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Memento Mori added Putred to the rooster: “Putred’s Death Metal is rancid and foul-smelling, mostly mid-paced and heavy as fuck…”

In our endless quest to push and support current underground acts that perpetuate the odor of vintage Death Metal, we’re extremely thrilled to announce a new signing: Putred, from Romania.

Putred was formed by Uriel on guitars (Morbicus, Vorus, Reveler) and Filip on vocals / bass (Necrotum, Vorus, Demoted) in Transylvania, back in June 2020. Dante (Slaughter Ceremony, ex-In Obscurity Revealed, ex- Infested) joined the band behind the drumkit right after writing the first two songs, titled ‘Necroza’ and ‘Devorat de Viermi’. These tracks were self-released as a promo/demo tape in July 2020. In late 2021, Corina (ex-Deimos, Vorus, Reveler) joined the band as a bass player and Filip stuck to vocals only. In October 2022, Doru (ex-Necrovile, Vorus, Malpraxis) replaced Dante on drums, and the band immediately started playing live all over Romania.

Putred’s Death Metal is rancid and foul-smelling, mostly mid-paced and heavy as fuck, topped off with sick, guttural vocals and eerie solos, taking their cues from the likes of Death, Necrophagia, Slaughter, Deceased, Asphyx, Grave, Paradise Lost, Cianide, Derketa, Dr Shrinker/Phantasm, Rottrevore, Mortician, Carnage, Bolt Thrower, Apparition/Sorrow, Benediction and Broken Hope, among others, whereas the lyrics, written and sang in Romanian, are short horror-drenched stories about death, horror, the occult, the afterlife…

Memento Mori will unleash the CD version of their sophomore full-length by late 2024.

More info: Putred; Memento Mori;