![Infested Angel – Submit to Death [EP] infested angel – submit to death [ep]](https://www.vm-underground.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Infested-Angel-Submit-to-Death-EP-cover.jpg)
- Band(s): Infested Angel
- Label(s): Self-Released
- Release Format(s): Cassette, CD, EP
- Release Year: 2022
- Review Date: August 12, 2022
How does that old song go? What the world needs now, is filthy British Death Metal, sweet filthy British Death Metal. Well, I’m paraphrasing a little but you know what I’m on about. Following on from their debut EP ‘Nourish Me, Satan’, (A review of which you will have been able to read about two hours before this bad boy hit) Birmingham’s Infested Angel this year unleashed a wonderful follow up EP entitled ‘Submit to Death’. Like the first EP, this is self-released, but unlike the last one the band have seen fit to put this one out on cassette. Bravo chaps, bravo!
One of the most pleasing aspects to Infested Angel is that you will not find any modern sounding tones in any of their offerings. As with the debut EP this is all about crushing old school Death Metal and never is that more exemplified than during five main tracks of this release. (Not counting the intro/outro tracks which are more about mood setting and darkness casting in my view)
I won’t bore you all with the details of what lyrical concepts run through the EP as they are similar to the first EP and as such covered in my first review. For ‘Submit to Death’ I’ll instead tell you that Infested Angel have progressed in every single aspect since a year previous. Their song-writing has improved exponentially which is impressive as it was already of a high standard. Technically, the bands shred way more than ‘Nourish me, Satan’, and whilst the vicious aggressive riffs are an ever present, the band really do let themselves flow more the second time around with many a flourish of creativity woven throughout the release. Vocalist Andrew remains powerful, his growls thunderous and punishing, and the cavernous sound to the drums soars higher than before, crashing and rumbling along with heavy duty bass play throughout. Infested Angel could easily be the UK’s next big thing when it comes to Death Metal. Do not take your eyes and ears of these lads. (Luke Hayhurst)
Infested Angel
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- Kthulhu - Hymnis Nigrum [EP] {2016}
- Kurjuus - Erakon Tie [EP] {2023}
- Kurjuus – Korven Muuttumaton, Erehtymätön Laki [Demo] {2023}
- Kurjuus – Ihmisyydestä Luopunut [EP] {2024}
- Xulux / Kurjuus - Xulux - Kurjuus Split [Split] {2024}
- Kvad - Invocations [EP] {2022}
- Laere - Solve [EP] {2020}
- Laere - Coagula [EP] {2022}
- Lagnia – Sigil [Demo] {2023}
- Larvae - Necroptuary [EP] {2019}
- Last Retch - Demo [Demo] {2021}
- Leather Brigade - Pray To The Knife [EP] {2023}
- Lie in Ruins - ...Statues [Demo] {2006}
- Lifeblind - Demo ’15 [Demo] {2015}
- Lijkschouwer - Lamentations of Cosmic Absurdity {2022}
- Living Through Ghosts - Deus Absconditus {2019}
- Loputon Suo - Loputon Suo [Demo] {2015}
- Lord Ov Chaos - Grief {2022}
