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Spite – Antimoshiach

spite – antimoshiach


Multi-instrumentalist Salpsan started this blasphemous one-man project back in 2010 and released a single, an EP and a 6-way split with bands like Possession from Belgium and Bestiality prior to “Antimoshiach”, the debut full length. Despite that the core of the music and the soul of Salpsan is about rites of desecration and satanic devotion, the layer above it is less pitch black. This has to do with the incorporation of Heavy Metal in Spite’s Black Metal. Although it starts out in the fifth gear and quite traditional with the opening track “The Devil’s Minyan”, the consecutive songs shows of the aforementioned variation. When talkin’ about influences or references, you can call this a mix of late Darkthrone, Demoniac (the New Zealand one with a couple releases on Osmose Productions), old Mortuary Drape, Slægt  during the “Beautiful and Damned” EP and all this with a certain Tribulation’s “Formulas of Death” sauce. It is not all top quality but I certainly enjoyed listening to the mixture of both traditional Black and Heavy Metal. I do recommend the title song of this album which is the closing track. An 8 minute opus with catchy riffs, raw melodies and pace changes, actually the perfect summary of all you have heard during the previous songs. As said, not top quality but a good listen nonetheless, especially with a track like “Antimoshiach”. (Ricardo)

Invictus Productions

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