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Conjureth – Majestic Dissolve

conjureth – majestic dissolve


Fvkkin’ hell, these gents are in quite a hurry. Conjureths third observation is an auditory abscess, filled with ten intense and frighteningly aggressive tracks, without adding blast beats. These songs are thrown in your face in a blunt and vicious way, no compromises and no in-betweens. Just some good old voluntary assault and battery, inflicted by Conjureth’s Death Metal.

Previous releases “Foul Formations” and “The Levitation Manifest” were already high standard Death Metal releases, yet again Conjureth takes a step forward with “Majestic Dissolve”.

Due to the excellent musicianship all songs are kept sharp and pointy with lots of details and landmarks to keep all songs differ enough from each other. Mister Saenz attacks his drumkit with powerful intensity and craftsmanship. Mister Mann and mister Sarantopoulos are shaking up one memorable, stinging riff after the other, all this violence is supported by Sarantopoulos powerful throat. When you consider how the quality, musicality and intensity increases after each release, then I wonder how they are going to top this piece of art.

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