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Eowa – MMXXII [Demo]

eowa – mmxxii [demo]


I’m sure I’m not the only one who saw the stunning cover art for the debut Eowa demo and got excited! It looks spectacular! Eowa is a one man Black Metal project from Manchester in the UK, and his debut demo focuses on the darker aspects of human history, the suffering caused. Opener ‘Acidic Monsoons’ has a measured approach that masks a raging undercurrent. Sporting a muffled drumming sound, quietly brooding tremolo picking guitar leads and raw, furious vocal growls and screams, Eowa stays close to the early 90’s dynamic of Black Metal and still manages to maintain a sound that is forged in burning hot flames. Furthermore, due to the pace of the opening track, the dark atmospheres conjured through intensive guitar leads and almost Doom Metal like drumming are foreboding to say the least. Closing track ‘The Blighted’ feels more in line with traditional Black Metal; fast paced, ravenous sounding guitar leads and all driven forth by the unrelenting fury of blast beat aggression. And yet the overbearing oppressive atmosphere created during ‘Acidic’ remains throughout and overall this opening demo speaks of more malevolence to come. (Marksson)


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