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Ferment – Nie By​ł​o Mnie Nigdy [EP]

ferment – nie by​ł​o mnie nigdy [ep]


Ferment is a multi-talented gentleman from Krakow, Poland who when he isn’t putting out emotionally scorching demo releases with his band Poroniec, is endeavouring to further his solo career with this 2020 released debut EP entitled ‘Nie By​ł​o Mnie Nigdy’, which sees him up his game from backing vocalist to the full throated roar of main vocalist. Ferment has a deep seated melodic side to his Black Metal, but whilst Poroniec utilize the piano to wonderful effect, Ferment has a more guitar lead based style of producing melodic Black Metal, and the final results are both majestically atmospheric but also scathingly intense! Indeed, the grinding quality to the guitar leads in opening track ‘Nie By​ł​o Mnie Nigdy’ are simply divine and combine seamlessly with the sturdy drumming style shown on both Poroniec demo’s.

I love a creator of Black Metal who can merge startling displays of savagery with heart stopping breaths of melancholy moods, creating a sound that soars into the stratosphere with profound beauty but also all encumbering terror. Ferment is a master of his craft and his bleak rhythms really ensnare both the heart and the mind. Whilst creating from Poroniec the piano is at the fore-front of the harmonies, here it is used far more sparingly and as more of an undertone, adding a further layer of darkness to a sound already mired in it.

There are obvious similarities between the body of work put out by Poroniec and that of Ferments solo opus. However, I’d say that this EP has a more sonic heaviness to its sound that makes it stand apart. So if you have persevered through all three reviews you will now have three new releases to go an immerse yourself in. It’s certainly been a pleasure for me! (Marksson)


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