- Band(s): Rift
- Label(s): Séance Records
- Release Format(s): Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2021
- Review Date: April 25, 2022
The Australian Rift started a short-lived first stint in mid-00s as a project of Balam, known for his work within Nazxul, Drowning the Light and Pestilential Shadows, and released and EP called “Eyes of the Basilisk”, which was released by GoatowaRex, in 2006. Right after that this album got recorded but didn’t see the light of the day.
In 2021 Balam contacted A.S. of Order of Orias to finally complete the album with his vocals. If you enjoy your Black Metal in a synth-like atmospheric kind of way, with a hazy and fuzzy guitar sound, then “To Quench the Thirst of Wolves” is an album to check out.
The dark melodies are spot on and if you would like to step down of the voracious kind of Black Metal and enjoy the beauty in darkness for a bit, I can recommend this album for sure. (Ricardo)