- Band(s): Order Of Nosferat
- Label(s): Purity Through Fire
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2021
- Review Date: April 16, 2021
- Author(s): Ricardo
A new entity that embraces the Vamypric Black Metal movement of the mid-90s, maybe considerable as a “back-to-basics” spirit even.
A mix of Black Metal and Dungeon Synth with a layer of mystery and chilling ambiance that will attract those who aren’t dealing with relentless aggression throughout the whole album for 24/7.
Catchy melodies yet with a raw production, creating dark and atmospheric Black Metal that will be worth checking out for those who appreciate a bit of synthy mystique and the spirit of the 90s in their Black Metal.
Order Of Nosferat
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Purity Through Fire
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