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Malignant Altar calls it quits: “This was not a decision out of bad blood but rather an issue of a series of health incidents as well as a relocation to be closer to family…”

Malignant Altar made the following statement, distributed by the social media channels of Dark Descent Records:

“Thank you to everyone who followed us along the journey for the past 5 years as we tried to figure out what a Malignant Altar was. We are no longer a band but who knows what years down the line could hold. Never say die. This was not a decision out of bad blood but rather an issue of a series of health incidents as well as a relocation to be closer to family and thus putting a 3 hour drive between members. It was a great ride and thanks to everyone who came out to shows or bought records or even just listened to it on the free. Thanks to all the labels who helped us along the way and did an exhausting job of getting our records out around the globe. Extra thanks to Phil at Pyre Press for doing a phenomenal job of giving us some of the best looking merch on the planet and always being legit. All the bands we were close with, you know who you are. Dont get old, or at least try and take better care of your health. -MA”

The latest release, the split with Gosudar co-released by Me Saco un Ojo Records and Rotted Life Records, was described by us as: “Malignant Altar and their offerings of ‘Malfeasance (inexorable Enmity)’ and their cover of Imprecation’s ‘The Awakening of the Majestic Darkness’ have a more belligerent tone to both their riffs and vocals, and what they lack in haunting sinister vibes they more than make up with colossal drum tones, thunderous punishing bass lines and crushing, grime covered guitar leads. There is also more of a flair for the guitar solo here and Malignant Altar are certainly not averse to the odd spot of technicality in their guitar play, or for that matter a spot of dark sounding synth undertone when the moment calls for it.”

More info: Malignant Altar; Dark Descent Records;