- Band(s): Witchmaster
- Label(s): Osmose Productions
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2014
- Review Date: January 31, 2016
- Author(s): Ricardo
Long time I got some musical activities with the Witchmaster logo in my hands, but the furious Black / Thrash Metal combo is still alive. What you get on “Antichristus Ex Utero” is without doubt a blaspheme and lethal combination of some old Bathory, Sodom, Slayer and Destruction ideas blended with the bluntness of the Canadian (Revenge) and Oceanic (Deströyer 666 and label mates Diocletian) scene. Although there is a little side trip towards ‘n roll on “Caricature on Humanity”, the rest of the album is pure savage. I don’t think Witchmaster will be on any top-10 lists, but the ones who enjoy the combination I described, will enjoy this.
Osmose Productions
- Country: France
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube