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Kurjuus – Erakon Tie [EP]

kurjuus – erakon tie [ep]


Not too long ago I spent a few words on the ‘Korven Muuttumaton, Erehtym​ä​t​ö​n Laki’ demo from this Finnish one-man act, which in fact marked already the third release in 2023. But on the very waning moments of last year Hämärä, the Godfather behind this act, is treating us on one last EP. Although this EP was already announced with the previously released digital demo, Hämärä is still able to strike me with his hefty working pace…

‘Erakon Tie’ doesn’t sound like a complete musical make-over from previously released recordings, but it definitely marks a slight shift in sound compared to ‘Korven Muuttumaton, Erehtym​ä​t​ö​n Laki’, which is said to be recorded in the same session. The Raw Black Metal is still very much reminiscent of Ildjarn, but sports a Darkthrone resemblance stronger than ever before. There is still very much a vibrant Folk/Pagan feel to the music, propelled to even further heights to humming semi-clean Isengard-like vocals, but the emphasis seems to be laid more on the riff and especially the song writing. Beneath the unpolished, raw sound there is this strong sense of catchiness, both evident in the riffs and the melodies.

More Darkthrone, but with good amounts of Isengard and Ildjarn to make Kurjuus not sounding as Finnish as loads of its native contemporaries. Take a listen to the closing track of this 28-minute EP for instance, the slower passages with its moody strumming and shrieking vocals make it really a thoroughly recognizable Norwegian affair but it is brought with so much dedication and utter splendour…. Still, while the sharpness of the guitar sound definitely sets them apart from the standard Finnish sound, it is in that particular guitar tuning that the careful listener might discern the ghost of Sargeist (‘Satanic Black Devotion’).

But whatever you like to make of it, which could largely depend on your personal taste and musical frame of reference, Hämärä proved to be gifted with an exceptionally talent for crafting pure and sincere Black Metal. Black Metal in a raw and old school way, with much attention to the power of the riff and enchanting use of Folky melodies.


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