Adorior back with new full-length after almost 20 years since the last one: " finally reanimates the corpse of mindfucking, repulsive and dangerous music serving the devil, without giving an inch to newer, shitty genre definitions." {August 8, 2024}
Adversarial back with new album through Dark Descent Records: "The entity known as Adversarial has opened the portal to a timeless realm of suffocation and agony once more." {March 29, 2024}
Denmark's Ascendency ready to release new EP: "Delve into oblivion with these new offerings of unfaltering triumph and might". {June 1, 2023}
Grave Infestation to unleash new album via Invictus Productions and Dark Descent Records: "... the fast parts are faster, the slow parts are slower, and everything is just plain nastier" {February 7, 2025}
Hyperdontia set to release new album 'Harvest of Malevolene': "Although they are inarguably merciless and intense, there is such dynamic strength on this new record..." {May 18, 2024}
Malignant Altar calls it quits: "This was not a decision out of bad blood but rather an issue of a series of health incidents as well as a relocation to be closer to family..." {December 7, 2022}
Me Saco Un Ojo Records and Dark Descent to release new Engulfed album: "Every second of this ruthless offering is a feast of vitriol..." {March 1, 2024}
Sepulchral Voice Records and Dark Descent Records reveals Vircolac's new album: "It is bloody, it is epic and it is timeless" {December 23, 2023}
Undergang back with new EP 'De syv stadier af fordærv': "The bands signature mix of neanderthalic drumming and stringy phlegm-like riffs is instantly recognisable to any Death Metal fan" {July 2, 2023}