- Band(s): Vomitheist
- Label(s): Transcending Obscurity Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2023
- Review Date: March 22, 2023
- Author(s): Colin McNamara
Swedish Old School Death Metal fans rejoice, there is a new name to get excited about! Switzerland’s Vomitheist may have been around since 2013 but they are just putting their debut full length out 10 years later entitled ‘NekroFvneral,’ which uses the Behemoth style of play on words with the sound of the likes of Grave meets Dismember. This 3 piece group is pretty basic and stripped down in sound, but it works to their advantage in keeping in line with the genre. Almost every song is a pit starter and grabs one right by the balls with no room for much melody, just fuzzed guitar riffs, guttural roars, and pounding drums. If one wanted a more ‘old-old school Cannibal Corpse,’ this is what they would get with Vomitheist. Lots of tracks go by quickly though, as many range anywhere from 1 minute to 3, so some listeners might feel a track like ‘Epidemic Disembowelment’ is the perfect pit stomper and then ‘Horrific Bloodshed’ goes by so fast that one can barely start to enjoy it before it ends. Like a like of Old School Death Metal tracks and due to limited instruments, one shouldn’t expect too much variation between tracks, but what Vomitheist deliver in groove along with the Death Metal, it works well.
Like a Morbid Angel album, the band believes in small breaks sometimes, and that is what one gets with the ‘Chapel of Abhorrent Reek and Festering Slime’. A less than minute synth interlude that is similar to ‘Dreaming’ off of Morbid Angel’s ‘Domination’ album- minus the drums- listeners will either take it with interest or skip it; little interludes like these are filler enough they don’t make or break an album. Those looking for more a Doom driven piece that is thick in sound with the riffs and sounds like a train storming down the tracks will enjoy ‘Tormenting Fungal Infestation,’ which is a little repetitious in riffs, but a bit more laid back than some of the earlier tracks and still chock full of groove. The drums are not as thunderous, but are not pushed into the back or have that garage echo ‘click’ to them. For those looking for a pit driven song, despite being short, the title track is just energy inciting and will probably be a show favorite for those who just want to get a minute to get as rowdy as possible. Plus the Punk driven influence here helps with the overall groove of the album.
On the final ‘Carnivorous Cult’ Vomitheist do a complete 180 turn. Instead of fast, blistering Death Metal, they opt for more of the thicker Incantation or Immolation epic route with drawn out riffs, more of a 2 step mosh approach, and a dragging 12 minutes of mid paced crushing music. The track seems to crawl more and more as it progresses, but it builds a different type of momentum that is still enjoyable, rather than come off as the first half being energetic and then the 2nd half boring. While the last 4 minutes do drag a bit with the same riffs over and over, it still serves as a dramatic way to close the album. While in retrospect ‘NekroFvneral’ is nothing new to the Old School Death Metal table of rabid fans, the one thing that Vomitheist do keep up on is making sure that fuzz of the songs doesn’t ruin the instrumentation or vocals. The balance between ‘old school Bloodbath rawness’ and ‘ball grabbing Death Groove’ is right there, so those who want to jump in a pit or just stand and headbang can do both to the brutal lyrics that can be taken literal or as just good Death Metal fun. ‘NekroFvneral’ should be taken lightly, but not too lightly as it will still most likely tear ears up regardless despite its varied paces.
- Country: Switzerland
- Style: Death Metal
- Links: Facebook, Bandcamp, Spotify
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