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Haunted Knight – Veil

haunted knight – veil


‘Veil’ is the debut opus from Chicago born Melodic Black Metal one man project Haunted Knight. Shrouded in mystery and braving the depths of unquenchable cosmic horror, ‘Veil’ begins with the repetitive 80’s pop style beats of an electronic drum kit which lay down the path for catchy and oddly hypnotic guitar tones and synth work, which in turn contrast well with more traditional sounding Black Metal guitar leads and croaked, menacing vocal work. Opening track ‘Black Wave’ truly feels like a an acid trip of 80’s Synth Pop, Gothic Rock, Dungeon Synth and early 90’s Black Metal, and it all melds together is a pretty unique and gratifying manner.

However, the opener isn’t overly typical of the whole release and tracks such as ‘Communion’, ‘Enantiodromia’ and later on ‘Cult of the Fading Sun’, share a far more traditional Black Metal sound, one that is deeply intense sounding with beautifully crafted melodic undertones, and both tracks are more than capable of unleashing cosmic bursts of power and aggression when the mood calls for it.

Where Haunted Knight truly excels is through thought provoking lyrics in combination with hook laden choruses. Mix these traits in with flowing Atmospheric harmonies and raw, powerful riffs such as during ‘Temporal Storm’ and the result is a heady intoxicating blend of smooth rhythm and fire breathing intensity.

At thirty minutes in length, ‘Veil’ doesn’t overstay its welcome and features a sublime blend of melody and steel, possessing more than a few nods towards the Black Metal greats whilst forging a sound that is rife with more left field influences. A remarkable debut and a highly recommended listening experience.

Haunted Knight

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