Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Anointed by the Crimson Veil {2020}
Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Lupine Sacrilege Adorned in Rotting Flesh {2019}
Ceremonial Decay - The Crescent and The Cross [EP] {2022}
Ceremoniële Walging - Ingekankerd {2022}
Ceremoniële Walging - Vergeet De Eeuwenoude Haat Nooit [Demo] {2022}
Cernunnos - The Forgotten Age of Heathenism [Demo] {2002}
Chainbreaker - Lethal Desire {2019}
Chamber of Mirrors - Moonlight Decay {2023}
Chaotian - Effigies Of Obsolescence {2022}
Chaotic Injustice - Demo 2021 [Demo] {2021}
Chapel of Disease - The Mysterious Ways of Repetitive Art {2015}
Chapel Of Samhain – Black Onyx Cave {2024}
Charnel Altar - Charnel Altar [Demo] {2019}
Charnel Grounds - Molecular Entropy Examined in the Bowels of a Great One [EP] {2021}
Chasing Death – Deathbringer [EP] {2017}
Chasmdweller - Blood Vortex {2023}
Chasmdweller - Festering In Aural Trauma [EP] {2022}
Chasmdweller - Flesh Crusade {2021}
Chasmdweller - Fossilized [EP] {2021}
Chemical Breath - Beyond Reality [Demo] {1991}
Chemical Breath - Brutal Violation [Demo] {1990}
Chemicide - Common Sense {2022}
Chestcrush - Apechtheia [EP] {2022}
Chestcrush - Demo June 2020 [Demo] {2020}
Chevallier Skrog - Dethrone De Imperial Bloodline {2022}
Chevallier Skrog - Peasant Rebellion {2022}
Chevallier Skrog – Dokud Nepomine Nebe I Zem [Demo] {2024}
Chevallier Skrog / Dracul's Grasp [Split] {2022}
Children of Bodom - Something Wild {1997}
Children of Technology - Written Destiny {2020}
Chotzä - Plump u primitiv (10 Jahr furchtbar) {2021}
Chotzä - Tüüfuswärk {2020}
Christ Agony - Black Blood [EP] {2015}
Christfuck - HellGoat Militia [EP] {2015}
Christicide - Upheaval of the Soul {2013}
Chronicles - Chaos Cosmogony [Demo] {2022}
Church of Disgust - Consumed by Slow Putrefaction [EP] {2020}
Church of Disgust - Veneration Of Filth {2016}
Church of Disgust - Weakest Is The Flesh {2022}
Cianide - Rage War [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Cidium - Hvalospjevi Skrnavljenja {2017}
Cinzas – Demo I [Demo – Re-Release] {2018}
Cirith Gorgor - Sovereign {2019}
Cirith Gorgor - Visions of exalted Lucifer {2016}
Cist – The Frozen Casket [EP] {2018}
Civerous - Decrepit Flesh Relic {2021}
Clactonian – Dea Madre [Demo] {2024}
Clairvoyance - Demo [Demo] {2020}
Clairvoyance - Threshold of Nothingness [EP] {2022}
Claustrum - Claustrum {2023}
Cloak - The Burning Dawn {2019}
Cloaked – Vampyric Sorrow [Demo] {2024}
Coffin Breath - The Tenebrous Mist [Demo] {2021}
Coffin Lurker - Foul and Defiled {2021}
Coffin Mulch - Septic Funeral [EP] {2021}
Coffin Rot - A Monument to the Dead {2019}
Coffin Rot – Dreams Of The Disturbed {2024}
Coffin Rot / Molder - Coffin Rot / Molder [Split] {2018}
Coffin Stench - Putrid Rotting Death [Demo] {2018}
Coffins – Sinister Oath {2024}
Coffins / Depression - Coffins / Depression [Split] {2020}
Cogas - Unconscious Sons of the Reptile God {2021}
ColdWorld - Isolation {2022}
Concrete Winds - Nerve Butcherer {2021}
Concrete Winds – Concrete Winds {2024}
Congealed Putrescence - Within the Ceaseless Murk [EP] {2022}
Congenital Deformity - Progenies of the Cemetery [Demo] {2020}
Congenital Deformity - Sacrifice [Demo] {2021}
Conifère – L’Impôt Du Sang {2024}
Conjuration – Sepulchral Incantations [Demo] {2024}
Conjureth - Majestic Dissolve {2021}
Conjureth - The Levitation Manifest [Demo] {2020}
Consecration - Cinis {2022}
Contaminated - Celebratory Beheading {2024}
Continental - Automne Boreal / Flamme Victorieuse [Demo] {2018}
Convulse - Inner Evil [EP] {2013}
Convulsive - The Grotesquery Ruins Of Death {2022}
Corpsehammer – Perversión [EP] {2018}
Corpsehammer – Posesión [EP] {2017}
Corpsessed - Succumb to Rot {2022}
Corpus Christii - Rising {2007}
Corpus Christii - The Bitter End Of Old {2022}
Corpus Offal – Demo 2024 [Demo] {2024}
Corrosive Carcass - Composition of Flesh {2012}
Cosmic Burial - the Past {2021}
Cosmic Burial – Impakt {2020}
Cosmic Putrefaction - Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones {2022}
Cosmovore - Into the Necrosphere [EP] {2020}
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast {1998}
Craven Idol - Forked Tongues {2021}
Crawl - Altar of Disgust {2024}
Credimus - Sykjievir io gyaht {2020}
Cremate – Ripped To Death [Demo] {2018}
Crematory Stench - Crematory Stench [EP] {2016}
Crematory Stench - Grotesque Deformities [EP] {2019}
Crépuscule d'Hiver - Songes Hérétiques [Demo] {2018}
Critical Defiance - Misconception {2019}
Critical Extravasation – Morbid Existence [EP] {2019}
Croc Noir - Mort {2018}
Cronos Compulsion - Cursed and Decaying [Demo] {2021}
Cronos Compulsion - Malicious Regression [EP] {2023}
Cruciamentum – Obsidian Refractions {2023}
Crucifier - Thy Sulfur Throne on High {2018}
Crucifixion Ritual - Gouging the Eyes of Angelic Purity [Demo] {2021}
Cruel Fate / Expunged - Cruel Fate / Expunged [Split] {2021}
Cruel Force - Dawn of the Axe {2023}
Cruz - Confines De La Cordura {2022}
Cryptal Echoes – Cryptal Echoes [Demo] {2024}
Cryptic Brood - Morbid Rite [Demo] {2013}
Cryptic Brood - Nippon Carnage - Live in Japan {2020}
Cryptic Brood - Wormhead [EP] {2015}
Cryptic Brood – Brain Eater {2017}
Cryptic Dissolution - Morbific Reminiscences In Physical Forms {2022}
Cryptic Hatred - Free from the Grave [Demo] {2020}
Cryptic Hatred - Internal Torment {2024}
Cryptic Hatred - Nocturnal Sickness {2022}
Cryptic Realms - Enraptured by Horror {2016}
Cryptic Shift - Return To Realms [EP / Re-Release] {2023}
Cryptic Shift - Visitations From Enceladus {2020}
Cryptic Shift / Replicant / Inoculation / Astral Tomb - Chasm of Aeons [Split] {2020}
Cryptivore - Unseen Divinity [Demo / Re-Release] {2018}
Crypts of Despair - The Stench of the Earth {2017}
Crypts of Wallachia - Drifting in the Devil's Maze [Demo] {2019}
Cryptum - Enter the Cryptum [Demo] {2021}
Cryptum - Vile Emergence [EP] {2022}
Cryptworm – Oozing Radioactive Vomition {2023}
Ctenizidae - ...of Rotting Soil and Spine [Demo] {2021}
Ctenizidae - Endless Decay in Putrescent Void [Demo] {2019}
Cthonica - Typhomanteia: Sacred Triarchy of Spiritual Putrefaction {2019}
Cult Graves - Strange Customs [EP] {2020}
Cult of Eibon - Fullmoon Invocation [EP] {2016}
Cult of Fire - Live in the Underworld {2022}
Cult Ov Black Blood – Apocalyptic Banner Ov Abaddon {2023}
Cultes Des Ghoules - Sinister {2018}
Cultus Profano - Accursed Possession {2020}
Cultus Profano - Sacramentus Obscurus [Demo] {2016}
Curse [SWE] - The Awakening... and the Old [EP] {2020}
Curse Eternal - Antichristian Ceremonial Madness {2018}
Cursed Blood - Taker of Life [Demo] {2019}
Cursed Excruciation - Arcane Diabolism {2023}
Cut - Vanquish The Weak {2022}
Cutthroat - A Decade Of Dishonour 1998-2008 [Compilation] {2022}
Cynabare Urne - Fire the Torches [Demo] {2016}
Cystic - Palace of Shadows {2023}
Cystic - Sworn Enemy of Life {2020}
D Aphelium - Profetian om dygden och plikten {2019}
Daagh – Daagh [EP] {2018}
Daedric Chamber – Black Marsh Eternal {2023}
Daemoniac Ecstasy - Crescendos Of Ululation [Demo] {2022}
Daemoniac Ecstasy - Promo MMXXII [Demo] {2022}
Daeva - Pulsing Dark Absorptions [EP] {2019}
Daeva - Through Sheer Will And Black Magic… {2022}
Dagger Lust - Siege Bondage Adverse to the Godhead {2018}
Dakhma - Blessings Of Amurdad {2021}
Dalkhu - Descend...into Nothingness {2015}
Dark Funeral - Vobiscum Satanas {1998}
Dark God - Cremation Of The Saint {2021}
Dark God - Slaughter All {2022}
Darkened - Defilers of the Light {2024}
Darkened - Kingdom of Decay {2020}
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Follow the Calls for Battle {2003}
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Nocturnal March {2004}
Darkestrah - ??nas {2013}
Darkreverie - Black Arts [Demo] {2016}
Darvaza - Ascending Into Perdition {2022}
Dauþuz - Grubenfall 1727 [EP] {2020}
Dauþuz - Uranium {2024}
Dauþuz - Vom schwarzen Schmied {2021}
Dauþuz - Vom schwarzen Schmied – Bergkgesænge {2022}
Dawn's Reflection - Demo MMXXIII [Demo] {2023}
Day of Execution - Dead Burning to Ashes [Re-Release] {2019}
De Gevreesde Ziekte - Ω [EP] {2020}
Dead Dog's Howl - Mausoleum of Confessed Thoughts [Demo] {2019}
Dead Head - Shadow Soul [EP] {2024}
Deadinside - That Life is our Worst Enemy {2013}
Deadspeak - Dissolve The Dreams [EP] {2021}
Death Epiphany - Traversing the Blood Mist [EP] {2021}
Death Invoker - Necromancy, Damnation, Revenge [EP] {2018}
Death Possession – Demo: Demiurge of Foul Form [Demo] {2024}
Death Vanish - Total Solitary Instinct [EP] {2019}
Death Wolf - IV: Come the Dark {2019}
Death Worship - Extermination Mass [Demo / Re-Release] {2018}
Death Worship – Reaping Majesty [EP] {2022}
Deathcircle - Feast Upon the World of Illusions {2022}
Deathcrush – Under Serpents Reign {2022}
Deathevn - Deathevn [EP] {2020}
Deathevokation - Blood [Demo] {2005}
Deathfucker - Devil's Fist [EP] {2019}
Deathfucker- Fuck The Trinity [Demo] {2017}
Deathhammer - Evil Power {2015}
Deathhammer – Electric Warfare {2022}
Deathless Void - Deathless Void [EP] {2022}
Deathrite - Delirium [EP / Re-Release] {2023}
Deathsiege - Throne of Heresy {2022}
Deathsiege - Unworthy Adversary [Demo] {2020}
Deathspell - Deathspell [EP] {2021}
Deathstorm - The Unfathomable {2018}
Deathvasstator - Nulclear Demo(n) MMXIX {2019}
Deathwards - Towards Death [Demo] {2018}
Decayed - Old Ghosts And Primeval Demons {2021}
Decaying - Beyond a Distant Front [EP] {2021}
Decaying - The Forgotten Conflict {2016}
Decaying Crypt - Demo MMXXI [Demo] {2022}
Decaying Remains - ...the Dead Will Walk the Earth [EP] {2021}
Deceased - Ghostly White {2018}
Deceased – Children Of The Morgue {2024}
Deceitome - Death is called Ethos {2016}
Decoherence - Ekpyrosis {2019}
Decompose To Ashes - In the Eternal Silence [EP] {2023}
Decomposed - Decomposed {2012}
Deconsecration - Demo [Demo] {2020}
Deconsecration / Re-Buried - Deconsecration / Re-Buried [Split] {2021}
Deconsekrated - The Hidden Paths [Demo] {2020}
Decrepisy - Emetic Communion {2021}
Décryptal - Sabazios Culte [Demo] {2023}
Deep Vein / Bloody Sign / Oppression - Split Tape [Split] {2004}
Defecrator / Ritual Genocide - Anti-Human Deathcult / Death Exalted [Split] {2017}
Defunto - Demo [Demo] {2021}
Defy The Curse - Horrors Of Human Sacrifice {2023}
Degraved - Exhumed Remnants [Demo] {2021}
Degraved - Whispered Morbidity [EP] {2023}
Degredo – A Noite Dos Tempos {2018}
Déhà / Humanity Defiled - So Humanity Burns [Split] {2021}
Dehiscence - Colony [EP] {2022}
Deicide - In the Minds of Evil {2013}
Deicide – Banished By Sin {2024}
Deimler - A Thousand Suns {2021}
Deiphage - Nuclear Cavalry [EP] {2023}
Deiphago - I, The Devil {2019}
Deiquisitor - Apotheosis {2023}
Deiquisitor - Towards Our Impending Doom {2019}
Dekapited - Sin Misericordia [EP] {2017}
Délice - Sillage {2018}
Dementia 13 - Ways of Enclosure {2015}
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes [Re-Release] {2022}
Demoncy – Black Star Gnosis {2023}
Demoncy – Diabolica Blasphemiae [EP] {2023}
Demonic Torment – Blood Lust [Demo] {2024}
Demored – Sickening Dreams {2018}
Denial of God - The Shapeless Mass [EP] {2019}
Denouncement Pyre - Forever Burning {2022}
Depravity - Grand Malevolence {2020}
Depresy - Sighting {1999}
Descent - Order of Chaos {2022}
Desecresy - Unveil In The Abyss {2022}
Desekryptor - Curse Of The Execrated [EP] {2023}
Desekryptor - Vortex Oblivion {2023}
Desekryptor / Draghkar - Desekryptor / Draghkar [Split] {2018}
Desert Crone - Distorted Solitude [Demo] {2015}
Desolate Shrine - Fires Of The Dying World {2022}
Deströyer 666 - Never Surrender {2022}
Deströyer 666 – Call of the Wild [EP] {2018}
Destroyer Attack - Solve et Coagula {2018}
Destruction Ritual - Destruction Ritual [Demo / Re-Release] {2021}
Destructo - Demonic Possession {2021}
Destruktor – Indomitable {2024}
Det Eviga Leendet - Lenience [Re-Release] {2019}
Deteriorot - The Rebirth {2023}
Dethroned - A Bridge to Eternal Darkness {2023}
Devastator - Baptised in Blasphemy {2020}
Devil’s Poison - Rehearsal 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Devilgroth - Morena {2016}
Devilgroth – Svyatogor {2021}
Devoid of Thought - Cosmic Apoptosis [Demo] {2019}