- Luciferian Annihilation Cult – Hail To The Whore [Demo] {2023}
- Lucifericon - The Occult Waters {2012}
- Lunatic Devote - Demonstration Of Lunatic Rituals [Demo] {2023}
- Lvnaris - Lunae Errabunda [Demo] {2023}
- Lysergic – Dimethyltryptikon {2023}
- Macabre Goat - Septem Ostiis Macabre {2019}
- Macrofago - Back to the Abyss [Demo] {2017}
- Magoth - Zeitgeist : Dystopia {2018}
- Mal Du Siècle - Dark Ceremonies under A Cursed Moon [Demo] {2017}
- Maliënkolder - Maliënkolder [Demo] {2022}
- Maligner - Promo 2016 [Demo] {2016}
- Masticated Cadaver - Necrotic Mutation [Demo] {2023}
- Maul - Monarchy of Mold [EP] {2020}
- Melting Eyes - My Final Resting Place [EP] {2021}
- Mental Casket – Demo 2019 [Demo] {2019}
- Merciless Savagery - Demo 2020 [Demo] {2020}
- Mezexis - Demo 1 [Demo] {2022}
- Miasma of Occvlt Limbs - Occvlta Caerimonia Putridvm {2023}
- Midoran – Secret Tales Of My Journey In Gnome Forest [Demo] {2024}
- Minneriket - Gjennom meg går ingen til hvile {2022}
- Misanthropic - Malicious Procession Of Rotted Flesh [EP] {2022}
- Miscarriage - Fucking Disgusting {2020}
- Miserable Creature - Miserable Creature [Demo] {2020}
- Misophonia - Promo 2013 [Demo] {2013}
- Mithrandir - Towards the Spires of Dol Guldur {2023}
- Mithrandir - Valapatto [EP] {2023}
- Mofsed - Rattenkrieg! {2019}
- Mogul Dracul - The Tragic Life Of A Melancholic Vampire [EP] {2023}
- Montségur - Under the Banner of Witchcraft [Demo] {2013}
- Moonlight Sword - Elfenwinter [Demo] {2022}
- Moonlight Sword - Elven Blood [EP] {2022}
- Moonshrine - Hallucinatory Forest Rituals [Demo] {2023}
- Morbid Grave - The Slime Crawlers {2022}
- Morbus Grave - Promo '21 [Demo] {2021}
- Mordant Rhed - Touch the Skeleton in the Forest [EP] {2024}
- Mordberg - Nacht des Grauens [Demo] {2023}
- Mördwolf - Demo 2012 {2012}
- Morkera - Aggravations {2023}
- Mörkvind – Hypnotiskt Vanvett Av Skogens Irrgångar [EP] {2024}
- Mortal Chains - Mortal Chains [EP] {2022}
- Mortem Agmen - Where Life Ends Forever [Demo] {2023}
- Mortuous - Demo 2012 [Demo] {2012}
- Muorgal - Under Graoa Himila [EP] {2022}
- Murder Method - Hide the Bodies [EP] {2019}
- Murk Rider - Exile of Shadows {2019}
- My Lament - Sorrow [Demo] {2015}
- Mylingen - At Night I See Demons [EP] {2023}
- Myrsky - Tuonelalle {2022}
- Mystic Veil - What Misery Thou Art Fallen [Demo] {2022}
- Nachtgnawer - Eternal Curse of the Blood [Demo] {2022}
- Nachtwraak - Unheim {2016}
- Nachzehrer - Eternal Deities Of The Black Horde [EP] {2023}
- Nar - Blood Moon Omen {2020}
- Nattsjäl - Of Chaos Supreme {2023}
- Necrofier - Visions of Fire [EP] {2018}
- Necrogore – Ancestral Abhorrence [EP] {2024}
- Necrohammer - Unholy Black Steel [EP] {2022}
- Necrohammer – Ancient Metal Holocaust [Demo] {2024}
- Necrom - The Light Has Never Been Here [Demo] {2019}
- Necroplanet - Negative Space {2022}
- Necrotum - May the Dead Rise [Demo] {2020}
- Nefarious [USA] - Nefarious [Demo] {2016}
- Nefertem - Eucharistical Blasphemy [EP] {2019}
- Negative Mantra - A Hymn to Disappointment [Demo] {2015}
- Nekrohowl - Nekrohowl [Demo] {2016}
