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Godgaard – Valak’s Adulteries

godgaard – valak’s adulteries


‘Valak’s Adulteries’ is Godgaard’s second offering, though released simultaneously with the other two albums and EP, and seems to be a concept album that deals with a goetic demon named Valak. Valak (or Valac) is a demon that was mentioned in the goetic grimoires The Lesser Key of Solomon and mostly depicted as a young boy riding a two-headed dragon. I was not quite able to decipher what twist Godgaard gives to the tale of Valak, but judging from the titles he has wasn’t quite a good boy…

Musically this album is a step forward from its predecessor, which suffered from incoherence on both a musical point of view and also sound wise. On ‘Valak’s Adulteries’ Godgaard sound more coherent and more melodic too. The addition of some keyboards and samples make this sound a bit more diverse without having the idea to be tossed all over the place. The sound is still a little too dry and unbalanced, with the kick drums a bit too loud in the mix for instance, but also the sound is quite a step forward compared to ‘Bible Desecration’. This 50-minute ride however, is quite a bit too much, again I think he’d better stick to a bit fewer songs in which he fits all of his best ideas.


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