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Goatsmegma – Demonic Goat Smegma Eating Ritual

goatsmegma – demonic goat smegma eating ritual


I think you will agree with me, if a band is called Goatsmegma, posing with balaclavas holding a machete and other weapons of pure love making, walking around with pseudonyms like Sabbatical Invoker ov Primordial Wilderness and Sadistic Hellblast Impaler and have lovely ballads as “Licking the Goat’s Vaginal Prolapse in the Name of Baphomet” and “Inserting an Inverted Cross into Goat Uterus”, this will probably not be an act who will cover Kiss’ “I was made for loving you”.

Nah, we are dealing with some Bestial War Black/Death violence when we talk about Goatsmegma from Estonia, playing in the vein of the common acts; Blasphemy, Conquerer and the likes with a ditto primitive sound which beholds pounding drums, roaring guitars and vocals from the abyss.

Goatsmegma will not convert non-believers of this specific style with tracks like “Chaotic Anal Intercourse with the Goat”…fuckin’ hell, goats do have a rough living in Talinn…but enthusiasts of the genre will definitely enjoy Goatsmegma as well. (Ricardo)

Trash can Dance

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