- Neverlight Horizon - Perfection in Murder's Art [Demo] {2002}
- Neverlight Horizon - Walxaz [EP] {2023}
- Nex [POL] - The World Collapses {2018}
- Nidvinter - Winter Wars [EP] {2023}
- Nightbreed [CAN] - Nightbreed [Demo] {2016}
- Nightfall Dissension - Demo 1 [Demo] {2023}
- Nightmare Effigy - Primordial Suffering [EP] {2024}
- Nights Horn – Divina Obscura {2024}
- Nihil Invocation / Irae - Evil Storm Of Haunting Recollections [Split] {2022}
- Nihil Invocation – Blood Upon The Gates At Dawn {2023}
- Nihil Invocation – The Bane Of Winter’s Longing [Demo] {2024}
- Nil Miserans - Nil Miserans {2016}
- Nimbifer – Demo I [Demo] {2019}
- Nimbifer - Demo II [Demo] {2020}
- Ninhursag - Rite of Initiating Blessing Part I [EP] {2022}
- Nocturnal Graves - Lead Us to the Endless Fire / Sharpen the Knives [EP] {2016}
- Nocturnal Terror – Blasphemous Crushing Of Angels [EP] {2024}
- Nocturnal Vomit – Infernal Ascension Of The Gods {2003}
- Nogrod - Abstruce Dismal [EP] {2016}
- Nordavind - Den Vordende Ånd {2023}
- Nortavlaggh.377 - Demo 2020 [Demo] {2020}
- Nothingness - The Hollow Gaze of Death {2019}
- Nuclear Throne - Demo IV [Demo] {2010}
- Nukekubi - The Cursed Mound [Demo] {2022}
- Nyrak - Malvs {2022}
- Obscurial - Funeral, Burial and Rites {2021}
- Obsolete Incunabulum - Shadows Mask... [Demo] {2020}
- Opaque Blue - Ocean's Exquisite Mist [Demo] {2023}
- Opiumortem - Lethargia [Demo] {2022}
- Opiumortem - Opiumortem [Demo] {2022}
- Opiumortem - Мъртви души {2023}
- Oppress - Regina Mundi [EP] {2021}
- Oppression - State Of War [Demo] {2006}
- Order - Void [EP] {2023}
- Order ov Riven Cathedrals - Göbekli Tepe {2018}
- Osculum Serpentis - The Curse of the Vampyre [EP] {2023}
- Osculum Serpentis - Satanā {2024}
- Otargos - Conqueror, Conqueror...Destroyer [Demo] {2002}
- Övervåld – Våldsbejakande Extremism [EP] {2024}
- Paganizer - The Flesh Dwellers - Rarities [Compilation] {2022}
- Pain Descendant - Pain Descendant [EP] {2022}
- Painsaw - Infinite Violence [EP] {2022}
- Pandemia - The Message from Death Metal Empire [Demo] {1998}
- Panssarituho - Demo II [Demo] {2020}
- Panssarituho - Loputon Teurastus {2021}
- Panzerwar / Alghol - From the Caverns...Echos of the Undead Call [Split] {2020}
- Papa Necrose - Open Infected Body {2021}
- Paramilitant - Emetic Spear of Intolerance [Demo] {2022}
- Paranoiac - Morbid Psycho [Demo] {2022}
- Path ov Amok - Demo 2013 {2013}
- Path to War - Spring Promo [Demo] {2019}
- Pathologicum - Path of Darkness [Demo] {2015}
- Patron Mental - Criaturas Sin Alma [Demo] {2017}
- Penny Coffin - Conscripted Morality [EP] {2022}
- Pénombre - Lueur Noire {2023}
- Percussor - Desperate To Expire [EP] {2020}
- Perkwunos - Stelae [Demo] {2022}
- Pestis - Demo I 2023 [Demo] {2023}
- Phlegmesis - Filthspeak [Demo] {2023}
- Pillagery – Pillagery [Demo] {2024}
- Plague Weaver - Through the Sulphur Eyes [EP] {2020}
- Plaguebringer [CAN] - Diablos {2019}
- Plaguestorm - Mother of Plagues {2019}
- Poisonous Reflection - Demo II {2022}
- Poisonous Reflection - Demo II + More {2022}
- Poisonous Reflection - Demo MMXXII [Demo] {2022}
- Poisonous Reflection - Desmoterion {2022}