Devoid of Thought - Outer World Graves {2021}
Devouror - Diabolos Brigade {2022}
Diabolic Force - Praise of Satan {2018}
Diabolic Night - Beneath the Crimson Prophecy {2023}
Diabolic Night - Beyond the Realm {2019}
Diabolic Oath - Aischrolatreia [EP] {2022}
Diabolic Oath - Profane Death Exodus {2020}
Diabolic Oath – Oracular Hexations {2024}
Diabolical Fullmoon - The Depths Of The Slavic Country [EP] {2022}
Diabolical Fullmoon – Resurrection Of The Ancient Faith (Unholy Reborn Polish Black Metal Art) {2023}
Diabolical Masquerade - The Phantom Lodge {1997}
Diabolical Messiah - Satan Tottendemon Victory [Re-release] {2015}
Diabolique Nocturne Magicka - Aufklärung {2022}
Diabolizer - Khalkedonian Death {2021}
Dies Irae - Immolated {2000}
Diocletian – Inexorable Nexus {2024}
Dipygus - Bushmeat {2021}
Dipygus - Deathooze {2019}
Dipygus - Dipygus {2024}
Disabuse – Death Machines {2017}
Disburial – Dawn of Ancient Horrors [EP] {2018}
Disembodiment - Mutated Chaos [EP] {2021}
Disembody - Reigniting Hellfire {2021}
Disembowel [USA] - Echoes of Terror {2020}
Disfuneral – Disfuneral [EP / Re-Release] {2021}
Disgraved - Demo 2013 {2013}
Disguised Malignance – Entering The Gateways {2023}
Disharmony [GRE] - Messe de minuit [EP] {2019}
Disinterred - Demo MMXXIII {2013}
Disma - The Graveless Remains [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Dismember - Hate Campaign {2000}
Dismember – Death Metal {2023}
Dismorfia – Eclosion Repugnante [Demo] {2024}
Disorder [SLV] - Fuego Negro {2017}
Disrotter - Plague [Demo] {2020}
Disterror - Catharsis {2015}
Distrüster - Sic Semper Tyrannis {2022}
Djevel - Naa Skrider Natten Sort {2022}
Djevel - Tanker Som Rir Natten {2021}
Djevel – Natt Til Ende {2024}
Dodskold - Ödesriket {2021}
Dödsrit - Mortal Coil {2021}
Dold Vorde Ens Navn - Gjengangere i hjertets mørke [EP] {2019}
Doléance – Papillon Noir [EP] {2018}
Donarhall – Helvegr {2019}
Doodswens – Doodswens [Demo] {2019}
Dødsfall - När Mörkret Är På Väg {2022}
Dødsferd - Death Shall Purify the Wounds of Your Fragile Mortality {2020}
Dødsferd - The Parasitic Survival of the Human Race [Re-Release] {2020}
Dødsferd – Skotos [EP] {2021}
Dødsferd – Wrath {2024}
Dødskvad - Krønike I [Demo] {2020}
Dødskvad - Krønike II [EP] {2022}
Dracul's Grasp - Thy Eternal Labyrinth [Demo] {2022}
Draghkar - Beyond Despair, The Dawn Of Rebirth [Demo] {2019}
Drakorathos – Ode To The Majesty Of The Nightside [EP] {2024}
Draugnim – Verum Malum {2024}
Drawn And Quartered - Congregation Pestilence {2021}
Drawn And Quartered - Feeding Hell's Furnace {2012}
Dreadful Fate - The Sin of Sodom [Demo] {2017}
Dreadful Fate - Vengeance {2018}
Drekavac / Orgy Of Carrion – Drekavac / Orgy Of Carrion [Split] {2024}
Drengskapur / Häxenzijrkell - Drengskapur / Häxenzijrkell [Split] {2024}
Dripping Decay - Festering Grotesqueries {2023}
Dripping Decay - Watching You Rot [Demo] {2021}
Drudensang - Tuiflsrijt {2022}
Drudkh - All Belong to the Night {2022}
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora {2004}
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends {2003}
Drudkh - Кілька рядків архаїчною українською (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) {2019}
Drudkh / Hades Almighty - One Who Talks with the Fog / Pyre Era, Black! [Split] {2016}
Druid Lord - Relics Of The Dead {2022}
Druid Lord / Anatomia - Beyond Putrefaction / Horrid Fate [Split] {2022}
Duivel - Heiligschennis [EP] {2023}
Dune Mear - Crucifix Wound {2022}
Dungeon Keeper - Fortress Of Evil [EP] {2023}
Dungeon Steel - Bloodlust [EP] {2021}
Dungeon Steel - Night Entity [EP] {2022}
Dwellers Of The Twilight Void - Demo 1 [Demo] {2022}
Dying Remains - Entombed In Putrefaction [EP] {2023}
Dysylumn - Cosmogonie {2020}
Eaten Alive - Spawned by Gore {2020}
Ebony Tears - Tortura Insomniae {1997}
Echoes of Death - …In The Cemetery {2018}
Ectoplasma - Inferna Kabbalah {2022}
Ectoplasma – Skeletal Lifeforms [EP] {2016}
Ectospire - Formless Horror [Demo] {2023}
Ectovoid - Inner Death [EP] {2019}
Edoma - Immemorial Existence {2020}
Effigy [USA] - MCMXCII: Darkest Day [Demo] {2019}
Eggs Of Gomorrh - Rot Prophet [Re-release] {2016}
Eggs Of Gomorrh - Wombspreader {2022}
Eggs of Gomorrh / Sarinvomit - Encomium of Depraved Instincts [Split] {2019}
Ego - Predation [EP] {2020}
Eirik - Absque Praespero, Odium Repleti {2019}
Ekpyrosis [GER] – Deathtrips [EP] {2018}
Ellende - Lebensnehmer {2019}
Emanations - Omnia ex interiore incipiunt [Demo] {2018}
Embalmed Souls - Journey Through Bizarre [Demo / Re-Release] {2018}
Embalmer - Embalmed Alive {2019}
Embodied Spectre - Invocant l'esperit Maligne {2023}
Embra - Abjection {2018}
Embrace Of Thorns - Entropy Dynamics {2022}
Empty Throne - Glossolalia [EP] {2021}
Encoffined - Casket Citadel {2019}
Encoffined - Cloak of Despondency [EP] {2021}
Encryptment - Dödens Födsel {2022}
Endlichkeit - Endlichkeit I II [Demo] {2013}
Enevelde - Enevelde {2020}
Enevelde - Gravgang [EP] {2021}
Enfleshment – Cellar Death [Demo] {2021}
Engulfed - Through the Eternal Damnation {2012}
Engulfed - Unearthly Litanies of Despair {2024}
Enisum - Moth's Illusion {2019}
Enon Chapel - Enon Chapel [EP] {2019}
Ensepulcher - No Sanctity in Death [Demo] {2017}
Enthroned - Cold Black Suns {2019}
Entombed A.D. - Dead Dawn {2016}
Entrancement - Of Passion's Cruelty {2023}
Entrench - Through the Walls of Flesh {2017}
Envig – Gutwound {2022}
Enwretch - Sermon of the Dead [Demo] {2020}
Epitaphe - Demo MMXVII [Demo] {2018}
Epitaphe - II {2022}
Ereb Altor - Järtecken {2019}
Ergot de Seigle - Demo II [Demo] {2022}
Erstwhile – Sorrow Swales [EP] {2023}
Eruptive - Cerebral Rottenness [Demo] {2019}
Eruptive / Engrossed / Vorus / Rotheads - Into the Bottomless Pit [Split] {2019}
Essence of Blasphemers - Calyx of Black Metal Blood {2020}
Estenosis - Orgía Necrofílica [Demo] {2023}
Eternal – Cryptic Lust {2024}
Eternal – Faceless Evil [EP] {2023}
Eternal Armageddon - Black Thrash Bastards [Demo] {2015}
Eternal Evil - Rise of Death [Demo] {2020}
Eternal Rot - Moribound {2023}
Eternal Rot - Promo Tape 2013 {2013}
Eternal Rot - Putridarium {2020}
Eternal Rot / Coffins - Eternal Rot / Coffins [Split] {2021}
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation [Re-Release] {2022}
Eucharist - I Am the Void {2022}
Eucharist - Mirrorworlds [Re-Release] {2022}
Eucharist - The Demo Years 1989 - 1992 [Compilation] {2022}
Euthanized - Sanguine Spectacle {2021}
Evergreen Refuge – Skyward {2019}
Evil [JAP] - The Gate of Hell [Demo] {2018}
Evil [JAP] / Siege Column - Evil / Siege Column [Split] {2019}
Evil Angel - Unholy Evil Metal {2019}
Evil Might – Demo II [Demo] {2021}
Evil Priest - Black Seeds...of Creation [EP] {2018}
Evil Priest - Evil Priest [Demo] {2016}
Evil Warriors - Fall from Reality {2018}
Evilfeast - Mysteries of the Nocturnal Forest [Re-Release] {2018}
Evoker – Demo 2018 [Demo] {2018}
Evulse - Call of the Void [Demo] {2018}
Evulse - Pustulant Spawn [Demo] {2020}
Excarnated Entity - Stillborn in Ash [Demo] {2019}
Excaved - The Rotten Touch [Demo] {2023}
Excoriate [CHL] - ..Of The Ghastly Stench [Demo] {2017}
Excrement – Flesh & Blood [Demo / Re-Release] {2023}
Exhumation - Twilight Of The Funebre Night [Demo] {2022}
Exhumation [IDN] - Eleventh Formulae {2020}
Exhumed - To The Dead {2022}
Exitium - Punishment Of Blasphemer [EP] {2022}
Exorcised - Reflections of Horror [Demo] {2012}
Expunged - Expunged [EP] {2020}
Exsul - Allegoresis [EP] {2021}
Exsul - Exsul [EP] {2020}
Extinguished - Vomitous Manifestations [Demo] {2022}
Extirpation - A Damnation's Stairway to the Altar of Failure {2019}
Extremity - Coffin Birth {2018}
Eyemaster - Charcoaled Remains / Festering Slime [Demo] {2021}
Eyemaster - Conjuration Of Flesh [EP] {2023}
Fabricant – Drudge To The Thicket {2023}
Faceless Burial - At The Foothills Of Deliration {2022}
Faceless Burial - Demo 2015 [Demo] {2015}
Faceless Burial - Multiversial Abattior [EP] {2018}
Faceless Burial - Speciation {2020}
Faceless Entity - The Great Anguish Of Rapture {2022}
Faidra – Militant : Penitent : Triumphant {2023}
Faithxtractor - Proverbial Lambs To The Ultimate Slaughter {2018}
Fallen Angel [USA] - Transcend with the Dead and Rotten [Demo] {2019}
Falls of Rauros - Key to a Vanishing Future {2022}
Famishgod - Rotting Ceremony {2021}
Father Befouled - Anointed in Darkness - Live in Europe {2020}
Father Befouled - Crowned In Veneficum {2022}
Father Befouled - Immaculate Pain [EP] {2024}
Feculent - The Grotesque Arena [EP] {2021}
Feeble Deity – Compendium Opus [Compilation] {2023}
Felvum - Fullmoon Mysticism [EP] {2022}
Feral - To Usurp the Thrones {2024}
Feral Howl - Atavistic Meditations [Demo / Re-Release] {2023}
Ferum - Vergence [EP] {2018}
Fervent – Initiation [Demo] {2018}
Fessus – Pilgrims Of Morbidity [Demo] {2023}
Festerdecay - Reality Rotten To The Core {2023}
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Fellatrix {2018}
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Hóstia {2018}
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Pornokrates: Gratias Dei [Re-Release] {2018}
Filthdigger - Defied Mummified [EP] {2019}
Filthdigger - Demo 2 (Remastered) [Demo] {2015}
Fjøsnisse – Vord {2021}
Flageladör - Predileção pelo Macabro {2018}
Flagg - Cosmic Chaos Manifest {2021}
Flagg - Nothing but Death {2020}
Flame Acausal - Contra Mundum in Aeternum [Demo – Re-Release] {2018}
Flesh Crusher - Bastardized [Demo] {2022}
Flesh Crusher - Demonic Possession [Demo] {2022}
Fleshcrawl - As Blood Rains from the Sky... We Walk the Path of Endless Fire {2000}
Fleshgrind - Demo Days [Compilation] {2021}
Fleshgrind - Destined For Defilement [Re-Release] {2022}
Fleshrot - Demo 2020 [Demo] {2020}
Fleshrot - Unburied Corpse {2022}
Flešš - Frenzied Bloodlust Underneath a Black Moon [Re-Release] {2019}
Flešš - Volume I [Demo / Re-Release] {2019}
Fluids - Fluids Of Death [Compilation] {2020}
Fluids - Fluids Of Death 2 [Compilation] {2022}
Fluids - Not Dark Yet {2021}
Fluisteraars - Bloem {2020}
Fluisteraars – Gegrepen door de geest der zielsontluiking {2021}
Fluisteraars / Turia - De Oord [Split] {2018}
Fonsadera - Macabre Damp [Demo] {2021}
Forbidden Temple - Baphohearsals [Demo] {2022}
Forbidden Temple - Step Into The Black Pentagram {2022}
Forbidden Temple - VI [Demo] {2019}
Forbidden Tomb / Nansarunai - Forbidden Tomb / Nansarunai [Split] {2021}
Formicarius - Rending the Veil of Flesh {2019}
Forsmán - Dönsum í logans ljóma [EP] {2021}
Fortress of the Olden Days - Verlassenheit {2020}
Fossilization - He Whose Name Was Long Forgotten [EP] {2021}
Fossilization - Leprous Daylight {2023}
Fossilized - Remnants Of Decimation [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Foul - Of Worms [EP] {2018}
Foul Decay - Sullied as They Are by Rot and Putrefaction [Demo] {2019}
Fratricide - Horrible Deformities [Demo] {2020}
From the Hellmouth / Mutilatred - From the Hellmouth / Mutilatred [Split] {2017}
Front – Antichrist Militia [EP] {2020}
Front Beast – Shadows [EP] {2019}
Frosten - With Sigils and Infernal Signs [EP] {2020}
Frozen Blood - Revenge [Demo] {2023}
Frozen Soul - Crypt of Ice {2021}
Frozen Soul - Encased in Ice [Demo] {2019}
Fuil Na Seanchoille - The Crossing {2019}
Fumes - Stellar Murders Upwards [EP] {2022}
Fumes / Thorn - Fumes / Thorn [Split] {2021}
Funeral - Catacumbas {2021}
Funeral - Llamada Funebre {2022}
Funeral Chant [COL] - When Death Is Coming [Demo] {2016}
Funeral Fullmoon - Revelation of Evil {2020}
Funeral Fullmoon – Unholy Kingdom Of Diabolic Emperors {2023}
Funeral Harvest - Redemptio {2022}
Funeral Storm – Arcane Mysteries {2019}
Funeral Storm – Chthonic Invocations {2024}
Funeral Vomit – Monumental Putrescence {2023}
Funeral Whore - Live Rituals of Death {2016}
Funeral Whore - Phantasm {2016}
Funeral Whore - Stepped into Damnation {2012}
Funeral Winds - Gruzelementen {2021}
Funeral Winds - Sinister Creed {2018}
Funeral Winds - Stigmata Mali {2023}
Funeralium - Decrepit {2021}
Funeralium - Of Throes and Blight {2017}
Gallows Rites - Witchcraft and Necro Desecration [EP] {2023}
Galvanizer - Prying Sight Of Imperception {2021}
Galvanizer - Sanguine Vigil {2018}
Gam – Alt Hans Væsen {2023}
Garden of Eyes - Fetid.Rotted.Cursed [Demo] {2020}
Gärgäntuäh - Dödenlicht [Demo / Re-Release] {2021}
Gastric Phantasm - Gastric Phantasm [Demo] {2021}
Gaua - Feeble Psychotic Vortex [EP] {2019}
Geheimnisvoll - Venomous Sorcery Through Hidden Darkness [EP] {2019}
Gehenna - Unravel {2013}
Gelkhammar – Cossyra [EP] {2018}
Gennembore - Demo [Demo] {2023}
Genocidal Rites - Exsanguination Of The Gods [EP] {2023}
Genocidal Rites – Eternal Samhain [EP] {2023}
Genuflexión - Apoteosis Fallida {2018}
Gevlerkt – De Grote Sterfte {2017}
Ghastly - Mercurial Passages {2021}
Ghül - Land of Shadow {2023}
Gitrog - Spectral Heraldry {2018}
Givre - Le Pressoir Mystique [Re-Release] {2022}
Gjendød – Livskramper {2024}
Glass Coffin - Remnants of a Cold Dead World [Re-Release] {2020}
Gloam / Obscure Evil - Gloam / Obscure Evil [Split] {2018}
Glutted Swarm – …Of Old {2024}
Goat Disciple - Wolfcult Domination [EP] {2018}
Goat Semen – Fuck Christ [EP] {2024}
Goat Terror - Unholy March [Demo] {2019}
Goat Tyrant - Towards the Threshold of Death [EP] {2021}
Goatcorpse / Gotthammer - Goatcorpse / Gotthammer [Split] {2024}
Goatcraft - Spheres Below {2020}
Goathammer [CAN] - Ceremony of Morbid Destruction {2018}
Goatkraft / Goathammer - Cemetery Violence [Split] {2020}
Goats of Doom - Rukous {2018}
Goats of Doom - Shiva {2021}
Goats of Doom - Tie on hänen omilleen {2020}
GoatScrote - Humanity Must Be Destroyed [Demo] {2023}
Goatsmegma - Demonic Goat Smegma Eating Ritual {2019}
God Disease - Hymns For Human Extinction [EP] {2019}
Golden Ashes - A Lightless Christ Shuns The Crown Of Divinity {2021}
Golgot - Estrangement I: Floodline [Demo] {2019}
Golgothan Remains - Adorned in Ruin {2022}
Golgothan Remains - Golgothan Remains [Demo] {2016}
Golgothan Remains - Perverse Offerings to the Void {2018}
Gorekaust - Putrefied Icon [EP] {2021}
Gorgon - The Veil Of Darkness {2019}
Gorgonaut - The Foul and the Feral {2014}
Gosudar - Demo '18 [Demo] {2019}
Gosudar - Morbid Despotic Ritual {2021}
Gosudar / Malignant Altar - Gosudar / Malignant Altar [Split] {2022}
Gotthammer - Godslaying Sonic Barbarism [Demo] {2023}
Gotthammer – Ancient Nature [EP] {2024}
Gouffre – Demo III [Demo] {2023}
Grabunhold - Heldentod {2021}
Graceless - Chants From Purgatory {2022}
Graceless - Shadowlands {2017}
Graceless - Where Vultures Know Your Name {2020}
Grafjammer - De Zoute Kwel {2020}
Grafjammer – De Tyfus, de Teerling {2025}
Grafskymf - Dräpt Af Myrens Rå [Demo / Re-Release] {2020}
Grafvitnir - Death's Wings Widespread {2020}
Grafvitnir - Tunes of Sitra Ahra {2022}
Grafvitnir – NâHásh [Re-Release] {2020}
Gråinheim - Aries [Demo] {2019}
Grandeur - Aurea Aetas [EP] {2021}
Granulated - Demo [Demo] {2020}
Gråt Strigoi - Alt dette har skjedd før, alt dette vil skje igjen {2019}
Grausamkeit - FCK God - Staring into Darkness [EP] {2020}
Grave Desecrator - Immundissime Spiritus {2023}
Grave Eater - Erotic Foul Odours [Demo] {2020}
Grave Infestation - Infestation of Rotting Death [Demo] {2019}
Grave Infestation – Infesticide [Demo] {2018}
Grave Miasma - Abyss Of Wrathful Deities {2021}
Grave Plague - The Infected Crypts [Demo] {2016}
Grave Troll - The Diseased And The Hunted [EP] {2022}
Graveater - ... Of Harrowing Remains [Demo] {2022}
Gravecrusher - Mutilation Ritual [Demo] {2012}
Gravedäncer - Ripping Metal [Demo] {2021}
Gravedäncer - Unholy Bond [Demo] {2021}
Graveir - King of the Silent World {2021}
Graveland / Commander Agares - Awakening of the Storms [Split] {2022}
Gravered - Non [EP] {2018}
Graves - Ascensão Do Impiedoso [Demo] {2019}
Gravesend - Methods of Human Disposal {2021}
Gravesite - Obsessed by the Macabre [Demo] {2014}
Gravesite – Neverending Trail of Skulls {2017}
Gravestalker - In Plastic We Swarm [EP] {2021}
Gravestone [SWE] – Sickening {2018}
Graveyard - Hold Back the Dawn {2019}
Graveyard - One With Dead {2009}
Graveyard - The Altar of Sculpted Skulls [EP] {2011}
Graveyard Ghoul - The Dissolution Of Flesh [EP] {2019}
Graveyard Ghoul / Cryptic Brood - The Graveyard Brood [Split] {2014}
Gravsatt - Gravsatt [Demo] {2014}
Grim Fate – Emerging from the Crypt [EP] {2018}
Grim Fate – Perished in Torment {2020}
Grima - Frostbitten {2022}
Grimfaug - Defloration of Life's Essence {2007}
Grógaldr / Kommodus - Howling Sanguine Triumph [Split] {2019}
Grotesqueries - Haunted Mausoleum [EP] {2022}
Grotesqueries - Vile Crematory {2023}
Gruesome - Savage Land {2015}
Gryftigæn - Wurmwaldgaistoz {2023}
Grymmstalt - Anthems Of Mournful Despondency {2022}
Grymmstalt - Endlichkeit [Demo] {2022}
Gutless - High Impact Violence {2024}
Gutless - Mass Extinction [Demo] {2018}
Guts – Decay {2023}
Gutvoid - Astral Bestiary [EP] {2019}
Gutvoid - Breathing Obelisk [EP] {2024}
Gutvoid - Durance of Lightless Horizons {2022}
Haalbuaer - Mortal Ones Scream in Horror {2021}
Haan Valar – Devotion To Xemzara [Demo] {2024}
Hacavitz - Nex Nihil {2018}
Had – Had [EP] {2020}
Hail Conjurer - Earth Penetration {2022}
Hail Conjurer – Satanic Phenomenology {2024}
Hajduk - Кръв [EP] {2019}
Hajduk - Природа [EP] {2019}
Hajduk - Свобода [EP] {2019}
Hak-ed Damm - Holocaust over Dresden {2017}
Hallucinate - From The Bowels Of The Earth {2023}
Halphas - The Infernal Path into Oblivion {2019}
Hammer Of Gore - Beheaded And Stuffed With Feces [Demo] {2022}
Hammer Of Gore - Mutilated And Forgotten [Demo] {2022}
Hammr - Eternal Possession {2022}
Hammr – Unholy Destruction {2018}
Hån - Breathing the Void {2021}
Hanghedief - Overduyvelsche Boosheit [EP] {2022}
Hangöver - Terrorbeer [Demo] {2002}
Har - Anti-Shechinah [Demo] {2019}
Har – Visitation [EP] {2017}
Har Shatan - Manum Inicere Alicui {2022}
Harvest Gulgaltha - Ancient Woods {2022}
Haste - Veracious Bastion [EP] {2023}
Hate Forest - Hour of the Centaur {2020}
Hate Forest – Innermost {2022}
Hate Forest – Justice [EP] {2024}
HateCrime [RUS] - Война, которой нет (A War That Doesn't Exist) {2018}
Hatecrowned - Warpact in Black [EP] {2013}
Hatevomit / Nunslaughter - Hatevomit / Nunslaughter [Split] {2019}
Haunted Cenotaph - Abyssal Menace {2020}
Haunted Cenotaph - Nightmares from Beyond [Demo] {2018}
Haunter - Discarnate Ails {2022}
Haunting Figure - Demo I [Demo / Re-Release] {2023}
Havohej - Table of Uncreation {2019}
Hæksenhamer – Heimat (Foul Folk Crusade) [EP] {2024}
Headhunter D.C. -
In Unholy Mourning
Headless Dawn - Crap On Demand {2022}
Heads for the Dead - Into the Red {2020}
Heads For The Dead - The Great Conjuration {2022}
Hecatomb - Horrid Invocations [Demo] {2020}
Hedonist - Sepulchral Lacerations [Demo] {2022}
Hegemony - Demo MMXVI [Demo] {2016}
Hegemony - Enthroned by Persecution {2020}
Heimdalls Wacht - Der Untergang Der Alten Welt {2006}
Heinous - Ritual, Blood and Mysterious Dawn {2022}
Heinous Rite - Rituals of Disgust [Demo] {2023}
Hekseblad - The Fall Of Cintra [EP] {2022}
Hekseblad – Kaer Morhen {2024}
Hekseblad / Vér / Nachtheir - Abattoir Dust Vol. 2 [Split] {2022}
Hell Icon / Princeps Daemonum - Icono Infernorum Et Daemonium Malevoli [Split] {2015}
Hell Konfessor - Hell Konfessor {2019}
Hell Strike – Hellstrike [EP] {2021}
Hell Trepanner - Entrance to Hell [Demo] {2017}
Hell's Coronation - Antichrist Devotion [EP] {2017}
Hell's Coronation - Ritual Chalice of Hateful Blood {2019}
Hell's Coronation - Silver Knife Mysticism [EP] {2021}
Hell's Coronation - Unholy Blades of the Devil [EP] {2018}
Hellcrash - Demonic Assassinatiön {2023}
Hellcrash - Krvcifix Invertör {2021}
Helleruin - Devils, Death and Dark Arts {2023}
Helleruin / De Gevreesde Ziekte - Invincible / Ω [Split] {2022}
Hellevaerder - In De Nevel Van Afgunst {2022}
Hellfire [UKR] – Goat Revenge [EP] {2017}
HellGoat - A Sign of Evil to Come {2022}
Hellgoat - Den Hornbekläddes Återkomst [EP] {2021}
Hellish - The Vermis Mysteriis [EP] {2021}
Hellish Grave - Hell No Longer Waits {2019}
Hellkult - The Collection [Compilation] {2004}
Hellmoon - Undying Blackened Glory {2020}
Hellmoon / Glemt - In Bloodthirst and Pyromancy [Split] {2020}
Helsang - Helheim: Der Weg in die Ewigkeit {2022}
Helslave - From the Sulphur Depths {2021}
Heltekvad - Morgenrødens Helvedesherre {2022}
Helvellyn - The Lore of the Cloaked Assembly {2022}
Hemorrhoid - Raw Materials of Decay {2024}
Henosis - Apotheosis Pulsio CLVI [10”] {2014}
Herculean Death – Glory Of Death’s Triumph {2024}
Heretic Cult Redeemer - Flagellum Universalis {2023}
Heretic Ritual - War - Desecration - Genocide / Passages of Infinite Hatred {2020}
Herugrim – Demo XXMMII [Demo] {2022}
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphilia - Demo DCLXVI [Demo] {2023}
Hexekration Rites - Desekration Manifesto [EP] {2019}
Hexenbrett - Erste Beschwörung [EP] {2019}
Hexerei - Ancient Evil Spirits {2021}
Hexivoid - The Beckoning of Celestial Tendrils {2020}
Hexorcist - Evil Reaping Death {2021}
Hibernus Mortis - The Monoliths of Cursed Slumber {2022}
Hideous Death - Remnants of Archaic Evil [Demo] {2021}
Himonas - To the Battlements {2013}
Hinterkaifeck - Kak [Demo] {2020}
Hinterland - A Wild Lament {2023}
Hjemsøkt - Mystikk og mørke [EP] {2023}
Hjemsøkt - Om vinteren, på en sort trone {2024}
Hogstul - Ominous Fragmenta Tuptdalr {2021}
Hohenstein - Weisser Hirsch {2020}
Hollow Woods - Endless Trails [Demo] {2020}
Hollowed Idols - Morbid Ascendancy [EP] {2018}
Holocausto - Diário de Guerra {2019}
Holocausto – Guerra Total [Demo] {2018}
Holycide - Annihilate... Then Ask! {2017}
Holycide - Fist to Face {2020}
Holycide - Toxic Mutation [EP] {2015}
Hooded Menace - The Tritonus Bell {2021}
Hormagaunt - In The Flesh {2022}
Horna – Nyx – Hymnejä Yölle {2024}
Horrendous - Anareta {2015}
Horrified [UK] - Of Despair {2016}
Horripilant - Embrace the Obsession [EP] {2020}
Höstblod - Mörkrets intåg {2018}
Hot Graves - Haunted Graves [EP] {2020}
Hulder - Benighted In Blood {2022}
Hulder - De Oproeping van Middeleeuwse Duisternis {2019}
Hulder - Embraced by Darkness Mysts [EP] {2019}
Hulder - Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry {2021}
Hulder - The Eternal Fanfare [EP] {2022}
Hulder – Verses In Oath {2024}
Human Agony - Goring Christ [EP] {2018}
Human Corpse Abuse - Xenoviscerum {2022}
Hunters Moon - The Great Pandemonium {2021}
Huoripukki - Ikuinen kamppailu {2021}
Hyperdontia - A Vessel Forlorn {2019}
Hyperdontia - Deranged [EP] {2023}
Hyperdontia - Hideous Entity {2021}
Iätön – Korpimaille [Demo] {2024}
Iätön – Loitsutulet [Demo] {2023}
Ibex Angel Order - I.Ô. Creatôr / I.Ô. Destrôyer [EP] {2019}
Idolatria - Tetrabestiarchy {2020}
Ieschure - Evil Spirit [Single] {2023}
Ieschure - The Mystic Fields [EP] {2023}
Ieschure – When The Darkness Comes {2024}
Ifernach - Skin Stone Blood Bone {2019}
Ignivomous - Hieroglossia {2019}
Ignobleth – Voidspawn Sacrifice [Demo] {2024}
Illkynja - Sæti Sálarinnar {2020}
Illness - Hailing The 90's Cult [EP] {2022}
Illum Adora - Miasma Of A Damned Soul {2022}
Illum Adora – Ophidian Kult {2021}
Imha Tarikat - Sternenberster {2020}
Immolation - Acts of God {2022}
Immortal – The Nothern Upir’s Death [Compilation] {2023}
Immortal Death – Immortal Death [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
Impaled Nazarene - Eight Headed Serpent {2021}
Impaled Nazarene - Nihil {2000}
Impaled Nazarene - Rapture {1998}
Imperium Dekadenz - Into Sorrow Evermore {2023}
Impiety - Skullfucking Armageddon {1999}
Imprecation - In Nomine Diaboli {2022}
Imprecation / Black Blood Invocation - Diabolical Flames Of The Ascended Plague [Split] {2019}
Impugner - Advent of the Wretched {2022}
Impure - Satan's Eclipse {2019}
Impure - Transfixed in Limbo [EP] {2018}
In Obscurity Revealed - Glorious Impurity {2019}
In Obscurity Revealed - Spell of the Seeker [Demo] {2016}
Incantation - Diabolical Conquest {1998}
Incantation - Unholy Deification {2023}
Incarceration - Empiricism [EP] {2021}
Incarceration - Sacrifice [EP] {2013}
Incarnated - Choirs Of The Dead [Compilation] {2021}
Incinerator – Concept Of Cruelty {2018}
Incinerator [NOR] - Awakened by Evil [EP] {2019}
Incongruous - Upheaval Of Autophagus Wisdom [EP] {2022}
Inert - Obliteration of the Self [Demo] {2016}
Inexistência / Werewolf Bloodorder / Promethean Gate / Windspirit - Sorceries Of Blood And Iron [Split] {2023}
Inexorable - Sea of Dead Consciousness [EP] {2015}
Infernaculum – Esperma De Satanás [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
Infernal Execrator - Diabolatry {2023}
Infernal Storm - On Thorns Ov Hell [EP] {2021}
Inferno - Paradeigma (Phosphenes of Aphotic Eternity) {2021}
Inferno Requiem - Nüwa [Re-Release] {2020}
Inferno Requiem - Primitive Outburst {2018}
Inferno Requiem - Shanhai {2019}
Inferno Requiem - Vultures [EP] {2021}
Infested - Grotesque Remains [EP] {2021}
Infested Angel - Submit to Death [EP] {2022}
Infesticide - Envenoming Wounds {2020}
Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed - Infesticide / In Obscurity Revealed [Split] {2021}
Infestment - Human Altar [Demo] {2020}
Infestment - Maggots in Your Brain [Demo] {2020}
Infidel Reich - Reichenstein {2019}
Infidel Reich – Infidel Reich [EP] {2017}
Inisans - Transition {2018}
Initiation – Initiation [Demo] {2019}
Innumerable Forms - Despotic Rule [Demo] {2020}
Innumerable Forms - Philosophical Collapse {2022}
Inquisition – Veneration Of Medieval Mysticism And Cosmological Violence {2024}
Inquisitor - Dungeons of Fear [Demo] {2016}
Inquisitor - Stigmata Me, I'm in Misery {2017}
Inquisitor - Walpurgis Sabbath of Lust {2014}
Insatanity - Hymns of the Gods Before {2020}
Insineratehymn - Disembodied {2022}
Intellect Devourer - Demons of the Skull {2020}
Interment Ashes – Interment Ashes [EP] {2022}
Internal Suffering - Supreme Knowledge Domain {1999}
Internment – Chained to the Moon [Re-Release] {2023}
Intestinal Hex - The Exalted Chambers of Abhorrence {2021}
Intestine Baalism - An Anatomy of the Beast [Re-Release] {2022}
Into Coffin - Unconquered Abysses {2019}
Intolerance - Dark Paths of Humanity {2022}
Intolerance - Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void {2024}
Intolerance [ESP] - Laments from the Dripstone Cave [EP] {2020}
Intolerant - Primal Future {2020}
Inverted Cross - Summoning the Dead [Demo] {2012}
Invocation [CHL] - Attunement to Death [EP] {2020}
Invocation Spells - Spread Cruelty in the Abyss {2018}
Irae - Dangerovz Magick Zpells from the Mesziah of Death [EP] {2021}
Irae - Lurking in the Depths {2020}
Irillion - Fatanya [EP] {2020}
Iron Firmament – Empyrean Blood [EP] {2023}
Iron Tomb - Vile Retribution [EP] {2022}
Irrlycht - Wolfish Grandeur {2021}
Iselder - Cynefin {2023}
Iselder - Shattered [EP] {2022}
Ish Kerioth - Under Unclean Wings [EP] {2020}
Iskandr - Euprosopon {2018}
Iskandr – Heilig Land {2016}
Isolert - World in Ruins {2020}
Iteru – Ars Moriendi [EP] {2018}
Jammerskrik - Innlemmet I Mørke [Re-Release] {2021}
Jernved - Hvor natten ej med dagen skifter [Demo] {2022}
Jernved - Stormvarsel [Demo] {2021}
Jesus Wept – Apartheid Redux [EP] {2020}
Jonefago - Mighty Royal Blood {2017}
Journey into Darkness - Infinite Universe Infinite Death {2021}
JT Ripper - Gathering of the Insane {2018}
Judaswiege - Ashes of the Heretic [EP] {2018}
Just Before Dawn - A War Too Far {2023}
Just Before Dawn - Battle-Sight Zeroing [EP] {2022}
Just Before Dawn - In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow [EP] {2021}
Just Before Dawn – Tides of Blood {2018}
K.F.R. - Pain/Ter {2023}
Kaal Akuma - Turiya [EP] {2023}
Kabexnuv - To Be Dead Amongst the Living [EP] {2020}
Kadavereich - Radiance of Doom [EP] {2022}
Kaeck - Stormkult {2015}
Kaldeket - Vitiate [Demo] {2021}
Kalkü - Oscuras puertas del infinito {2024}
Kalmankantaja - Metsäuhri {2022}
Kalmankantaja - Talvisota [EP] {2022}
Kalmankantaja - Waiennut {2022}
Kalmankantaja / Hadak Ura - Kalmankantaja / Hadak Ura [Split] {2022}
Kamra - Cerebral Alchemy {2022}
Kapala - Termination Apex [EP] {2019}
Karg - Dornenvögel {2018}
Karg - Traktat {2020}
Karner - Untam Liacht Tota Stern {2022}
Kastijder - Kastijder [Demo] {2021}
Kasturn - Rehearsal Promo 23 [Demo] {2023}
Kawir - Αδράστεια {2019}
Keep Of Kalessin - Katharsis {2023}
Kerasfóra - Denn die Todten Reiten Schnell [Demo] {2021}
Keys To The Astral Gates And Mystic Doors – II [Demo] {2024}
Khandra - All is of no avail {2017}
Khaos - ...Encircles Us ... [Demo] {2019}
Khar Sulde - The Black Banners of Cosmic War {2020}
Khazad Dûm [BRA] - Khásma {2019}
Khors - Де слово набуває вічності (Where the Word Acquires Eternity) {2020}
Kiira / Svartsejd - Kiira / Svartsejd [Split] {2022}
Kiloton – World War V [Compilation] {2024}
Kinahmi – Birth of the Nine Diseases {2024}
Klanen / Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Klanen / Ceremonial Crypt Desecration [Split] {2021}
Knelt Rote - Alternity {2018}
Kobold - Masterpace {2019}
Koffin - Nailed Into The Coffin [Demo] {2020}
Kommand - Death Age {2023}
Kommandant - Blood Eel {2018}
Korpsesoturi – Korpskrist {2020}
Kõukude Tants - Lyndanise Ood [EP] {2021}
Krater- Venenare {2019}
Kratti - Demo 2023 [Demo] {2023}
Kratti – Matka Kohti Kosmista {2024}
Krigsgrav - The Sundering {2021}
Kristillis-Kansallis-Konservatiivinen Suur-Suomi - Rakas seurakunta... [Demo] {2023}
Krolok - Funeral Winds & Crimson Sky {2021}
Krushhammer – Speed Blacking Hell [EP] {2020}
Krvna - For Thine Is the Kingdom of the Flesh {2022}
Krvna – Sempinfernus {2021}
Krypta Nicestwa / Forest Mysticism - Mirrors of Glaciated Earth [Split] {2019}
Kryptamok - Profaani [Demo] {2018}
Kryptamok - Verisaarna {2020}
Krypthall - Primitive & Macabre [Compilation] {2023}
Krypts - Cadaver Circulation {2019}
Krypts - Remnants of Expansion {2016}
Kūka’ilimoku - Pahu O Ka Ua {2021}
Kūkāʻilimoku / Chevallier Skrog - Kūkāʻilimoku / Chevallier Skrog [Split] {2022}
Kurnugia - Forlorn and Forsaken {2020}
Kvad - Cold & Dark, As Life {2022}
Kvaen - The Great Below {2022}
Kveldstimer – Scripture of the Woods [Demo] {2024}
Kyrios – Saturnal Chambers [EP] {2020}
Kyūketsuki - In Hell I Shall be King {2024}
L'Acéphale - L'Acéphale {2019}
Laceration – Demise {2021}
Laceration – I Erode {2024}
Lament in Winter's Night / Night's Threshold - Lament in Winter's Night / Night's Threshold [Split] {2021}
Lament in Winter's Night / Obsidian Grave - Yearning for Darker Days [Split] {2022}
Larvae - Acid Horror Cult [EP] {2022}
Larvae - Necroptuary [EP] {2019}
Last Retch - Demo [Demo] {2021}
Lavatory - Morbid Terror {2014}
Leeches - A Plague in the Heart of Light [Demo] {2020}
Leprophiliac - Caskets of Flesh [EP] {2019}
Leprophiliac - Necrosis {2020}
Levendleed - Algehele Malaise {2020}
Levendleed – Demo [Demo] {2019}
Leviathan – The First Sublevel of Suicide {2017}
Licht des Urteils - Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Lie In Ruins - Floating In Timeless Streams {2020}
Lifeblind - Demo ’15 [Demo] {2015}
Lifeless - Godconstruct {2013}
Lifvsleda - Det Besegrade Lifvet {2020}
Lifvsleda – Evangelii Härold {2024}
Likno – Likno {2024}
Limbonic Art - The Ultimate Death Worship {2002}
Litha - Litha {2023}
Liturgy of Desecration - And the Goat of Sodomy Commands... [EP] {2018}
Liturgy Of Desecration – Spiritual Anticosmic Warspells [EP] {2023}
Live Burial - Curse of the Forlorn {2022}
Lividity - Rejoice In Morbidity [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Loferogh – Sanctimonious Rectitudinous [Compilation] {2023}
Lord Gore - Scalpels for Blind Surgeons {2019}
Lord of Doubts - Into The Occult {2014}
Lord of Pagathorn - Age of Curse {2021}
Lord Valtgryftåke - Renaissance From A Bitter Twilight [Demo] {2022}
Lore – Altars Of The Precipice Possession [EP] {2023}
Lore Liege - Dreams Of A Forgotten Curse [EP] {2022}
Luciferian Ceremony – Goatlust Ritual [Demo] {2023}
Lucifericon - The Occult Waters {2012}
Lucifericon - The Warlock Of Da'ath {2022}
Luctum - Ashes of the Titans {2020}
Lungtoucher - The Ninth Incantation {2022}
Luring - Inimicitias Veteres Vulneribus Desperatione [Demo] {2020}
Lurking – Self-Induced Hysteria [Demo] {2022}
Lvcifyre - The Broken Seal {2021}
Lycanthropic Winter Moon - Nocturnal Wampyric Terror {2019}
Macabra - …To the Bone {2015}
Macabre - Carnival of Killers {2020}
Macabre Decay - Into Oblivion {2021}
Maeglin / Ancient North - Summoned From Nexion [Split] {2023}
Majestic Mass - Savage Empire of Death {2018}
Majestic Terror - Natural Darkness [Demo] {2019}
Majesties - Vast Reaches Unclaimed {2023}
Mal Du Siècle - Dark Ceremonies under A Cursed Moon [Demo] {2017}
Malakhim - Demo I [Demo] {2018}
Maldito - O Renascer, O Crer [Demo] {2020}
Malediction – The Soil Throne [EP] {2023}
Malefic Throne - Malefic Throne [EP] {2022}
Mäleficentt - Night of the Spectral Vision [Demo] {2019}
Malevolent Creation - The Will to Kill {2002}
Malicious – Deranged Hexes {2020}
Malign - Demo 1/95 [Re-Release] {2020}
Malignament - Demo I [Demo] {2019}
Malignant - Purity Through Putrefaction [EP] {2018}
Malignant Altar - Realms of Exquisite Morbidity {2021}
Malignant Altar - Retribution Of Jealous Gods [Demo] {2019}
Malokarpatan - Krupinské ohne {2020}
Malum - Devil’s Creation {2021}
Malum - Legion {2019}
Malus Votum – Tradition {2020}
Malvm - Cvltvs Diaboli [EP] {2016}
Mānbryne - Heilsweg: O Udręce Ciała i Tułaczce Duszy {2021}
Mancuerda - Through Skin, Muscle & Bone [EP] {2023}
Manii – Innerst i Mørket {2023}
Manticore - Endless Scourge Of Torment {2022}
Manzer - Beyond The Iron Portal {2016}
Mánþiel - Under the Mirrors of Forgotten Kingdom {2019}
Marblebog - Ermitus [EP] {2020}
Marduk - Frontschwein {2015}
Markgraf – Hohenbaden {2024}
Master - Demo 1985 [Demo / Re-release] {2020}
Master - The New Elite {2012}
Master - Vindictive Miscreant {2018}
Master – Saints Dispelled {2024}
Master's Hammer - Jilemnický okultista (The Jilemnice Occultist) {1993}
Master's Hammer - Ritual {1991}
Maul - Deity Demise [EP] {2020}
Maul - Gallery of Torment [Compilation] {2021}
Maul - Monarchy of Mold [EP] {2020}
Maul - Seraphic Punishment {2022}
Mavorim - Aasfresser [EP] {2019}
Mavorim - Axis Mundi {2020}
Mavorim - Non Omnis Moriar {2021}
Mavorim / Ad Mortem - Iudicium Ultimum [Split] {2020}
Mayhemic - Mortuary Feast Of Skeletons [EP] {2020}
Mayhemic – Toba {2024}
Maze Of Sothoth - Extirpated Light {2023}
Maze Of Terror - Ready To Kill {2016}
Medieval Demon - Arcadian Witchcraft {2020}
Medieval Demon – Medieval Necromancy {2018}
Megaslaughter - Death Remains - The Demos 1990-1991 [Compilation / Re-Release] {2022}
Memoria Vetus - The Legends - Last Night of Atlantis [Demo / Re-Release] {2021}
Memoriam - Rise to Power {2023}
Mental Casket – Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Mephitic Grave - Dreadful Seizures {2024}
Mephorash - Krystl-Ah {2023}
Mergelland - De Lichtenberg Sessies 2020 [EP] {2024}
Messe De Minuit – Invocation [Demo] {2024}
Messiah - Fracmont {2020}
Meuchelmord - Waffenträger {2019}
Meuchelmord – Mordmelodien {2021}
Mezexis - Demo 1 [Demo] {2022}
Mgła - Age of Excuse {2019}
Microcosmys / La Torture des Ténèbres - The Gods Themselves [Split] {2018}
Midnight - No Mercy For Mayhem {2014}
Midnight – Hellish Expectations {2024}
Midnight Betrothed - To Follow Your Spirit Into The Night... [Demo] {2020}
Midnight Necrotomb - Before Coffins, Hells and Nightmares [EP] {2021}
Mimorium - The Route of Haeresis {2022}
Mindkult - Witch's Oath [EP] {2016}
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe {2019}
Misanthropic Rage - Towards the Greyscale Aphorysm {2019}
Misanthropic Rage – Qualia [EP / Re-Release] {2020}
Miscarriage – Imminent Horror {2019}
Miscreance – Convergence {2022}
Miserable Creature - Miserable Creature [Demo] {2020}
Miserable Creature - Miserable Creature 2 [Demo] {2021}
Miserable Creature – 3 [Demo] {2023}
Misotheist - For the Glory of Your Redeemer {2021}
Misotheist - Misotheist {2018}
Misotheist - Vessels by which The Devil is Made Flesh {2024}
Mistcavern - Into Twilight [EP] {2022}
Misþyrming - Með Hamri {2022}
Moenen of Xezbeth - Ancient Spells of Darkness... {2018}
Molder - Engrossed In Decay {2022}
Molder - Vanished Cadavers {2020}
Moloch - Verwüstung {2014}
Moloch / Ieschure - Among The Swamps And Darkness [Split] {2022}
Mons Veneris - Inversados d'Um Abismo de Podridão {2022}
Mons Veneris - Mons Veneris [EP] {2021}
Montségur - Under the Banner of Witchcraft [Demo] {2013}
Moon - Moon [Demo] {2008}
Moon and Azure Shadow - Age of Darkness & Frost {2020}
Moon Oracle - Ophidian Glare {2023}
Moonlight Sorcery - Nightwind: The Conqueror From The Stars [EP] {2022}
Moonlight Sorcery – Horned Lord Of The Thorned Castle {2023}
Moonlight Sword – Imperial Dragoon Kommando [Demo] {2023}
Moonstruck – Kingdom of the Dark Majesty [Demo] {2024}
Moontower - The Wolf's Hunger [EP] {2003}
Morbid Cruelty - Demo I [Demo] {2019}
Morbid Cruelty – Holodomor {2021}
Morbid Destroyer - Accursed Summoning [Demo] {2023}
Morbid Messiah - Disgorged in the Coffin [EP] {2021}
Morbid Sacrifice – Ceremonial Blood Worship {2023}
Morbid Stench - Doom & Putrefaction {2019}
Morbid Winds - The Black Corridors of the Abyssal Depths of Existence Opened Their Gates {2021}
Morbid Winds - The Ruin of Forgotten Desolation [Demo] {2020}
Morbific - Squirm Beyond The Mortal Realm {2022}
Morbital - Меч миру {2019}
Morbosidad - Corona de Epidemia {2017}
Morbus Grave - Awakening Of The Dead / Throne Of Disgust [Compilation] {2019}
Morbus Grave - Promo '21 [Demo] {2021}
Morbus Grave / Deathfucker - Defilers In Morbid Decay [Split] {2020}
Morcrof - De Pessimism Philosophiam Et Dogma Nihilistic {2022}
Mordant – Demonic Satanic {2016}
Morfin - Inoculation {2014}
Morgal – Nightmare Lord {2021}
Mörghuul - Possessed by Demo [Demo] {2022}
Morgued – Demo 2020 [Demo] {2020}
Morkera - Aggravations {2023}
Morodh - The World of Retribution {2014}
Morta - Fúnebre [EP] {2020}
Mortal Vision - Mind Manipulation {2021}
Mortal Wound - The Anus of the World {2024}
Morte Incandescente - ...Somos o Fogo do teu Inferno [Demo] {2018}
Morte Lune - Temple of Flesh [EP] {2020}
Mortem - Amputator [Re-Release] {2022}
Mortem - Filicide [Re-Release] {2023}
Mortem Agmen – The Path To The Abyss Of Evil {2024}
Mortifera - V: Ecclesiae Mortii {2021}
Mortiferoth - Secret Secrecy [Demo] {2020}
Mortiferum - Altar of Decay [Demo] {2018}
Mortify - Grotesque Buzzsaw Defilement [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Mortiis Tenebrae - Bajo la niebla mortuoria del etherio nocturno. {2022}
Mortiis Tenebrae - Espectro de la noche sobre este frio ataúd [Demo] {2020}
Mortuary - Final Mortuary Of Souls {2021}
Mortuary Ghoul - Corpse Exhumation [EP] {2022}
Mortuary Ghoul – Friends Of The Dead {2023}
Mortuary Ghoul – Norman {2024}
Mortuous - Among the Lost / Mors Immortalis [Compilation] {2020}
Mortuous - Demo 2012 [Demo] {2012}
Mortuous - Through Wilderness {2018}
Mortuous - Upon Desolation {2022}
Mosiac - Secret Ambrosian Fire {2019}
Motherwood - Im Zeichen der Dunkelheit {2023}
Mournful Congregation - The Exuviae Of Gods - Part I [EP] {2022}
Mournful Congregation - The Exuviae Of Gods - Part II [EP] {2023}
Mournful Congregation - The Incubus Of Karma {2018}
Mørketida - Panphage Mysticism {2018}
Mørknatt - Icarus [EP] {2020}
Mørktår - Deeds of Misanthropia [EP] {2020}
Mudlung - Immaculate Infection {2021}
Můra - Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals [EP] {2021}
Murdryck - Födelsen {2019}
Muscipula - Little Chasm of Horrors [Demo] {2020}
Mutagenic Host - The Genotoxic Demo [Demo] {2023}
Mutated - Human Scourge [EP] {2020}
Mütiilation - The Lost Tapes {2018}
Mütiilation – Black Metal Cult {2024}
Mutilatred - Determined To Rot {2022}
Mvltifission - Decomposition in the Painful Metamorphosis {2021}
Mycelium - Mycoticism: Disseminating The Propagules {2022}
Myrsky - Tuonelalle {2022}
Mysthicon - Silva - Oculis - Corvi {2020}
Mystic Spear – Outer Darkness [Demo] {2023}
Mystical Forces - Arcane Wisdom Of The Elders {2022}
Nachash - Phantasmal Triunity {2018}
Nachtheem – Nacht, Zij met Ons… [EP] {2024}
Nachtheir - A Journey Of Hate & Sorrow [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Nachtig - Nachtig {2019}
Nächtlich - Howling Depths Rehearsal [Demo] {2022}
Nächtlich – Exaltation Of Evil {2024}
Nachtmaer - Van de mare bereen {2023}
Nachtruf - Schattengeister [Demo] {2007}
Nachtschwarz - Abysmal Ruin [EP] {2021}
Nachzehrer - Misanthropie [Demo] {2023}
Nagel - Hel op Aarde [EP] {2022}
Naglfar - Sheol {2003}
Nahash - Daath {2016}
Napalm - Goatwar Suicide / Rehearsal 2001 [Demo] {2001}
Napalm Death - Apex Predator Easy Meat {2015}
Napalm Death - Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism {2020}
Nathr - Beinahrúga [EP] {2021}
Nattehimmel - The Night Sky Beckons [Demo] {2022}
Naxen - To Abide in Ancient Abysses [EP] {2018}
Necro Chaos - Spiral of Obscurity [EP] {2020}
Necro Ritual - Bysmer {2022}
Necroblasphemy - Crypt [Demo] {2019}
Necrocarnation - Fragments of Dark Eternity [EP] {2020}
Necrochaos – Mortal Angels Descend {2021}
Necrocurse - Grip of the Dead {2013}
Necrodeath - Singin' In The Pain {2023}
Necrofier - Visions of Fire [EP] {2018}
Necrofulgurate – Putrid Veil [EP] {2017}
Necrogore - Digging from Below [EP] {2023}
Necrogosto - Necrogosto [Demo - Re-Release] {2019}
Necrom - All The Paths Are Left Here {2022}
Necromaniac - Morbid Metal [Demo / Re-Release] {2021}
Necromantia - To the Depths We Descend... {2021}
Necromantical Invocation - Dogme Et Rituel De La Haute Magie [Demo / Re-Release] {2021}
Necromonastery - Necromonastery [Demo] {2016}
Necromoon – Obedience [EP] {2024}
Necromoon – War And Obedience [Compilation] {2024}
Necromoon – War With Tyranny {2024}
Necromorbid - Sathanarchrist Assaulter {2020}
Necrophobic - Womb of Lilithu {2013}
Necrorite - In Death's Certitude [EP] {2013}
Necrosleezer – Pope Kill [EP] {2018}
Necrosodomy - Eternal Darkness [EP] {2013}
Necrot - Necrot [Demo] {2012}
Necrot – Blood Offerings {2017}
Necrotum - Hanging Above The Deadpool [EP] {2022}
Necrovation - Ovations to Putrefaction [Demo] {2004}
Necrowretch - Putrid Death Sorcery {2013}
Necrowretch - The Ones from Hell {2020}
Nefarious [USA] - Nefarious [Demo] {2016}
Nefarious Dusk - Nefarious Dusk {2021}
Nefarious Dusk - The Wanderer of the Cold North {2019}
Negativa - 03 {2018}
Negativa - 04 {2022}
Negative Vortex - Tomb Absolute [Demo] {2015}
Negură Bunget - Sala Molksa [EP] {1998}
Nekkrofukk - Antikkrist Venomous Uteroplacental Injekktor of Goat Semen & Mephistophallus Thermonukklear Messiah Violation {2019}
Nekkrofukk - Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat {2021}
Nekkrofukk - Nukklear Satan, Goat Urine, Blood Vomit Sperm {2020}
Nekrofilth - Worm Ritual {2018}
Nekrohowl - Epitome of Morbid [EP] {2017}
Nekromanteion – The Sinister Flame [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
Nekrovomit - Demonic Possession [Demo] {2021}
Nekus - Death Nova upon the Barren Harvest [EP] {2020}
Nemere - Vérmező {2017}
Nexwomb - Conquerored Seraphic Pestilence [Demo] {2020}
Niaisny - U Zmroku I Cieniu Śmiarotnym [Demo] {2022}
Nidafjällen - Evig Stillhet [Demo] {2023}
Nidernes - Beyond the Gleam of Nightsky {2022}
Nightfall Dissension - Demo 1 [Demo] {2023}
Nightside – Death from the North {2024}
Nigrum Pluviam - Eternal Fall into the Abyss {2021}
Nihil Invocation - The Chaos Of Our Lost And Evil Souls {2022}
Nihilistic Warfare - Spark Hatred Fire {2022}
Nile - Festivals Of Atonement [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Nile - Ramses Bringer Of War [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Nimbifer - Demo II [Demo] {2020}
Nimbifer – Demo I [Demo] {2019}
Ninkharsag - The Dread March Of Solemn Gods {2021}
Nirmolak - Lycanthropic Bloodlust {2022}
Niteris / Крюкокрест - Niteris / Крюкокрест [Split] {2022}
Nivatakavachas – Ascraedunum {2021}
Nocrul – Khorne {2017}
Noctambulist – Atmospheres of Desolation {2019}
Nocturnal - Serpent Death {2021}
Nocturnal - The Burning Of Randstadt {2004}
Nocturnal Departure - Cathartic Black Rituals {2019}
Nocturnal Departure - Clandestine Theurgy {2022}
Nocturnal Deviancy – Eternity’s Cold Embrace [EP] {2024}
Nocturnal Graves - Lead Us to the Endless Fire / Sharpen the Knives [EP] {2016}
Nocturnal Vomit - Cursed Relics {2012}
Nocturnal Vomit – Infernal Ascension Of The Gods {2003}
Noisem - Cease to Exist {2019}
Nöldr - Dynasty ov the Darkened Evocations [EP] {2023}
Nöldr - Profane Eternity {2022}
Nordgeist - Frostwinter {2021}
Nordjevel - Necrogenesis {2019}
Nordligblåst - Light That Is Called Darkness {2019}
Nördmör - Blood of the North {2020}
Norfulthing - Norfulthing [Demo] {2022}
Norinian - Absent Seizure [EP] {2020}
Noroth - It Dwells Amongst Us {2020}
Noroth – Harbinger {2021}
Nostos – Misfortune [EP] {2018}
Nothingness - Supraliminal {2023}
Nothingness - The Hollow Gaze of Death {2019}
Nucleus / Macabra - Fragmented Self [Split] {2017}
Nullification - Kingdoms to Hovel {2022}
Nunatakr - Demo I [Demo] {2022}
Nunslaughter - Red Is The Color Of Ripping Death {2021}
Nunslaughter / Blood - Nunslaughter / Blood [Split] {2022}
Nunslaughter / Fluids - Nunslaughter / Fluids [Split] {2022}
Nusquama - Horizon ontheemt {2019}
Nyctophilia - Darkness Calls upon Me [Re-Release] {2020}
Nyctophilia / Hellmoon - Under the Darkest Sign of Ancient Evil [Split] {2020}
Nyogthaeblisz – Abrahamic Godhead Besieged By Adversarial Usurpation {2019}
Oath of Damnation - Fury and Malevolence {2020}
Obituary - Cause Of Death - Live Infection {2022}
Obituary - Dying Of Everything {2023}
Obituary - Slowly We Rot - Live & Rotting {2022}
Objector - Social Intolerance {2018}
Obscene [USA] – Sermon of the Snake [Demo] {2018}
Obscure Burial - Epiphany {2014}
Obscure Evil - Midnight Forces [Demo] {2016}
Obscure Infinity - Perpetual Descending into Nothingness {2015}
Obscure Infinity - Putrefying Illusions {2012}
Obscure Relic - Black Sorcery Devotion {2021}
Obscure Relic - First Black Communion [EP] {2020}
Obscurial - Heretic {2024}
Obturate - The Bleeding Mask of Dread {2019}
Occulsed - Ceremonial Lifelessness [Demo] {2020}
Occult Burial - Burning Eerie Lore {2020}
Odiosior - Odiosior [EP] {2019}
Oerheks - Landschapsanachronismen [Demo] {2023}
Oerheks - Valkengebed {2023}
Of Feather and Bone - Sulfuric Disintegration {2020}
Ofermod - Mysterium Iniquitatis {2021}
Oksennus - Kolme Toista {2018}
Old Corpse Road - On Ghastly Shores Lays the Wreckage of Our Lore {2020}
Old Sacrifice - Conqueror's Vengeance [Demo] {2022}
Oldskull - Nether Hollow of No Return {2021}
Olkoth - At the Eye of Chaos {2023}
Oltretomba [DEN] - L'ouverture des fosses {2018}
Ominous - Death
The Beginning [Demo] {2012}
Ondfødt – Oldfodt [EP] {2024}
Ondskapt - Grimoire Ordo Devus {2020}
One of Nine - Eternal Sorcery {2023}
Oniricous - La maldición [EP] {2019}
Onslaught Kommand - Visions of Blood and Gore [EP] {2024}
Open Casket - Towards Damnation [Demo] {2020}
Ophidian – Descent Into The Labyrinth [EP] {2024}
Opiumortem - Demo 1+2 [Compilation] {2022}
Opiumortem - Lethargia [Demo] {2022}
Opiumortem - Opiumortem [Demo] {2022}
Opositor – Opositor [EP] {2024}
Opositor – Primaeval Worships [Compilation] {2024}
Opposite Devotion - Hesperus Phosphorus {2020}
Oppress - Regina Mundi [EP] {2021}
Oppressive Descent - Alchemy and War {2020}
Oraculum - Sorcery of the Damned [EP] {2014}
Orae - Disbirth [Demo] {2016}
Orbicate - Grotesque Tomb [EP] {2022}
Ordeals / Daethorn - Ordeals / Daethorn [Split] {2018}
Ordem Satânica - Perpetuum Satanas {2022}
Order - The Gospel {2021}
Order Of Nosferat - Nachtmusik {2022}
Order of Nosferat - The Absence of Grace {2024}
Order of Nosferat – Arrival of the Plague Bearer {2021}
Order of Nosferat – Necuratul {2021}
Ordo Cultum Serpentis - Derej Najash [EP] {2021}
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis - Chthonic Blood Mysteries {2019}
Ork - Blessed by Evil {2000}
Orm - Mit blod [EP] {2020}
Orthodoxy - Novus Lux Dominus {2019}
Os – Tehom {2022}
Osculum Serpentis - Maleficia {2023}
Ossaert - Offerdier [EP] {2023}
Ossaert - Pelgrimsoord {2021}
Ossuaire - Le Troubadour Nécrophageophile {2015}
Ossuarium - Calcified Trophies of Violence [Demo] {2018}
Ossuarium - Living Tomb {2019}
Otajstvo Strija - Dračon i čempresima {2020}
Ouija – Fathomless Hysteros {2022}
Outline – Fire Whiplash {2018}
Outre-Tombe - Nécrovortex {2018}
Outre-Tombe – Abysse Mortifère {2021}
Owl – Wat Overblijft {2024}
Oxalate - Infuating Sickess [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Oxalate / Perpetuated / Blood Spore / Vivisect - Split [Split] {2020}
Oxiplegatz - Sidereal Journey {1998}
Oxygen Destroyer - Sinister Monstrosities Spawned By The Unfathomable Ignorance of Humankind {2021}
Pa Vesh En - Maniac Manifest {2021}
Pa Vesh En – Church of Bones {2018}
Pa Vesh En – Pyrefication {2019}
Pagan Megalith – Viharjárás {2017}
Pagan Moon - Arcane Solitude [Demo] {2019}
Pagan Moon - Deathlike Journeys [Demo] {2020}
Paganizer - Beyond the Macabre {2022}
Paimon Gate - Seven Legions [Demo] {2022}
Paingiver - Deorum Mortis [EP] {2020}
Pale Spektr - Bereft Of Xerotic Layers {2022}
Pandemia - The Message from Death Metal Empire [Demo] {1998}
Pandemic Outbreak – Rise of the Damned [EP] {2017}
Panphobia - Fear of Death [Demo] {2019}
Panychida - Gabreta Aeterna {2020}
Panzerkrieg 666 - Panzerkrieg 666 [EP] {2022}
Panzerwar - Ephemeral Existence [Demo] {2020}
Panzerwar - Lost in the Confines of Absolute Hatred {2020}
Paranoiac - Morbid Psycho [Demo] {2022}
Paroxsihzem - Abyss of Excruciating Vexes [EP - Re-release] {2017}
Paroxsihzem - Paroxsihzem [Re-release] {2017}
Parusight - Deathly Pale {2024}
Pathetic - Rat King {2020}
Pathogen / Deathevoker - Consecrated in Morbidity [Split] {2015}
Perdition Temple - Merciless Upheaval {2022}
Perdition Temple - Sacrament of Descension {2020}
Perfide - De Republiek Der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden {2023}
Perfide - Perfide Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Perihelion Gnosis - Syzygial Summoning [Demo] {2021}
Perilaxe Occlusion - Exponential Decay [Demo] {2020}
Perilaxe Occlusion - Raytraces of Death [Demo] {2021}
Perinei - Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Perish Moon - Grave Rays [Demo] {2021}
Perishing – Lutum [Demo] {2024}
Perkwunos - Stelae [Demo] {2022}
Pernicious [USA] - Pernicious [Demo] {2017}
Perpeträtor – Altered Beast {2018}
Perversion - Dies Irae {2022}
Perversor - Psicomoro [EP] {2020}
Perversor - Umbravorous {2019}
Perverted Ceremony / Witchcraft - Nighermancie / Black Candle Invoker [Split] {2019}
Pestilength – Demo MMXIX [Demo] {2019}
Pestilent Death - Chapters of Depravity {2019}
Pestis - Demo I 2023 [Demo] {2023}
Pestis Cultus - Pestis Cultus {2021}
Pestlegion - Sathanas Grand Victoria {2022}
Petit Nuage Noir - Among the Graves {2023}
Phantasmagore - Abominations... [Demo] {2020}
Phantasmagore - Insurrection or Submission [EP] {2021}
Phantom – Transylvanian Nightmare [EP] {2024}
Phantom Fire - Eminente Lucifer Libertad {2023}
Pharmacist - Carnal Pollution [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Pharmacist - Flourishing Extremities On Unspoiled Mental Grounds {2022}
Phenocryst - Cremation Pyre {2024}
Phenocryst - Explosions [EP] {2021}
Phlebotomized - Devoted To God [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Phlebotomized - Pain, Resistance, Suffering [EP] {2021}
Phobophilic - Enveloping Absurdity {2022}
Phobophilic – Undimensioned Identities [EP] {2019}
Phrenelith - Chimaera {2021}
Pillagery – Pillagery [Demo] {2024}
Pissgrave - Posthumous Humilation {2019}
Plague God- New Veins for Old Blood {2023}
Poisonous - Doomed Pillars [EP] {2022}
Poroniec - Demo [Demo] {2019}
Possessed - Seven Churches {1985}
Posthumous Regurgitation – The Coroner’s Guide to Cadaveric Cuisine {2024}
Praesagium - A través de la unión hacia la nulificación [EP] {2019}
Praga - Fúria Regicida {2021}
Praise the Flame - Manifest Rebellion {2015}
Predatory Light - Death and the Twilight Hours {2022}
Predictor - Demo 2020 [Demo] {2020}
Prehistoric War Cult - Barbaric Metal {2024}
Prehistoric War Cult - Under The Sign Of The Red Moon [EP] {2022}
Prehistoric War Cult / Dolchstoß – Black Winds Of Fire And Steel [Split] {2024}
Prehistoric War Cult / Secret Tongues - Sinister Congregation IV [Split] {2022}
Prezir - Depredation {2020}
Prezir – As Rats Devour Lions {2018}
Primordial Serpent - Ascension of the Dark Age {2020}
Primordial Serpent - The Winter Warrior {2021}
Profanatica - Altar of the Virgin Whore [EP] {2018}
Profanatica - Rotting Incarnation of God {2019}
Profane Order - Tightened Noose of Sanctimony {2018}
Prophets of Doom - Sermon of the Impostor [Demo] {2018}
Prosanctus Inferi - Hypnotic Blood Art {2020}
Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû - Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû {2021}
Protector - Excessive Outburst Of Depravity {2022}
Pseudogod - Sepulchral Chants [Re-Release] {2018}
Psoglav - Cyrkovni Urodi [Demo] {2023}
Psychrist - Embrace Rapture in Disgust {1999}
Pudridero - Forced Autophagy... [EP] {2022}
Pukewraith - Banquet Of Scum {2022}
Pukewraith - Returned Through Bile [EP] {2021}
Pukewraith / Intestinal Hex - Medieval Grime [Split] {2022}
Pulverized [CHL] - Monuments of Misanthropy {2018}
Pungent Stench - Praise the Names of the Musical Assassins [Compilation] {1997}
Pure - Seeds of Despair {2021}
Pure Wrath - Hymn to the Woeful Hearts {2022}
Purgatory - Apotheosis Of Anti-Light {2022}
Purulency - Transcendent unveiling of Dimensions [Demo] {2024}
Pustilence – The Birth of the Beginning Before the Inception of the End [EP] {2020}
Putrescent - Inhuman Infestation [EP] {2023}
Putrescine - Optogram Of The Depraved [Demo] {2021}
Putrevore - Miasmal Monstrosity {2021}
Putrid Coffin - Under the Cemetery {2019}
Putrid Evocation - Eternal Gloom: A Void of Agony and Repugnancy [EP] {2021}
Putrid Tomb - Consuming the Diseased [Demo] {2020}
Putrid Tomb - Putrid Tomb [EP] {2021}
Putridarium - Dissemination '22 [Demo] {2023}
Putridarium - Morbification ‘22 [Demo] {2022}
Putrifier - Præcidistis Regeneratio [EP] {2023}
Putrisect - Cascading Inferno [EP] {2018}
Pyre - Human Hecatomb {2014}
Pyre - Ravenous Decease [EP] {2012}
Pyreficativm - संसार का पथ {2018}
Pyriphlegethon - Gales of Atrocious Whispering {2021}
Qrixkuor - Poison Palinopsia {2021}
Question - Reflections of the Void {2020}
Qwälen - Syvä hiljaisuus {2023}
R.I.P. – As Good As Dead [EP] {2021}
Rapid – Blackstar Oppression Regime [EP] {2023}
Rapture - Malevolent Demise Incarnation {2021}
Raspberry Bulbs - Before the Age of Mirrors {2020}
Ravensirkl - Morgenroete [Demo] {2021}
Re-Buried - Repulsive Nature {2023}
Realm of Wolves - Oblivion {2018}
Reaping Flesh - Abyss of Existence [EP] {2023}
Reaver - Butchery from Beyond! [Demo] {2021}
Rebaelliun - Burn the Promised Land {1999}
Rebirth in Flames - Lucifer's Cosmogony {2018}
Reckless Manslaughter - Caverns of Perdition {2019}
Reflet Crépusculaire - The Tormented Wanderer [Compilation] {2023}
Reincarnated - Of Boötes Void Death Spell {2022}
Reiziger / Alruin - Hertovenarij [Split] {2017}
Rend Them Asunder - Existence to Entrails {2022}
Repugnizer - Face Melting Apocalypse [Demo] {2017}
Repulsive Mass - Conjure Apocalyptic Pestilence [Demo] {2021}
Reputdeath - Demo II [Demo] {2016}
Reputdeath - Dissecting Goryfication [Demo] {2022}
Reputdeath - Slurking, Reeking, Leeching [Demo] {2019}
Revel in Flesh - Death Kult Legions {2014}
Revel in Flesh - Emissary of All Plagues {2016}
Revel in Flesh - The Hour of the Avenger {2019}
Reveler - Disgorged Viscous Spews [Demo] {2018}
Reveler - The Hour of Fright [Demo] {2019}
Reveler / Necrotum - Officium Mortuorum [Split] {2022}
Revenant [USA] - Prophecies of a Dying World {1991}
Revenant Marquis - Milk Teeth {2022}
Revenant Marquis - Polterngeyst {2019}
Revenge - Strike.Smother.Dehumanize {2020}
Reversed [CAN] - Widow Recluse [Demo] {2018}
Revolting - Hymns Of Ghastly Horror {2012}
Revolting - The Shadow At The World's End {2020}
Rex Defunctis - Tenebram Vobiscum {2018}
Ribspreader - Crypt World {2022}
Rift - To Quench the Thirst of Wolves {2021}
Ripped to Shreds - Eight Immortals Feast [Demo] {2019}
Ripped to Shreds - 亂 (Luan) {2020}
Ripper [CHL] - Sensory Stagnation [EP] {2019}
Rites of Daath - Doom Spirit Emanation {2020}
Ritual Clearing - Ritual Clearing [EP] {2020}
Ritual Death - Lord of the Tomb [Compilation / Re-Release] {2023}
Ritual Death – Ritual Death {2022}
Ritual Decay - The Conquering Darkness {2014}
Ritual Fog - But Merely Flesh {2024}
Ritual Laceration – I [Demo] {2019}
Ritual Mass - Abhorred in the Eyes of God [EP] {2019}
Ritual Necromancy / Fossilization - Ritual Necromancy / Fossilization [Split] {2022}
Ritual Suicide - Nocturnal Haematolagnia {2020}
Rohtang - Entering The Gate Of Malevolent Darkness [EP] {2021}
Roots Of The Old Oak - Blot [Demo] {2022}
Rotheads - Sewer Fiends {2018}
Rotheads - Slither in Slime {2022}
Rotpit - Into The Rotpit [Demo / EP] {2021}
Rotted - Dying to Rot [Demo] {2019}
Rotted - Pestilent Promo [Demo] {2017}
Rotten - Cryptic Catacombs {2013}
Rotten [FRA] - Rotten [EP] {2019}
Rotten Casket - First Nail In The Casket [EP] {2022}
Rotten Casket - Simply Rotten Death {2015}
Rotten Cavern – Profound [Demo] {2024}
Rotten Coffin - The Agony In Slumber {2022}
Rotten Evisceration - Raped and Headless [Demo / Re-Release] {2018}
Rotten Moon - The Endless Church [Demo] {2023}
Rotting Christ - Genesis {2002}
Rotting Christ - Pro Xristou {2024}
Rotting Christ - Sanctus Diavolos {2004}
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract {1993}
Rotting Kingdom - A Deeper Shade of Sorrow {2020}
Rottrevore - Hung By The Eyesockets [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Rovagug - Rovagug [EP] {2023}
Rraaumm - The Eternal Dance at the Nucleus of Time [EP] {2019}
Ruach Raah - Marquise Of Serpents [Demo] {2022}
Ruach Raah - Misanthropic Wolfgang {2021}
Ruach Raah - Under the Insignia of Baphomet {2018}
Rude - Outer Reaches [EP] {2021}
Rude - Remnants… {2017}
Ruin - Spread Plague Death {2021}
Ruin - Where Death Is Spread Out Across The Sky [EP] {2022}
Ruin (USA) - Drown In Blood {2017}
Ruin [USA] - Into Endless Chasms [EP] {2018}
Ruin [USA] / Absconder - Ruin / Absconder [Split] {2020}
Ruin / Rotting Grave - Grave Slaughter [Split] {2020}
Runespell – Wells Of Slidhr [Demo] {2023}
Saarkoth - Cult of Nature {2020}
Sabbat – Sabbaticult {2024}
Sabrewulf - Mala Suerte {2020}
Saccage - Khaos Mortem {2019}
Sacrifice - Forward To Termination [Re-Release] {2022}
Sacrifice - Soldiers Of Misfortune [Re-Release] {2022}
Sacrifice - Torment In Fire [Re-Release] {2022}
Sacrificium Carmen - Nekrognosis - Avain Varjoihin {2021}
Sacrilegion - From Which Nightmares Crawl {2022}
Sacrilegious Profanity - Genocide Rituals [Demo] {2020}
Sacrilegious Rite - De Poetica Tenebris [EP] {2019}
Sadism – Obscurans {2023}
Sadistic Drive - Anthropophagy {2020}
Sadistic Drive - Perpetual Torture {2022}
Sadistic Force - Aces Wild {2021}
Sadistic Goatmessiah – Demo 2023 [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
Sadomortuary - Festering Evil Worship [Demo] {2020}
Sadomortuary / In League With Satan – Preachers Of Filthy Idolatry [Split] {2024}
Sagenland - Oale Groond {2021}
Salacious Gods - A Chrestomathy Of Blasphemous Supremacy [Compilation] {2024}
Saltas – Currents [Demo] {2018}
Sammale - Finno-Ugric {2023}
Sammale - Sammale {2022}
Sammath - Across the Rhine Is Only Death {2019}
Sammath - Godless Arrogance {2014}
Sammath - Grebbeberg {2023}
Sanctifier - Lone Wolf Syndicate {2018}
Sanctuarium - Cadaveric Reminiscense [Demo] {2021}
Sanctvs - Mors Aeterna {2019}
Sanguine Myst - Upon Sylvan Thrones [EP] {2019}
Sanguine Relic - Labyrinth Of Nightmares [EP] {2023}
Sanguine Relic – Within The Fog Of Fragmented Memory {2024}
Saor - Origins {2022}
Saor – Forgotten Paths {2019}
Sarcasm - Stellar Stream Obscured {2022}
Sarcasm – Mourninghoul {2024}
Sarcator - Alkahest {2022}
Sarcator - Sarcator {2020}
Sarcophagum - Conduits to the Underworld [EP] {2022}
Sardonic Witchery - Barbaric Evil Power {2024}
Sardonic Witchery - Moonlight Sacrifice Ritual {2020}
Sarkrista - Sworn to Profound Heresy {2021}
Sartegos - As Fontes Do Negrume [EP] {2013}
Sartegos - O Sangue Da Noite {2019}
Satan my Master - The King of Hell Arrives [EP] {2018}
Satanic Threat - In to Hell {2012}
Satanic Warmaster - Aamongandr {2022}
Satanize - Apocalyptic Impious Command {2016}
Satans Mördör – Into The Cold Eternity… [Demo] {2023}
Savage Deity - Decade of Savagery {2021}
Savage Deity – Conjuration [EP] {2019}
Savage Necromancy - Feathers Fall To Flames [Re_Release] {2022}
Savage Necromancy - Savage Necromancy [EP] {2019}
Scaffold - Codex Gigas {2021}
Scalpture - Feldwärts {2022}
Scáth Na Déithe - Virulent Providence {2023}
Schavot - Galgenbrok {2021}
