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Cancerfaust – Let the Earth Tremble

cancerfaust – let the earth tremble


Cancerfaust was formed in 2013 in Poznan, Poland and has existed as Born to Rot prior to that. The band already has released two EPs prior to the release of their megalith of a full length, “Let the Earth Tremble”.

The album is a grand ritual at the altar of Death Metal. On this record you’ll hear very familiar motifs and passages which harkens back to Bolt Thrower, At The Gates and several other classic sounds. The vocals are very reminiscent of Glenn Benton, and the emulation of his influence is done to perfection. In fact, the album at its skeletal structure is a study of “Stench Of Redemption” era Deicide.

The guitar work is perfectly executed throughout the record and the leads are definitely a highlight to the album. The Polish Death Metal tradition is honored here too as on songs like “Let them Fall” their hardcore influences show through. The highpoints on the album are the songs “Into the Void” and “There is Nothing”.

To its merit or detriment, this album feels like a Metal vest with plenty of Death Metal patches. Even though the album rewards multiple listens, the fact that it displays all its influences in a very straightforward manner sometimes sticks out like a sore thumb. The drum sound doesn’t live up to the rest of the instrumentation, but this could be attributed to a guitar centric production. The production surely holds back the album to some extent.

But despite all its flaws, “Let the Earth Tremble” deserves much more attention than it has got after its release. (Hari)


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