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Worm – Foreverglade

worm – foreverglade


Formed in 2012 by Fantomslaughter and Equimanthron, “Foreverglade” is the much anticipated 3rd full-length for Florida’s Worm after the release of 2 demos and 2 full lengths. 2019’s “Gloomlord”, released through Iron Bonehead, was seen as a stand out release by most Death/Doom aficionados and ever since most have been waiting with bated breath for the next chapter of emptiness.

Since signing to 20 Buck Spin the whole package seems to have been fine tuned, from the artwork to the production, which sounds like a 10 ton truck running you over (extremely slowly). For the sound to be as clean and crisp for such a bruising listen is no mean feat but it’s been achieved in spades here. Melodic leads that are reminiscent of Paradise Lost as well as other early funeral Death/Doom bands and shredding solos which would never generally work in this realm are flawless.

You wouldn’t be surprised if Yngwie Malmsteen was on here, that’s how good the shredding is (Think Black star era Yngwie), over the top but not overtaking the disturbing drag that’s ongoing. They first appear on the track, “The murk above the dark moor” and show face when needed. The stand out track for me was, “Empire of the Necromancers”. This song feels like an inspired piece that encompasses Worm’s progression up to this point, Crushingly heavy although strangely ethereal and even lifts you up in parts. Closer, Centuries of Ooze, rumbles through 7 mins of Disembowelment Worship before dissipating into a face melting solo putting a stamp on another album surpassing expectations.

Whatever is next for Worm, you can’t argue that they never stepped up massively on “Forverglade”. 20 buck spin once again have shown why they’re such a force in metal backing this band. Looking forward to whats next while I play this to death. (Skye_Dogg)

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With diversified music labels like 20 Buck Spin, felicitous duo Worm deliver one of the proficiently audacious releases titled “Foreverglade”. In the realm of Spectral Voice, diSEMBOWELMENT, & Esoteric, these two channel Funeral Doom, 90s Death solos/chords, & Black Metal vocals linked with dense but aerial feel & substantial production to accentuate flattering attributes. Vast improvement since first LP, progressively tapping into their dextrous ability to establish disposition within six chants, occupying forty four minutes of time to traipse your psyche.

The superb quality of cover art by Brad Moore is another strong element to this consummate full length. I see reference of sci fi/fantasy illustrator Ian Miller, when gazing at the vibrant detailed layers within the deranged surroundings.

Title as the intro & substratum of this album, you hear an inauspicious tempo, slowly morph into an asphyxiating hellish soundscape. Use of grim synthy keyboards adds another delicate aspect to the band’s manifold. “Murk Above The Dark Moor”, has ethereal poignant melodies, fretwork coinciding with grievously deviant gutturals & shrills. Protracted “Cloaked In Nightwinds” has funeral doom form, enduring mournful despair with chants & climatic buildup worth every second. “Empire of The Necromancers” has Death’s “Spiritual Healing”/”Individual Thought Patterns” era guitar tone, entwined with pensive inflections harmonizing with the menacing pitch.

Shortest “Subaqueous Funeral”, misleading name assuming it would be an elongated composition but instead a mellifluous ballad featuring eloquently written riffs. Closer “Centuries of Ooze” feels you’re part of a conjuration or an wizard’s novice leading a descent downward to educate & disclose oracles before impending calamity strikes, relevant atmospheric timbre adding organ & sound of the death knell to tense your nerves. Those who want a quick fix this ain’t it but if you want to savor and FEEL something, then this is the one.

Easily one of the most anticipated 2021 albums & rightfully so!

20 Buck Spin

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