Schavot - Kronieken Uit de Nevel {2023}
Schizogoat - War, Pestilence and Sacrifice [EP] {2021}
Schizophrenia - Voices [EP] {2020}
Scorching Tomb - Rotting Away [EP] {2022}
Sculpted Horror – Festering Dead [Demo] {2019}
Scumripper - All Veins Blazing {2019}
Scumripper - Scumripper [Demo] {2015}
Seacularia - Gate of Human Balance [EP] {2020}
Sedimentum - Suppuration Morphogénésiaque {2022}
Seed of Cain - The Gracious Misery [EP] {2020}
Seep - Hymns To The Gore {2022}
Seep - Souvenirs of a Necrosadist [EP] {2020}
Seid - Svartr Sól {2022}
Self Execration / Suicidechain - Militant Black Metal Kommando... [Split] {2022}
Sepiroth - Condemned to Suffer {2021}
Sepolcro - Amorphous Mass [EP] {2019}
Sepsis - Interdimensional Decay {2019}
Sepsism - Purulent Decomposition {1999}
Septage - Septic Decadence [Demo] {2020}
Septic Fumes - Promo '23 [Demo] {2023}
Sepulcher - Pantoptic Horror {2018}
Sepulchral Conjurator – Ceremony Ritual I [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
Sepulchral Curse - At the Onset of Extinction {2016}
Sepulchral Curse - Only Ashes Remain {2020}
Sepulcration – Undead Rising [EP] {2019}
Sépulcre - Ascent Through Morbid Transcendence [Demo / Re-Release] {2020}
Sepulcros - Vazio {2021}
Sequestrum - Epitome of Putridity [Demo] {2022}
Sequestrum - Pickled Preservation [EP] {2023}
Seraphic Entombment – Quelled [Demo] {2019}
Serement - Deviation From God [EP] {2023}
Serpent Spawn - Crypt of Torment [EP] {2022}
Serum Dreg - Lustful Vengeance {2018}
Seth - La morsure du Christ {2021}
Seven Doors - The Gates of Hell [EP] {2021}
Seventh Circle - Cycle of Violence [Demo] {2019}
Severe Torture - Baptized... [Demo] {1998}
Severed Boy - Tragic Encounters [EP] {2021}
Sex Messiah - Metal Del Chivo [EP] {2022}
Sexmag - Sex Metal [EP] {2021}
Sexmag - Zelazna Dziewica [Demo] {2022}
Shadow's Mortuary - Kuoleman portit {2019}
Shambles - Realm of Darkness Shrine {2016}
Shed The Skin - We of Scorn {2018}
Shitfucker - Sex with Dead Body {2020}
Shrieking Demons - Diabolical Regurgitations [EP] {2021}
Siegehammer - Spectral Entities [EP] {2024}
Siegehammer – Demo MMXXIII [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
Sielunvihollinen - Teloituskäsky {2021}
Sigh - Requiem For Fools [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Sigil - Demonstration MMXIX [Demo] {2019}
Sigils Of Ruin - Demo I [Demo] {2023}
Sign of Evil - Psychodelic Horror [Demo] {2020}
Sijjin - Angel of the Eastern Gate [EP] {2019}
Sijjin - Sumerian Promises {2021}
Silure / Feretro - Silure / Feretro [Split] {2020}
Silver Knife - Unyielding / Unseeing {2020}
Sins of the Damned - Striking The Bell Of Death {2019}
Skála - The Secrecy {2022}
Skeletal Remains - Condemned to Misery {2015}
Skeletal Remains - Fragments of the Ageless {2024}
Skelethal - Antropomorphia [Demo] {2019}
Skelethal - Deathmanicvs Revelation [EP] {2014}
Skelethal - Unveiling the Threshold {2020}
Skelethal – Within Corrosive Continuums {2024}
Skelethal / Inisans - 2012 Demos {2014}
Skinless Bride - Rotting Carcass [EP / Re-Release] {2022}
Skorb - Skorb [Demo] {2020}
Sküllfükk SS - Uncut Speed [Demo] {2021}
Skumstrike - Execution Void [EP] {2020}
Skyforger - Thunderforge {2003}
Slagmark - Purging Sacred Soils {2020}
Slagmark - Radical Malice [Demo] {2020}
Slakter - Warmageddon [EP] {2023}
Slaughtbbath - Alchemical Warfare {2019}
Slaughter Messiah – Cursed to the Pyre {2020}
Slaughterday - Tyrants Of Doom {2022}
Slaughterday – Ancient Death Triumph {2020}
Slægt - Beautiful and Damned [EP] {2015}
Sleepwalker - 一 期 一 会 {2018}
Slimelord - Insurmountable Peril [EP] {2022}
Slough of Despair - Catacombs of Terror {2020}
Slug Gore - Extraterrestrial Gastropod Mollusc [EP] {2023}
Smyrtonos - Cast Into Outer Darkness [EP] {2024}
Smyrtonos - Endless Fury [Demo] {2022}
Sněť - Mokvání v okovech {2021}
Snět - Promo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Sněť / Grave Infestation - Sněť / Grave Infestation [Split] {2023}
Snorlax – Splintering [Demo] {2018}
Sokeus - Immortal Wisdom [Demo] {2023}
Solar Temple - Fertile Descent {2018}
Solarcrypt - Rot in the Multidimensional Sewer [Demo] {2020}
Solothus - Realm of Ash & Blood {2020}
Solus / Vrag - Awakening of the Hungarian Witch Woods [Split] {2015}
Sombre Héritage - Alpha Ursae Minoris {2020}
Some Dead Bodies - Infernal Death [EP] {2020}
Somniate - The Meyrinkian Slumber {2020}
Sonic Poison - Eruption {2023}
Sores - Sores {2019}
Sort Sind - I skyggen af livet {2023}
Sotherion - Schwarmgeist [Demo] {2022}
Soul Devourment - Eternal Perdition [EP] {2020}
Soul Incursion - Eternal Darkness [EP] {2023}
Soulrot - Horrors from Beyond [EP] {2014}
Soulrot - Victims of Spiritual Warfare {2020}
Soulskinner - Seven Bowls of Wrath {2020}
Sovereign – Altered Realities {2024}
Sørgelig - Devoted to Nothingness [EP] {2019}
Sørgelig - Sørgelig [EP] {2020}
Sørgelig - We, the Oblivious {2019}
Spasticus - Horror, Chaos, Death [EP] {2021}
Spearhead - Deathless Steel Command {2006}
Spectral Knight - Awakening Of Barbarism [Demo] {2022}
Spectral Voice - Eroded Corridors of Unbeing {2017}
Spectral Wound – A Diabolic Thirst {2021}
Spectral Wound – Songs of Blood and Mire {2024}
Speedkiller - Midnight Vampire [EP] {2021}
Spellforger – Upholders of Evil [EP] {2021}
Spite – Antimoshiach {2018}
Stangarigel - Metafyzika Barbarstva [EP] {2023}
Stangarigel - Na severe srdca {2022}
Starless Domain - ALMA {2019}
Starless Domain - EOS {2019}
Static Abyss - Labyrinth Of Veins {2022}
Stench Collector - Effluviatorium Du Jour [EP] {2021}
Stench Collector / Seep - Stench Collector / Seep [Split] {2023}
Stenched - Gorging On Mephitic Rot [Demo] {2023}
Sterveling - In de Schoot der Aarde [Demo] {2022}
Stillborn [POL] - Crave for Killing [EP] {2018}
Stortregn - Evocation of Light {2013}
Streams of Blood - Erløsung {2020}
Strigoi – Strigoi [EP] {2019}
Structure - Structure [EP] {2022}
Strychnos - A Mother's Curse {2022}
Stutyr – Palavan Maailman Liekeistä [EP] {2024}
Stygian Storm - The Flame of Rebellion Never Dies {2024}
Stygian Temple - In the Sign Of The Five Angles [Re-Release] {2020}
Subduer – Death Monolith [EP] {2018}
Suffering Hour - Dwell [EP] {2019}
Suffering Sights - Existential Realism [EP] {2019}
Suffering Sights - When Sanity Becomes Insanity {2021}
Suicidal Solitude - Život Nikdy Nebol [Demo] {2022}
Suicide Circle - Demo MMXX [Demo] {2020}
Sulfuric Hatred - Demo MMXXII {2022}
Sulphuric Death - Beyond the Void of Doom [EP] {2023}
Summoning Death - A Traumatic Night of the Creeps [EP] {2023}
Sun Descends Black - EP I [EP] {2019}
Superstition - The Anatomy of Unholy Transformation {2019}
Suppression - Repugnant Remains [EP] {2019}
Suppression - The Sorrow Of Soul Through Flesh {2022}
Sutekh – Force of Will [EP] {2020}
Sutekh Hexen - Sutekh Hexen {2019}
Svartsyn - Live in Rotterdam 1997 {2022}
Svederna – Härd {2020}
Svor - Demo I [Demo] {2022}
Svraoz - Sacraments Of Evil [EP] {2023}
Swarn - Whispers from Beyond {2022}
Sykelig Englen - This Hollow Land [EP] {2019}
Symbtomy - Demo #2 [Demo] {2022}
Symbtomy – Demo #1 [Demo] {2020}
Syning - Syning {2021}
Szmej - Ormkull I [Demo] {2022}
Taake - Et hav av avstand {2023}
Taake / Deathcult - Jaertegn [Split] {2020}
Tahdiyul Arwah - Black Magic Night [EP] {2022}
Taival – Journey to Beyond {2024}
Taphos - Come Ethereal Somberness {2018}
Tarokulith / Necromoon - Tarokulith / Necromoon [Split] {2024}
Taumaturgia - Comunión con los muertos [Demo] {2019}
Tchornobog / Abyssal - Tchornobog / Abyssal [Split] {2022}
Teleport - The Expansion [Demo] {2018}
Tëmor - Acid Piss Rain [Demo] {2023}
Templar - Knights of Nuclear Hell Decibelfucking the Charred Remains of the Christ [Demo / Re-Release] {2020}
Temple of Void - The World That Was {2020}
Tempter's Sacrament - Temptation Steel Scourge [EP] {2021}
Tenebro - Demo [Demo] {2019}
Tenebro - L'inizio di un Incubo {2022}
Tenebro - Liberaci dal male [EP] {2020}
Tenebro – La Bestia Dell’Isola Maledetta [EP] {2023}
Tenebro – Ultime Grida Dalla Giungla {2023}
Terrestrial Hospice - Indian Summer Brought Mushroom Clouds {2020}
Terror Cross / Nattmaran - Rise of the Nightmare Terror [Split] {2022}
Terrörhammer - Gateways to Hades {2022}
The Antichrist Imperium - Volume III: Satan In His Original Glory {2022}
The Black Sorcery - ...and the Beast Spake Death from Above {2018}
The Chasm - The Scars of a Lost Reflective Shadow {2022}
The Evil – The Evil {2018}
The Funeral Orchestra - Negative Evocation Rites {2020}
The Gates Of Sinn - The Great Sabbath [Demo] {2019}
The Holy Flesh - Emissary & Vessel {2020}
The Kryptik - Behold Fortress Inferno [EP] {2020}
The Kryptik - When the Shadows Rise {2019}
The Mist From The Mountains - Monumental - The Temple of Twilight {2022}
The Mist From The Mountains – Portal – The Gathering Of Storms {2024}
The Projectionist - The Stench of Amalthia {2020}
The Psalm – I [EP – Re-Release] {2017}
The Rite - The Brocken Fires [EP] {2018}
The Scum - The Hunger {2022}
The True Goatblood - Goatblood {2024}
Thecodontion – Thecodontia [Demo] {2018}
Therianthropophagus – Damnatio Ad Bestias [EP] {2024}
Theriomorph - Diabolical Bloodswords {2022}
Thermonuclear Devastation - Worshipper of Darkness [EP] {2020}
Theurgia - Anti Perpetuo [EP] {2017}
They Leapt from Burning Windows - Demo 2020 [Demo] {2020}
Thorn - Crawling Worship {2021}
Thorn - The Encompassing Nothing [EP] {2020}
Thorn - Yawning Depths {2022}
Thorn / Body Asphyxiation Science - Entanglement Of Symbiotic Dread [Split] {2022}
Thornspawn / Maledictvs – Guided by Vengeance & Bloodlust [Split] {2021}
Throat - New Flesh Nectar [Demo] {2020}
Throne of Katarsis - Unholy Holocaustwinds [Demo] {2004}
Throneum - Oh Death... Oh Death... Determinate, Preach and Lead Us Astray... {2020}
Throneum / Necrosadist / Empheris / Witchfuck - Night of Terror [Split] {2018}
Thulsa Doom - A Fate Worse than Death {2022}
Thulsa Doom - Realms of Hatred [EP] {2018}
Thundering Hooves - Radiance {2022}
Thy Dying Light - Thy Dying Light {2020}
Thy Feeble Saviour - And Darkness Fell {2018}
Thyrgrim - Vermächtnis {2017}
Tírad Dûr - Fell Light In Windy Cloud [Demo] {2022}
Tlacaelel - Tlanesi Mexica {2019}
To The Dogs – To The Dogs [EP] {2021}
Toadeater - Bexadde {2022}
Tod Huetet Uebel - Malícia {2015}
Tomb - Gates of Gehenna [EP] {2019}
Tomb Mold - Cerulean Salvation [EP] {2018}
Tomb Mold - Manor of Infinite Forms {2018}
Tomb Mold - Planetary Clairvoyance {2019}
Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity {2017}
Tomb Mold -The Enduring Spirit {2023}
Tombsday - Compiled to Defile {2020}
Tomhet - Blissful Escapism {2022}
Torn Apart [RUS] - Abominations [Demo] {2015}
Torn in Half - Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth [EP] {2020}
Torn in Half / Maul / Path to War / Hanging Fortress - Funerary Exhumation [Split] {2021}
Tornmód - Vengeance [Demo] {2020}
Torresian Call / Welldweller - Torresian Call / Welldweller [Split] {2021}
Torture Rack - Barbaric Persecution {2016}
Torturerama - It Begins at Birth [EP] {2014}
Total Hate - Throne Behind a Black Veil {2019}
Total Isolation - Winfield [Demo] {2019}
Total Isolation / Sedimentum - Total Isolation / Sedimentum [Split] {2021}
Totalselfhatred – Solitude {2018}
Totenritual - The Unholy Blood [Demo] {2020}
Totholz - Weckruf Der Alten Zeit [Demo] {2021}
Toughness - The Prophetic Dawn {2022}
Transcendence - Hour of the Summoning [EP] {2018}
Transcendence - Towards Obscurities Beyond {2020}
Transgressor - Beyond Oblivion [EP] {2023}
Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death {2021}
Transilvania - The Night of Nights {2018}
Trench Foot - Moral Obscenity [EP] {2022}
Trench Foot - Sacrificial Gore [EP] {2021}
Trench Hell - Southern Cross Ripper [EP] {2008}
Trenchant - Commandoccult {2022}
Trenchrot - Dragged Down to Hell {2013}
Trenchrot - Necronomic Warfare {2014}
Trest - Ordalium {2019}
Trhä / Celestial Sword - Trhä / Celestial Sword [Split] {2022}
Tribal Gaze - Godless Voyage [EP] {2021}
Tribulation - The Children of the Night {2015}
Tribulation - The Formulas of Death {2013}
Tristengrav - Nychavgé [EP] {2019}
Triumph - Edict Of Iron Ascendancy {2020}
Triumphal Vengeance - Atavistic Darkness [EP] {2022}
