- Band(s): Deiquisitor
- Label(s): Extremely Rotten Productions, Night Shroud Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, Cassette
- Release Year: 2019
- Review Date: April 8, 2020
- Author(s): Ricardo
The last couple of years Denmark certainly made a huge comeback when it comes to Death Metal. Quality material from Undergang, Taphos, Phrenelith and also this band, Deiquisitor, got the recognition they well deserved, if you ask me. After 3 demos, 2 EPs and 2 Full-lengths, the abominations from Sjælland are back again with their lovely views on this rotten world.
“Towards our Impending Doom” just continues the dark and brutal quality Deiquisitor is known for. It is easy to mention Immolation, Dead Congregation and fellow country mates Phrenelith as the direction you have to look for, but better to show you the known paths than to get you lost in a dark forest.
If you are already know them or this is your first encounter, just get “Towards Our Impending Doom” into your collection…Probably their best effort so far.