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Begrafven – Begrafven

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A traditional Black Metal band from Sweden, just formed in 2012 and consists of 3 members who aren’t really known for any prior activities. Or you have been acquainted with a band called Elmi who released 2 full length albums and 1 EP and is now signed by Obscure Abhorrence Productions. Well, that’s all the info you need, because the music itself is very…very…very well played! The two tracks “Universums Grav” and “Frälsaren” are of high quality, played in the 1990s Nordic Black Metal vein with quite some nice melodic hooks without getting wimpy or whatsoever. Something Taake or old Arckanum would produce having Dimmu Borgir’s “Stormblast” played as last album before entering the studio. Both tracks are over 7 minutes but doesn’t get dull at any time as I never got the feeling that Begrafven is stretching a song just for the hell of it. The vocals are harsh and a bit raspy and fits perfectly. Actually I can’t think of one negative or critical remark on this demo as I’m impressed! As of the 3rd of December Begrafven is signed to Unexploded Records, so keep an eye on their debut full length! While waiting for the debut album, you can download this demo for free on their website. (Ricardo)


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