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Infernal Execrator – Diabolatry

infernal execrator – diabolatry


Infernal Execrator’s third Hell-scourge ‘Diabolatry’ emerges from the fiery depths of late 2023, wielding sonic viciousness and ruthlessness that shatters all feeble false and superficial extremity. Infernal Execrator proudly wears their massive influences Impiety, Infernal War, Marduk, and more on their sleeves! ‘Diabolatry’ is a malevolently crushing, electrifying assault of true Black Speed Hellfire. This is Marduk and Funeral Mist on steroids. The album’s firepower is a relentlessly punishing aural assault that will make you understand that this band is not for the faint of heart.

Blindingly fast-paced guitars attack with sharp, piercing cold riffs, unleashing rage and leads that cut through your soul. The bass and exceptional drumming pound through the deathwinds of the guitars, and Infernal Execrator are second to none with this release!

‘Diabolatry’ was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Lord Nizam Aziz in Studio Dungeon 47, and the cover artwork was once again envisioned by the excellent Indonesian hellilustrator Jenglot Hitam. Every single track pummels and destroys with raging ferocity and tenacious mastery – this is Black/Death Metal of the highest order!

‘Diabolatry’ will be sought after for many years to come and is poised to become one of Singapore’s underground masterpieces.

Pulverised Records

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