- Band(s): Werewolf Bloodorder
- Label(s): Hammer of Damnation, Signal Rex
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2023
- Review Date: May 27, 2023
- Author(s): D.F.
I’m not going to sugarcoat this one. If you’re a Black Metal purist and long for the days of yore, when it meant something more than just “music”, stop whatever you’re doing, even reading this review, and go listen to ‘The Rebirth of the Night and Fog’ right now!
Warlord returns with his most hateful and macabre work yet! Filled with marching drums and majestic riffs which evoke the aura of what true Black Metal is supposed to sound like. Warlike, arrogant and with hints of sorrowful desolation that only accentuate the anger contained in these songs.
With special highlight to the vocals, so full of presence in each of the songs and varied enough to keep your attention during every single time Warlord’s commanding voice takes center stage. Be it with the harsh screams or the deep howlings, the vocals are very unique in their delivery. Also, I have to point out the extremely tasteful use of synths, that are used in key moments throughout the album to the best effect that it can provide.
This is the living proof that a Black Metal album can sound professionally mixed and mastered, without sacrificing any of its rawness and unsettling atmosphere. Giving room for every instrument to shine in its bleak soundscape. And I can also attest that in the sum of all of its parts, the band leaves behind the stigma of being a continuation of Evil, now it’s an entirely new and fierce beast.
Dear reader, in the humble opinion of yours truly, Werewolf Bloororder has just delivered the best album of 2023 and a new landmark in the blasphemous halls of Black Metal history. “What once was, shall be again” indeed!
Hammer of Damnation
- Country: Brazil
- Style: Black Metal
- Links: Instagram, Youtube