Triumphal Vengeance- Crossing the Rubicon [EP] {2024}
Triumphant - Herald The Unsung {2014}
Triumvir Foul - Onslaught to Seraphim {2022}
Triumvir Foul - Urine of Abomination [EP] {2019}
Trollcave - Malforming Abominations of the Gloom Depths [EP] {2021}
Trollcave - Rotted Remnants Dripping into the Void {2022}
Trono Além Morte - O Olhar Atento da Escuridão {2017}
Truchło Strzygi - Gwiezdny demon {2022}
Truchło Strzygi - Nad którymi nie czuwa żaden stróż [EP] {2019}
Truchło Strzygi - Pora umierać {2018}
Trve Sagacity - For The Great Fall Of Time [EP] {2023}
Tsjuder - Helvegr {2023}
Tundra - Eclipse Of Blood [EP] {2022}
Tyakrah – Wintergedanken {2017}
Tyrannic - Mortuus Decadence {2021}
Tyrannus - It Taketh [Demo] {2021}
Tyrant - Tales of Realms Forgotten {2022}
Tyrant Goatgaldakrona - Horns In The Dark [Re-release] {2015}
Tyrant's Might - Recrudescence Of Diabolism [Demo] {2023}
Tyrants of Hell - Perversion, Disease and Satanic Sleaze [EP] {2018}
UADA - Cult of a Dying Sun {2018}
Uada - Djinn {2020}
Ulcerot – Necuratu [Demo] {2019}
Úlfarr - Hate & Terror - The Rise of Pure Evil [EP] {2019}
Úlfarr - Orlegsceaft {2023}
Úlfarr -The Ruins Of Human Failure [EP] {2021}
Úlfarr / Malfeitor - Úlfarr / Malfeitor [Split] {2023}
Ultha - The Inextricable Wandering {2018}
Ultra Silvam - The Spearwound Salvation {2019}
Ultra Silvam – The Sanctity of Death {2022}
Ulvdalir - Hunger for the Cursed Knowledge [EP] {2020}
Ulvhedner - Legd {2020}
UlvKult - Lupus Occultus [EP] {2020}
Ulvsblakk - Sorgen [EP] {2020}
Umbra Conscientia - Nigredine Mundi {2022}
Unbegotten - Manifestion {2019}
Unbounded Terror - Faith in Chaos {2020}
Undead - Blood Enemy (EP) {2015}
Undeath - Demo '19 [Demo] {2019}
Undeath - Lesions of A Different Kind {2020}
Undeath - Sentient Autolysis [Demo] {2019}
Under The Church - Demo 2013 {2013}
Under the Church - Rabid Armageddon {2016}
Under the Church - Total Burial [EP] {2022}
Under the Church - Under the Church [EP] {2014}
Undergang - Aldrig i livet {2020}
Undergang - De syv stadier af fordærv [EP] {2023}
Undergang - Doden Laeger Alle Sar {2015}
Undersave - Sadistic Iterations... Tales of Mental Rearrangement {2018}
Unembalmed - Serpents At The Doorway of Death [EP] {2022}
Ûngrûn – Itjinge Tonei Barre Scil {2023}
Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect - Canticle Bound In Spirit The Faith In Exalted Vampyric Blood [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect - The World Trapped in Vampyric Sway (Darker and Darker) {2020}
Universally Estranged - Dimension Of Deviant Clusters {2022}
Universally Estranged - Reared Up In Spectral Predation {2021}
Unnatural - Cursed [EP] {2018}
Unnatural / Rotted / Fetid Zombie - Coalescing Putrefaction [Split] {2020}
Unohdus - Niin Turhaan Tähdet Valaisivat Meitä [Demo] {2023}
Unurnment - Self-immolation Suite [EP] {2020}
Unurnment - Spiritual Penury [EP] {2019}
Uønsket - Forlatt [EP] {2022}
Upon the Altar - Demo 2020 {2020}
Urfaust - Teufelsgeist {2020}
Urn - Iron Will of Power {2019}
Utbyrd – Varskrik {2021}
Uthullun - Dirges for the Void {2020}
Uzlaga - Submerge [EP] {2022}
Vaamatar - Evil Witching Black Metal [Demo] {2020}
Vacivus - Rite of Ascension [EP] {2015}
Vacivus - Temple of the Abyss {2017}
Vacuous - Dreams of Dysphoria {2022}
Vacuous - Katabasis [EP] {2020}
Vacuous Depths - Corporal Humiliation {2022}
Valdrin - Effigy of Nightmares {2020}
Valdrin - Two Carrion Talismans {2018}
Valonkantaja – Valonkantaja [EP] {2024}
Valosta Varjoon - Oberpfälzer Wald {2019}
Valravn - Eclipse of Heathen Winds [Demo] {2020}
Vampirblut - Black Metal Punks [EP] {2022}
Vampire - Rex {2020}
Vampire - Vampire {2014}
Vampirea - Vampirea [EP] {2022}
Vampirska / Glemt - By Sanguinarian Will... [Split] {2021}
Vampirska / Wampyric Rites - The Drowning Void [Split] {2021}
Vampyric Bloodlust- Midnight Slaughter [EP] {2024}
Vampyric Bvrial – Rites Ov Glorious Heretical Exhumation [Demo] {2019}
Vampyric Tyrant - Schwarze Schwingen {2022}
Vanhelga - Fredagsmys {2018}
Vanhelgd - Relics of Sulphur Salvation {2014}
Vanhelgd - Temple of Phobos {2016}
Varathron - The Crimson Temple {2023}
Vargaur - Lichtbezwinger [Demo] {2023}
Vas Satanas - Vas Satanas [Demo] {2022}
Vassafor - To the Death {2020}
Vastum - Orificial Purge {2019}
Vastum – Inward To Gethsemane {2023}
Vathr - Dead & United [EP] {2022}
Vaticinal Rites - Vaticinal Rites [EP] {2021}
Vayron - Demo 2022 {2022}
Vectis - The Executioner [Demo] {2019}
Vegard - Demo II [Demo] {2020}
Véhémence - Ordalies {2022}
Veldraveth - Malformations of God {2016}
Veljessurma - Noidansolmu [EP] {2022}
Velm – Orkan {2015}
Velvet Sorrow – Demo I [Demo] {2024}
Venefices - Incubacy [EP] {2023}
Venefixion - A Sigh from Below {2021}
Veneration – Thy Infernal [EP] {2020}
Vengeance Sorcery - Witchdance Rising [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Venus Star - Wild Grains & Turningheads [EP] {2012}
Verberis - Vexamen {2016}
Verbum - Processio Flagellates [EP] {2016}
Verhinderer – Der Kettenritter {2023}
Verhinderer – Die Funkenburg {2023}
Vermineux - 1315 [Demo] {2018}
Vermineux - 1337 [Demo] {2021}
Verminous Knight - Malignant Descent {2022}
Vermisst - Night And Fog {2022}
Verwoed - De val {2019}
Vetala - Retarded Necro Demential Hole {2018}
Vetter – Av Sublim Natur {2021}
VHS - I Heard They Suck...Blood {2021}
Vibrion - Bacterya {2016}
Viharukous – Viimeisiä Houreita [EP] {2023}
Vile Apparition - Depravity Ordained {2019}
Vile Rites - The Ageless [EP] {2022}
Vile Rites – Senescence {2024}
Vilespawn - Rotting Apparitions [Demo / Re-Release] {2022}
Vindalf – Legion Of Spectral Blood {2023}
Vintertodt - Under Endless Invented Night {2022}
Violent Resurrection - Wicked Consciousness [EP] {2020}
Violentor - Putrid Stench {2019}
Vircolac - Masque {2019}
Visceral Mass - Visceral Mass [EP] {2020}
Viscous - Morbid Arousal [EP] {2023}
Visions from Beyond - Drawing Down the Darkness [EP] {2021}
Vital Spirit - Still As The Night, Cold As The Wind {2022}
Vivisect - Vivisect [EP] {2020}
Voëmmr - O ovnh intot adr mordrb {2019}
Void Column - Admonition Of Clarity [EP] {2022}
Void Column - Quiescence (Demo II) [Demo] {2022}
Void Rot - Consumed by Oblivion [EP] {2018}
Void Rot - Descending Pillars {2020}
VoidCeremony - At The Periphery Of Human Realms [Demo] {2022}
VoidCeremony - Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional Unravel {2020}
VoidCeremony - Threads Of Unknowing {2023}
Voimaton - Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Volc Vermaledide – Zinnennevel [Demo] {2023}
Vomit Messiah – Demo [Demo] {2023}
Vomit Messiah – Demo II [Demo] {2024}
Vomit Spell - Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
Vomit Spell - Vomit Spell {2021}
Vomitor - Devils Poison {2010}
Vomitor - Pestilent Death {2018}
Voodus - Into The Wild {2018}
Voodus - Open The Otherness [EP] {2020}
Vorga - Radiant Gloom [EP] {2019}
Vorus - Inflicted Sufferance [Demo] {2018}
Vorus – Chamber of Laments [Demo] {2017}
Vorus – The Wretched Path {2018}
Vøidwomb - Altars of Cosmic Devotion [EP] {2021}
Vrag – Remete {2017}
Vredensdal - Gather, All Ye Hellions [Demo] {2019}
Vrenth - Succumb To Chaos {2022}
Vrenth – Demo #1 [Demo] {2019}
Vrexiza - Vrexiza [Demo] {2021}
Vultur [GRE] - Drowned in Gangrenous Blood {2019}
Vulture Lord - Desecration Rite {2021}
Vulvacult – El Triunfo Del Caos [Compilation] {2024}
Vuosisata – Kuilu [Demo] {2024}
Vvilderness - Dark Waters {2020}
Waffenträger Luzifers - HellStrike {2020}
Wald Krypta - Where None Remain {2019}
Walg - III {2023}
Walghinge - Primordiaal Verlangen {2022}
Walpurgia - Altar of the Goatbaphomet [Demo] {2020}
Walpurgisnacht - Vergheldinghens Crachte {2014}
Wampyric Rites - The Wolves Howl to the Moon {2022}
Wampyric Rites – The Rites Of The Vampire Inscriptions [EP] {2023}
Wampyric Rites / Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Wampyric Rites / Ceremonial Crypt Desecration [Split] {2019}
Wampyric Rites / Moloch - The Serpent Cult Of Darkness [Split] {2023}
War - We Are War {1999}
Warmoon Lord - Burning Banners of the Funereal War {2019}
Warmoon Lord - Burning Banners of the Funereal War [Re-Release] {2023}
Warslaughter – Autocombustión {2024}
Warslaughter – Autólisis Coprolitica (Demo Compilation) [Compilation] {2024}
Watain - Casus Luciferi {2003}
Watain - The Agony & Ecstasy Of Watain {2022}
Watain – Sworn to The Dark {2007}
Wayward Dawn - All-Consuming Void {2022}
Weaponry - Everwinding Slaughter {2022}
Weathered Crest - Blossoming Of The Paths {2021}
Weathered Crest - Broken Column [EP] {2021}
Weathered Crest - Dust Vessel [EP] {2022}
Wedard - Eiskrieg [EP] {2007}
Weird Angel - Sado-Reticuli [Demo] {2024}
Wel - ...from Where Night Comes... {2018}
Weregoat - The Devil's Lust [EP] {2022}
Werian - Animist {2019}
Wharflurch - Lurking Doom [EP] {2020}
Wharflurch - Psychedelic Realms ov Hell {2021}
Whipstriker - Merciless Artillery {2017}
Whipstriker / Ice War - Split {2021}
White Nights - Into the Lap of the Ancient Mother [EP] {2020}
Whoredom Rife - Nid - Hymner av hat {2018}
Whoredom Rife – Winds of Wrath {2021}
Whoredom Rife / Taake – Pakt [Split] {2020}
Wight - Wight [EP] {2023}
Wilt - Faces of the Grave {2018}
Windhelm - Au Crépuscule de l'existence {2022}
Winterburial - White Tomb Pilgrimage {2022}
Winterstorm – Vinterstormener {2021}
Wirdha / Nachtheem – Wirdha / Nachtheem [Split] {2024}
Witch King - Voice of the Ossuary {2018}
Witch Vomit - A Scream from the Tomb Below {2016}
Witch Vomit - Abhorrent Rapture [EP] {2021}
Witch Vomit - Buried Deep In A Bottomless Grave {2019}
Witch Vomit - Poisoned Blood [EP] {2017}
Witch Vomit – Funeral Sanctum {2024}
Witchcraft - Black Imprecation [Demo] {2022}
Witchcraft - Ghastly Demonolatria [Demo] {2022}
Witchcraft - Sodomythic Temple [Demo] {2022}
WitcheR - Lélekharang {2022}
Witches Hammer - Damnation Is My Salvation {2020}
Witchfukker – Tapestry of Unspeakable Horrors {2024}
Witchgöat - Egregors Of The Black Faith {2019}
Witchgöat - Umbra Regit [Demo] {2018}
Witching Hour [GER] - ...and Silent Grief Shadows the Passing Moon {2018}
Witchmaster - Kaźń {2022}
Witchmoon - Imprecation Of Unbeing {2020}
Witchtrap - Evil Strikes Again {2020}
Witchtrap – Hungry As The Beast {2024}
Without Grief - Deflower {1997}
Wizardkeep - The Archmage's Descent Into Madness [Demo] {2022}
Wode - Burn In Many Mirrors {2021}
Wolflust - Endless War [EP] {2022}
Wolfswut - Highest Honor {2021}
Wolftower - Crownless King of the Dismal Dark Empire [EP] {2022}
Wolftower – The Unholy Embrace Of Vampire [EP] {2023}
Wolftower – Throne Of Nightfall’s Wrath {2023}
Wolven - New World Apocalypse [Demo] {2015}
Wolvencrown - A Shadow of What Once Was [EP] {2021}
Wombripper – Infected Tomb [EP] {2019}
Wömit Angel - Sadopunk Finland {2022}
Worm - Bluenothing [EP] {2022}
Worm - Foreverglade {2021}
Worm - Gloomlord {2020}
Wormridden - Festering Glorification [Demo] {2014}
Worship Death - Promo MMXV {2015}
Wound - Engrained {2017}
Woundwood - Woundwood [Demo] {2024}
Wømb- Here, the World Falls... [Demo] {2020}
Wørsen – Stronghold {2020}
Wrahha – Harbingers Of A Horrid Cleansing [Demo] {2024}
Wrang - De Vaendrig {2022}
Wretched Inferno - Fester [EP] {2020}
Writhing - Eternalised In Rot [EP] {2020}
Writhing - Of Earth & Flesh {2022}
Writhing Shadows - Flesh Magic of The Haruspex [EP] {2020}
Writhing Shadows - Writhing Shadows {2022}
Wulkanaz - Wulkanaz {2019}
Wulvyr – Moon.Malice.Heresy {2023}
Wurdulac – Necronomicon I [Demo] {2020}
Wurgilnõ - Angst [EP] {2023}
Wurgilnõ – De Doden Rusten Niet In Vrede {2023}
Wurgilnõ – Krijtland {2024}
Xalpen - Wowk Otrr [EP] {2018}
Xantam - Altered State [EP] {2019}
Xarzebaal - I {2018}
Xarzebaal - II {2019}
Xarzebaal - III {2019}
Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors [Demo - Re-Release] {2004}
Xavarthan - Night Of The Nocturnal Rites [EP] {2022}
Xegren - Everything Dies {2022}
Xegren - Xegren [Demo] {2022}
Xulux / Kurjuus - Xulux - Kurjuus Split [Split] {2024}
Yawning Void - Streams Within {2019}
Ygfan - Hamvakból... {2018}
Ygfan - Köd [EP] {2015}
Yoth Iria - As the Flame Withers {2021}
Yoth Iria - Under His Sway [EP] {2020}
Yrr - Sokeiden Valtakunta [EP] {2022}
Ysbryd - Kraft {2019}