- Band(s): Rotting Christ
- Label(s): Century Media, Prosthetic Records
- Release Format(s): Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2004
- Review Date: September 8, 2004
- Author(s): FelixS
Well, what can I say that haven’t been said before about the master of the Greek sound? Not too much? After a while of playing doomy atmospheric Metal they slowly but surely began to return to their unholy roots and they actually approached their original style more and more. And while we arrived at their ninth full-length album – and hands full of EP’s and demos – we can conclude nothing more than that they put a huge step backwards in the discography. Leaning much towards the ‘Thy Mighty Contract’ kind of sound on the one hand and keeping one foot in the grave of their atmospheric period I think they recorded one of their best albums and by far the best of the last few years?
I was always a fan of their earliest work as well of their newer (more atmospheric) works, so this blend of both styles is somewhat of a blessing to me. The album starts of with some extreme drums and guitars after which it slows down to an atmospheric part and that is something the band is still very good at. The thick layers of keyboards, hypnotising guitars and the female choirs (don’t be afraid, its nothing gay-like as in Therion or something) are the cause of this. So, on the one hand they sound pretty heavy (reminds me even on good old Destruction every now and then) as in songs like ‘Visions Of A Blind Order’ and ‘Serve In Heaven’ but other songs like ‘Sanctimonius’ and the title track ‘Sanctus Diavolos’ sound as breathtaking as many of the great atmospheric songs like ‘After Dark I Feel’ from the ‘Sleep Of Angels’ CD. Another thing which surprised me a lot was the heavy industrial intent of ‘Tyrannical’, tight drums and riffs with industrialized keyboards. I think easily say that Rotting Christ delivered their most diverse and varied album up to date?
I’ve actually been weaving the conclusion throughout the words I used in the review, but I’d like to add that I think all fans from their earliest works to their last ones and everything in between should at least try this new album, for it captures some of the best Rotting Christ tracks so far composed. I’ve been playing this album for a few dozens of times and I still enjoy the album more every time I hear it again!
Century Media
- Country: Germany
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Thrash Metal, Other
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube
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Prosthetic Records
- Country: USA
- Style: Death Metal, Black Metal, Other
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube