- Band(s): Ghoulgotha
- Label(s): Dark Descent Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2015
- Review Date: May 1, 2017
W. Sarantopoulos aka Elektrokutioner is almost the Rogga Johansson of the United States, so many bands and projects (Decrepitaph, Ecoffination, Father Befouled and Festered to name a few). This is the debut full-length after releasing a demo, EP and a split with Into Darkness. Ghoulgotha is all about 1990s Death/Doom but have some experimental twists others mostly dont have. It can start with influences from the early UK Death/Doom scene or Incantation and suddenly it gets all Pan.Thy.Monium or Demilich on your ass. Twists and Dissonance. Definitely not for every Doom/Death adept, check out the track “Austere Urns” before you decide to buy it. (Ricardo)
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Dark Descent Records
- Country: USA
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube