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Midnight – No Mercy For Mayhem

midnight – no mercy for mayhem


Well this band is just awesome, I will risk it and call them “probably the best band in the world”!! The music what these guys play is just killer, dirty, sleazy black ‘n roll, you will literally get addicted to it once you give it a listen. Tracks like “Prowling Leather” or “ Woman of Flames” but I could honestly name any of the songs, will break your fucking neck and kick you in the balls! Riff after riff, amazing guitar themes and superb drumming, it’s done by the book. The material is 36 minutes long and this time is divided into one short intro and ten merciless songs. What I also like is that covering your face in Midnight style starts to become a trend so this shows who is the boss on the scene at the moment. If you don’t know this band, shame on you but it’s OK, we forgive you, just go and grab any (if not all) material from these guys and you will get what I mean. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

Hells Headbangers Records

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