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Greve – Föllo Afv Svavel Lifvets Dimridå

greve – föllo afv svavel lifvets dimridå


Those with a weak spot for Black Metal will undoubtedly have heard one or more bands featuring the Swedish multi-instrumentalist Swartadauþuz, who also runs Ancient Records and Mysticism Productions. Whether it’s Bekëth Nexëhmü, Mystik, Digerdöden, Azelisassath, Svartrit or one of his many current or former projects, you cannot deny the work effort and his devotion to releasing music. Greve is one of these vessels, and previously the band released an EP in 2019 and the first full-length ‘Nordarikets Strid’ in the same year. These were followed up by a sophomore album in 2022 entitled ‘Föllo Afv Svavel Lifvets Dimridå’.

There have been quite some changes since the last album. Drummer Lima and vocalist Lik have been replaced by Juhos behind the drum kit and vocalist Korgath. And in particular the change for Korgath makes a difference, as Lik had a very striking and dominant performance on ‘Nordarikets Strid’. Korgath’s vocals are slightly more raspy and perhaps more standard, but I do think that it will be more preferred by many over the quite unique and love it or hate it style of Lik.

But apart from the change of personnel, the music on ‘Föllo Afv Svavel Lifvets Dimridå’ is also slightly different. On the debut album, the keyboards played a large part in the mix, leading to atmospheric Black Metal that bordered on the symphonic at times. On the latest album, the Black Metal is still very atmospheric, but there seems more emphasis on the leading melodies. The often pacey, atmospheric and melodic music finds itself in the realms where Sacramentum meets Obtained Enslavement. Personally, this feels like a shift for the better, as it showcases Swartadauþuz’ excellent songwriting skills more and it makes Greve stand out a bit between his other, often keyboard oriented, releases. In addition, the drum performance by Juhos is excellent, and Korgath’s more accessible vocals make the album click instantly. The forward moving rhythms, harsh vocals, outstanding riffs and subtle keys make for a bombastic combination that sounds distinctly mid 90’s, and quite frankly is a triumph in the portfolio of Swartadauþuz. With intensity, melody and atmosphere, ‘Föllo Afv Svavel Lifvets Dimridå’ is a step up from the preceding record and one of the very best records in the Ancient Records / Mysticism Productions catalogues.

Purity Through Fire

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