- Band(s): Angel Morgue
- Label(s): Redefining Darkness Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2020
- Review Date: September 2, 2020
US Death Metal? Can’t go wrong If done right! Angel Morgue from the States seem to know how to do it. In the same year of their inception in 2017, they released a self-titled demo and now 3 years later, Redefining Darkness Records releases their debut album “In the Morgue of Angels”.
Morgues, eerie, cold places, with the stench of death and decay, ghastly figures and place for morbid thoughts. And when angels are buried it has to be bloody disgusting ha!
The sound is natural, old fashioned, morgue-laden-reverb over the tracks and tons of morbid riffs from the past! Angel Morgue can write catchy songs, that sound old and fresh at the same time, got a killer guitar tone and versatile songwriting! Imagine Autopsy, Death, old Darkthrone and Diocletian going for a violent party! Blasts, mid-tempo, doom, everything extreme has been putted in and the vocals are so disgusting good, gotta love’em!
This shit is heavy, rotten and brutal to the core! “Holocaust Perversions” is probably my favourite track along “Cosmic Torment”!
I’d like to mention the killer artwork by Wrest (Leviathan) and the excellent mix and mastering by Eric Sauter and Dan Randall.
A debut that will make it in my list at the end of the year for sure and you better follow these guys In the Morgue of Angels… (DPF)
Angel Morgue
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Redefining Darkness Records
- Country: Canada
- Style: Death Metal, Black Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube