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Duir – T​.​S​.​N​.​R​.​I. – Impermanenza

duir – t​.​s​.​n​.​r​.​i. – impermanenza


If a Black Metal band has carnal relations with a copy of the Braveheart soundtrack, the resulting offspring of said union would sound a hell of a lot like this. ‘T​.​S​.​N​.​R​.​I. – Impermanenza’ is the debut full length album from Duir, and Italian band from the beautiful city of Verona who have created an engrossing and ensnaring sound that takes in aspects of Black Metal and its Atmospheric variant, as well as Folk music. Somehow, this album seems to have passed by unseen by any record labels which is a damned shame as it its a highly enigmatic and multi-talented opus; though the band have put out a CD version of the album themselves for those who want it.

Duir create a wonderful and complex tapestry and soaring melodic synth harmonies, and they mesh this with a variety of folk related instruments, most notably the flute to create a whimsical and and aurally stunning backdrop. From there the bands core sound kicks into gear; surging guitar melodies, grinding tremolo picking and an incessant droning bass tone make up the bulk of the bands sound, whilst tantalizing drumming work and powerful, accented vocals add a grace and flair to the overall sound. Then of course there is the bands songcraft which creates five tracks of history and nature inspired delights through surging, urgent sections, to broader, more expansive passages of meandering and fanciful atmospheric splendour.

I highly recommend this Italian band, they have created something very interesting and pleasing to the ears; both intricate and thought provoking whilst being harsh and bitter.


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