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GoatScrote – Humanity Must Be Destroyed [Demo]

goatscrote – humanity must be destroyed [demo]


Besides one full-length album the Canadian pervs of GoatScrote have released a handful of demos and EP’s as well, this new one, ‘Humanity Must Be Destroyed’, being their fifth. And as the band name, title of the demo and both the logo and cover design suggests: this is Death/Black Metal in its most depraved form.

Ah, well… maybe not the most depraved, but I am sure these lads have had their fair share of Beherit, Blasphemy, Black Witchery, Teitanblood, Proclamation and Abysmal Lord in their lives. GoatScrote’s take on that somewhat primitive and bestial sort of extreme metal is not as vile, sharp or brutal as the majority of the aforementioned bands, instead they have opted a slightly spacey sound in addition to the solid basis of cacophonous beating. That spacey character comes through in an unorthodox guitar tone as well as some odd (for the genre) keyboards that gives the music an even more cosmic feel. The demo, which clocks just over the 10 minute mark, is definitely fodder for those who like their metal extreme but do not shy away from a little experiment.


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