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Deviant Burial – Descent to the Darkest Circle

deviant burial – descent to the darkest circle


The Miami based quartet Deviant Burial took their name from an unconventional practice of peculiar positioned, dismembered/severed cadavers, situated in partially buried “graves”, a custom most would find to be outlandish, quite clever name fitting for their musical endeavors.

Introductory release “Descent To The Darkest Circle”, includes five offerings of blasphemous, iniquitous divinity. Cover art done by Indonesian based, Wahyu Phitoe, who’s recently done covers for Crotalus, Beg, & Poughkeepsie. This cover shows a diabolical inferno of hellish hues with a corpse holding a sword while wild beasts are spewing fiery glowing beams around it, oddly placed fallen angels on the upper left corner, giving visual of what you’re in for when hearing this EP in its entirety.

Opener “Divine Self-Evisceration”, after the 1:20 drippy sound audio, gradually inserts guitar, thinking its a downtuned, doomy tempo, suddenly bursts of belligerent drum work by Roy A. Jurado Caceres, sets the tone and by halfway point increases tempo, those growling husky, aggressively low pitch vocals chime in and a bit of melodic guitar work by Julian Gullen, leading towards outro. “Posthumous Messiah Procreation”, instantly pugnacious & hostile, still weaving in some groove, realizing more how neatly produced quality this carries, not too rough, not TOO polished, guitar work akin to James Murphy’s style of playing & also features guest vocalist Kris Bueno of Absolver.

“Spawned Into Suffering” has Deicide vibes & is the shortest. “Lifeless Dismemberment”, varying tempo shifts from exceptionally rapid, steadily dwindling downward then intensifies towards closing. Saving the longest for last, title track, inspired by Dante Aligheri’s “Inferno”, feels like you’ve approached the terminal circle of perdition, a frozen center. Lyrically vivid: “Encased in hellish ice, a gutless god awaits. Petrified in punishment. Descend down to the darkest circle.” 27 minutes of blackened Death Metal, stoked where they go from here. (Tori Belle)

Deviant Burial

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