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Esoctrilihum – Saopth’s

esoctrilihum – saopth’s


Rounding off 2022, a year of intense workload for the French solo Black Metal project, and the third review in my series covering the recent work of Asthâghul and his musical outlet Esoctrilihum. ‘Saopth’s’ is his eight full length album and closely follows the monstrous and aggressive ‘Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh’ album, and the transitional EP that is ‘Luadimmerantia’.

During the EP it was noticeable that whilst the usual style of outright hostility and barbarity was still very much present, there was an unmistakable atmospheric flavouring moving into the project’s sound. And whilst that more melodic tinge was very noticeable, it in no way detracted from the overall level of fury and bitterness that Esoctrilihum dishes out.

This new album has fully accepted the new atmospheric leanings and embraced the cold, dark ambient influence whole heartedly. And whilst the unrelenting ferocity of the two previous releases is still very much the overarching theme of the album, there are far more atmospheric interludes, backdrops, and landscapes on offer during this album.

It is hard to deny that Esoctrilihum gets better and more accomplished with every release. With each passing offering the levels of songcraft grow exponentially, and the more atmospheric his work becomes, the more intriguing it is for the listener. I’d go so far to say that far from the all-out blast beast and riff fest of ‘Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh’, ‘Saopth’s’is a far more nuanced and melancholy album and its range of sounds and styles helps this project ascend to another level.

2023 will start with a ninth full length album entitled ‘Funeral’. Review to follow. (In about an hour)


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