- Band(s): Flesh
- Label(s): Pulverised Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2008
- Review Date: April 7, 2008
- Author(s): Yulon Zhu
Sweden’s Flesh features Pete Flesh aka Peter Karlsson of Thrown, Deceiver and ex- Maze Of Torment, on vocals, guitar and bass. Pete’s released a new album entitled ‘Worship The Soul Of Disgust’ and while listening it, you’ll think you’ve got your hands on a record from the late 80’s early 90’s.
The CD starts off with ‘Shatahan’, which is the longest song on the album, almost hitting the seven minute mark. ‘Night Of The Funeral Bells’ has crows sounding in the background to add to the cemetery atmosphere. They interfere with the music, though; it isn’t such a nuisance that I missed out on the musicianship of Pete and session drummer, Flingan. ‘Fuck The Romantic- Fuck The Gothic’ is one of my favorites on the album. Pete’s growls are sick and the hammering of the drums along with the guitars, sends a slightly black metal vibe. Although the band is described as being Death/Thrash/Black metal, I can’t really hear any Black metal other than on that song.
The ending of ‘Sluts And Whores’ (last eight seconds or so), has a jazzy bass line which surprised me. The album has little “treats” like that such as the circus interlude in ‘Shatahan’ and the outro of last song and title track ‘Worship The Soul Of Disgust.’ I personally think that Flesh could do without them. The sound of ‘Sadistic Penetration’ and ‘My Penis Will Be Your Opera’ is different than that of rest of the album as everything is taken to lower depths.
I love this record, but honestly there are parts where the music seems to drag, though this is usually remedied by one of Pete’s guitar solos. Then there’s how the music seems to slightly fade and then become louder at parts, but you probably won’t hear this unless you’re doing some critical listening like I am.
Yet, it all just contributes to that classic Death Metal feel. ‘Worship The Soul Of Disgust’ may not be the best or most interesting Death Metal record out there, but it’s perfect for anyone who’s really into old school styled, Thrash infused, Death Metal.
Pulverised Records
- Country: Singapore
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube