- Band(s): Vanhelgd
- Label(s): Dark Descent Records, Ljudkassett!, Pulverised Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2016
- Review Date: May 1, 2017
I cannot deny it: Vanhelgd is one of my personal favorite bands. The Swedish band, formed in 2007, has already an impressive collection of releases on their curriculum to show the world. Their last album (“Relics of Sulphur Salvation”), released on Pulverised and Dark Descent Records, was their best work on their career and set the quality bar level so high that I was anxious to see what they would do and what path would they follow on its successor. Then, 2016 arrives and the announcement that a new album was right around the corner. The excitement grew. When the first taste of their new album was released to the public (track #2, “Rebellion of the Iniquitous”), every shadow of doubt that could still be on anyone’s head was vanished: Vanhelgd was back and with a vengeance! Their new album is another increase in their song writing skills, with songs so diverse and unique that, once again, makes us listen to the whole album, don’t get tired of anything in it and immediately go back to the first track to listen to it all over again (and again… and again…). There are so many influences in there (so many parts reminds me of early Paradise Lost and Asphyx), but also a lot of original ingredients are thrown into the mix. To help them spread their unique brand of Swedish death metal, Vanhelgd once again teamed up with the well-known and quality label Pulverised Records and, this time, with the mighty Dark Descent label for their US distribution. The artwork is done by Vanhelgd’s Mattias Frisk, responsible for the artwork of bands like Vampire, Ghost Ghoulgotha, Miasmal and others (check his work on Let me finish with another quick insight, this time from the band itself: “There are no keyboard or synths on the album, it’s a real trumpet twice in one song and some real choirs”. Yes… a real trumpet and some real choirs… In a death metal album! And it sounds amazing! Be sure to check them out and, please, for your own sake, get their entire discography, sit back and enjoy what good death metal is really about! (Antonio)
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Dark Descent Records
- Country: USA
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube
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Pulverised Records
- Country: Singapore
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube