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Doomorder – Protocol: Death

doomorder – protocol: death


After a short promo in 2016, which was released as a part of a split 7” (pressed on a clear lathe disc) in 2017 the duo behind Doomorder returns with a self-released digital full-length album. The title of the album in combination with its cover artwork already gives away what you are about to experience when you choose to hit the play button.

And, oh yes, these boys woke up and chose violence. This piece of unnerving audial barbary lasts no longer than just half an hour, but it feels like a full-fledged war. The pair goes about their business mercilessly, hammering your skull in an unprecedented brutal way. The ultimately savage Black/Death/Grind/Noise alloy not only flogs your ears, but also your mental system. Blasting rhythms, overdone riffs, beastly vocals and completely over the top screaming whammy leads are the main ingredients that are further perfected by full on overdriven noise and a deafening chaotic production. It feels like a deranged jam-session between Blasphemous Noise Torment and Proclamation, making this quite a release that requires a bit of a trained ear or a certainly level of personal and human degeneration. On second thought, you might need both.


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