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Caïnan Dawn – Thavmial

caïnan dawn – thavmial


My first encounter with Caïnan Dawn, a French Black Metal band, with (ex-)members of Nëhemah, Himinbjorg and Evohé, which found its existence back in 2003. After one demo in 2007, they released their debut album “Nibiru” by Those Opposed Records in 2011. The year 2014 will get a third mark of releasing music in their history as Osmose Productions released “Thavmial”, an album which should appeal old Satyricon fanatics all over the globe…according to Osmose Productions. Well, let me the judge of that, as I am a huge fan of the “Dark Medieval Times, “The Shadowthrone” and “Nemesis Divina” albums! First of all the Black rituals performed by this band certainly has a bleak atmosphere and sound, but ofcourse you can’t compare it with the sound of albums that are recorded 20 years ago (Yes, “Dark Medieval Times” reached the 20-years anniversary!). I can’t really match “Thavmial” with the old Satyricon which I like so much. Therefore the Black Metal has too much connection with the French scene, which has more dissonance in their Black Metal. And although Satyricon was harsh on those albums, there still was room for (sometimes folk-ish) melody, something I don’t really hear on the second effort of Caïnan Dawn. I would rather describe “Thavmial” as a mix of the Satyricon after those 3 albums and late Gorgoroth with a wink towards the French scene. Still well played though. (Ricardo)

Caïnan Dawn

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Osmose Productions

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