- Band(s): Bone Gnawer
- Label(s): Pulverised Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2015
- Review Date: May 1, 2017
Bone Gnawer is a project started by Kam Lee from the legendary death metal band Massacre and the Swede with the thousand bands Rogga Johansson.They released their debut “Feast of Flesh” in 2009 and after two split records and two EP’s,their second full-length CD “Cannibal Crematorium” is going to be released in July via Pulverized Records.After the intro “Anthropophagist Inferno”,the start is given by “Modern Day Cannibal” which is a song comprised of thrashy death metal guitar riffs,mid-tempo drumming and the specific roars of Kam Lee.More or less,this is the recipe that is followed throughout the whole album. Faster, gallopig passages may be heard in “Chawed, Mauled and Gnawed”,the title track “Cannibal Crematorium” and my persobal favourite track “Chrome Skull”.”Untold Story:Human Pork Bun” is on the slower side with its doomy parts.The other songs are also well played death metal with good sound quality.There isn’t much variety in this album but it’s not surprising in this case – you can’t expect anything different from someone like Kam Lee but oldschool death metal with horror lyrics.If this is what you like,then check out Bone Gnawer and bang your head! (Zvetan)
Bone Gnawer
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Pulverised Records
- Country: Singapore
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube