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Napalm – Goatwar Suicide / Rehearsal 2001 [Demo]

napalm – goatwar suicide / rehearsal 2001 [demo]


Black metal from France, now that’s something you don’t run into every day! This Black Metal band has a member of the band False Prophet in it. They compare themselves to legends like Burzum, Darkthrone and Graveland. Sorry, but no fuckin’ way.

The Black Metal certainly has some qualities. But the bands they compare themselves with, have a lot more of those qualities, and they know how to create a more mystique and morbid atmosphere.

Furthermore, the examples were more or less original, whilst Napalm is coming up a bit too late to be original. The song material sounds o.k., it’s pure Black Metal which sometimes give me an icy feeling, but never really goosebumps.

Sorry, but once again I must conclude that the French Metal scene is still in a relatively poor condition. Better luck next time.


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