![The Gates Of Sinn – The Great Sabbath [Demo] the gates of sinn – the great sabbath [demo]](https://www.vm-underground.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/The-Gates-of-Sinn-The-Great-Sabbath-Demo-e1558296337220.jpg)
- Band(s): The Gates Of Sinn
- Label(s): Iron Bonehead Productions
- Release Format(s): Cassette, Demo
- Release Year: 2019
- Review Date: May 19, 2019
This demo begins with one of thé utmost beautiful intros ever conceived: celestial soundtrack-like religious choral parts swell into ecstasy, a priest trying to exorcise a demon (?), only to by mocked by the repetition of his Holy words by a coarse demonic voice…So beautiful, so divine.
And then: a slab of primitive satanic Black Metal, full of heavy rumbling bass, thundering repetitive hammering drums and rudimentary, yet effective guitars bursts through your speakers. A rotten, slimy voice utters sacrileges of the worst kind. And everything turns black before your eyes. What do The Gates of Sinn sound like? Well … think of Profanatica & Havohej and you’re there. Although I must admit The Gates of Sinn are a bit more dynamic.
You know what you’re getting yourself into with The Gates of Sinn. 5 tracks of disgusting satanic Black Metal. Not original? Who gives a flying fuck anyway? Just give it a listen. (LV)
The Gates Of Sinn
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Iron Bonehead Productions
- Country: Germany
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Other
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube
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