- Poisonous Reflection - This Wretched Vessel I Inhabit [EP] {2022}
- Polluted Inheritance - Into Darkness {2001}
- Poroniec - Demo [Demo] {2019}
- Poroniec - Demo II [Demo[ {2020}
- Prayer of the Dying - God's Failed Creation {2013}
- Premonitions - Primordial Instinct [EP] {2022}
- Prezir - Depredation {2020}
- Procreation - Ghostwood {2014}
- Prometeus - Necrofagia {2020}
- Putrefact - I Shall Die Upon This Putrefaction [Demo] {2012}
- Putrescine - Optogram Of The Depraved [Demo] {2021}
- Putrid Evocation - Promo Advance MMXIII [Demo] {2013}
- Raakimus - Tuskien Taival [EP] {2023}
- Rapture [CHL] - Scourge of Blasphemy [Demo] {2016}
- Ravensirkl - Demo Rehearsal [Demo] {2021}
- Ravensirkl - Morgenroete [Demo] {2021}
- Ravensirkl - Weltenschlange [Single] {2022}
- rBapho - Astral Death [Demo] {2019}
- Reflet Crépusculaire – Vanished Scripts {2024}
- Relics of Martyrs - Scenes of Blood and Betrayal {2012}
- Rend Them Asunder - Existence to Entrails {2022}
- Repulsive - Demo I: Thanatophobia {2015}
- Reputdeath - Demo II [Demo] {2016}
- Rest - Rest [Demo] {2017}
- Riutuja - Kuolonkerjuu {2023}
- Rosenkreuzgesellschaft - Rosenkreuzgesellschaft [EP] {2022}
- Rotpit - Rottenness [Single / Demo] {2022}
- Rotted - Pestilent Promo [Demo] {2017}
- Rotten - Cryptic Catacombs {2013}
- Rotten Casket - Simply Rotten Death {2015}
- Rotting Demise - My Whole Wrath {2023}
- Sacrimonia - Anthems Of Eclipse {2022}
- Sadistic - Advance of Evil MMXV [Promo] {2015}
- Sadistic Goatmessiah – Demo 2023 [Demo / Re-Release] {2024}
- Sammorra Shadow - Hinding Behind The Moonlit Forest [Demo] {2022}
- Sanguinary Emperor - MMXXIII Demo [Demo] {2023}
- Sapped - Deus Causticus [Demo] {2023}
- Satanism – Lycanthropic Legion {2023}
- Sathamel - Horror Vacui {2019}
- Scab Hag – Wading Through Mephitic Filth [EP] {2023}
- Schizophrenia - Chants Of The Abyss [EP] {2023}
- Selefice - I Met a God [EP] {2019}
- Sentience - Beyond the Curse of Death {2014}
- Sepsis – Twisted Remains [Demo] {2018}
- Septic Fumes - Promo '23 [Demo] {2023}
- Sepulchral [ESP] - Rest in Sepulchral Darkness [Demo] {2016}
- Sepulchral Whore - Promo MMXVI [Demo] {2016}
- Sepulchromancy - Hell Crisis [Demo] {2023}
- Servorum - Atramentous [Demo] {2015}
- Severe Torture - Baptized... [Demo] {1998}
- Shadowcraft - Principles of Chaos [Demo] {2013}
- Shithammered – Atomic Sodomizer [EP] {2023}
- Sigils Of Ruin - Demo I [Demo] {2023}
- Silenced Voice - Understanding Mortality [Demo] {2022}
- Siniestral - Contemplando el Abismo [Demo] {2023}
- Sinnrs - Profound {2018}
- Sküllfükk SS - Müsikk To Fükk To [Demo] {2019}
- Slug Gore - Extraterrestrial Gastropod Mollusc [EP] {2023}
- Smash Potater - The EP [EP] {2012}
- Smyrtonos / Skol – The Dark Lords Of Blasphemy [Split] {2024}
- Snares of Impurity - The Morning of the Magicians {2022}
- Snares of Impurity – The Blood of a Warrior [EP] {2022}
- Snares of Impurity – The Immortal Winds of War [EP] {2022}
- Snøgg - Chhinnamasta {2019}
- Sokeus - Immortal Wisdom [Demo] {2023}
- Somnium Nox - Apocrypha [Single] {2016}
- Sorrow Enthroned - The Grave of Endless Writhing [EP] {2021}
- Soul Incursion - Eternal Darkness [EP] {2023}
- Spectral Torture - Black Moon Savagery [Demo] {2023}
- Speedpussy - Funeral Bells From Hell [EP] {2023}
- Squelch – Eternal Hiss Of Hatred [Demo] {2024}
- Stench Collector - Dislimbification [Single] {2022}
- Sterveling - In de Schoot der Aarde [Demo] {2022}
- Stige - Where Darkness Prevails [Demo] {2014}
- Stiletto Sun - Disjecta Membra [EP] {2022}
- Stutyr - Missä yö teidät kohtaa [EP] {2023}
- Subjugated Black Death Immolation – The Watcher Of Darkness And Error [Demo] {2023}
- Sullen Guest- Phase [EP] {2022}
- Sun Descends Black - EP I [EP] {2019}
- Surgical Invasion - Malignant Devastation [EP] {2023}
- Surtur - Descendant of Time [EP] {2015}
- Surun Syvyys - Solitude And Snow [EP] {2022}
- Svavelh – 2020 [EP] {2020}
- Svrm - Розпад {2021}
- Svrm - Червів майбутня здобич [EP] {2022}
- Svrm – Мовчання і смерть [EP] {2024}
- Svrm – Прощання [EP] {2024}
- Swan Messiah - Call of the Burning One {2019}
- Synteleia - Astral Blasphemies [Demo] {2016}
- Tales of the Tomb - Volume Two: Mendacium [EP] {2019}
- Terminate - Demo 2014 [Demo] {2014}
- The Beyond - Decaying Death [EP] {2013}
- The Chamberlain - Dominus Noctis [EP] {2023}
- The Dark Overlords - I Am The Dark Overlords [EP] {2021}
- The Eliminati - The First EP [EP] {2015}
- The Flesh [HOL] – Dweller [EP] {2018}
- The Harvest Trail - Spree [EP] {2023}
- Thromvosis - Proclamation Of The Smegmatic Warcult {2023}
- Thunraz - Revelation {2023}
- Thurs - Mot Nord [Demo] {2007}
- Tomb Mold - Cerulean Salvation [EP] {2018}
- Tomhet - Reveries of the Wraith [EP] {2022}
- Torture Ascendancy 1307 - D.E.M.O.S {2019}
- Torturerama - It Begins at Birth [EP] {2014}
- Torturium – Chamber {2024}
- Total Massacre - Promo 2002 [Demo] {2002}
- Totholz - Weckruf Der Alten Zeit [Demo] {2021}
- Tragic Shadows - Minha Hora Chegará [Demo] {2022}
- Trepanator - Mutant Birth [Demo] {2016}
- Trouble Agency - Suspected {2017}
- Trve Sagacity - For The Great Fall Of Time [EP] {2023}
- Tumulation - Savage Blood Domain [Demo] {2023}
- Typhonian – Beneath the Stream of Life {2018}
- Tyrant's Might - Recrudescence Of Diabolism [Demo] {2023}
- Übelkeit - Anachronism [EP] {2023}
- Uburen - And the Mountains Weep {2019}
- Udręka - Zgnij [EP] {2023}
- Undead - Blood Enemy (EP) {2015}
- Under The Church - Demo 2013 {2013}
- Ungoliantha - The Howl in the Waste [EP] {2019}
- Unohdus - Niin Turhaan Tähdet Valaisivat Meitä [Demo] {2023}
- Until Death Overtakes Me - Decay Into Irrelevance {2023}
- Úvanimor - Somnium Luciferum {2022}
- Vampirblut - A Clash Of Steel And Flame [Demo / Single] {2022}
- Vampirblut - Black Metal Punks [EP] {2022}
- Vampiric Solitude - Demo I [Demo] {2022}
- Vampyric Bloodlust – Wretched Is The Light [EP] {2024}
- Vampyric Winter - My Last Vampyric Winter Among These Ruins {2023}
- Vandr - Farmaðr - Wanderer Ov Bitter Earth and Broken Stones [Single] {2022}
- Vanquishor – Shadows of Exile [EP] {2018}
- Vârcolac - Demo II [Demo] {2023}
- Vardan - Dirty And Bloody Nails From The Forest {2018}
- Vargrike - Útkereső [EP] {2021}
- Vargrike - A Vereségben {2022}
- Vengeance Hammer - Preemptive Assault [Demo] {2022}
- Venomous Breath - Promo 2014 [Demo] {2014}
- Vephar - Human Beasts [EP] {2021}
- Vephar - Ascension Through Torture {2022}
- Vér – Apparitions Of The Past {2023}
- Veret – Demons Rise, Demons Ride! [Demo] {2023}
- Vergewaltiger - Unholy Mysticism [Demo] {2023}
- Verhinderer - Ruhepol [EP] {2023}
- Verzauber - Frankincense & Vitriol {2023}
- Vestal Cuntvomit - Barbaric Supremacy {2024}
- Vesthangarth - Doomed Blood Concatenation [Demo] {2022}
- Viacrucis - Les Tragiques {2022}
- Victimarum - Demo 2023 {2023}
- Victimarum – Tyhjyyden Roviolla [Single] {2023}
- Vile Insignia - Bestial Invocation {2015}
- Vile Tongues - Vile Tongues [Demo] {2017}
- Vile Tongues - Lucid Dismemberment [Demo] {2020}
- Vilgefortz - Killing One by One When the Night Becomes the Battlefield [Demo] {2002}
- Vinterskögen - Where the Sunlight doesnt reach [Demo] {2015}
- Vistery - Doomfall {2021}
- Vitr - Soumrak [EP] {2023}
- Void Below - Void Below [EP] {2022}
- Void Column - The Chasmic Death [Demo] {2021}
- Voidfire - Ogień pustki {2020}
- Voidhand - Demo I [Demo] {2023}
- Voidkeeper - Eternal Decay [EP] {2022}
- VoidLord - Wasteland Command [Demo] {2020}
- Vok - Death and Darkness [Demo] {2022}
- Volc Vermaledide – Grafloos [Demo] {2022}
- Vömitt – Impale The Sultan [EP] {2024}
- Voros - Malignancy [EP] {2018}
- Vukari - Demo MMXVIII [Demo] {2019}
- Vultures - Wreckage [Demo] {2023}
- Vuosisata – Kuilu [Demo] {2024}
- VVilderness - Path {2023}
- Waldoede - Volksmythos [Demo] {2020}
- Wampyric Rites - Reflections of a Frostbitten Moon [EP] {2019}
- Warchrist - MMXXI [Demo] {2021}
- Wargeist - Altar Of Genocide [EP] {2022}
- Warorath – Verikirous {2024}
- Wharflurch - Shitslime [EP] {2020}
- Whoretopsy - Take My Breath Away {2018}
- Wight - Wight [EP] {2023}
- Wilgskill - Lost in Loathing [EP] {2022}
- Wilt - Faces of the Grave {2018}
- Wilt - Into Nothingness {2023}
- Wind Cathedral - Conjurer of the Wind {2022}
- Wintaar / Zurdeimvar Gragz - Winter Immortallity [Split] {2019}
- Wolfpath - Wolfpath [EP] {2023}
- Wolvëin - Blasphemous Werewolf [Demo] {2022}
- Wolven - New World Apocalypse [Demo] {2015}
- Wolves Of Desor – Lost Kingdom Of The Giants [Demo] {2023}
- Wombbath - The Weight Of Reality [EP] {2022}
- Wombripper - Morbid Aberrations [Demo] {2014}
- Worm Altar - Worm Altar [EP] {2022}
- Wormface - A Sound You Can Smell [Demo] {2023}
- Worship Death - Promo MMXV {2015}
- Wulvyr – Moon.Malice.Heresy {2023}
- Wurdulac – Necronomicon I [Demo] {2020}
- Xaemora - At Dusk of Existence [EP] {2020}
- Xegren - Risen From The Depths Of Suicide [Demo] {2022}
- Xegren - Spectral Incantations [Demo] {2022}
- Xegren - Xegren [Demo] {2022}
- Xenomorph8472 - Rüstwelt {2022}
- XI-Void - PanDemonic [Demo] {2006}
- Xorsist - Deadly Possession {2022}
- Your New Phobia - Concave {2019}
- Yrr - Vanhat Haavat Ovat Auenneet [Demo] {2022}
- Zeit - Drangsal {2019}
- Zemial - To Slay With Silent Dagger [EP] {2022}
- Ziegenhorn - Goat Demo(n) [Demo] {2019}
- Zwarte Dood – Demo Compilation [Compilation] {2023}