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Coscradh – Mesradh Machae (The Heads of the Men Who Have Been Slaughtered) [EP]

coscradh – mesradh machae (the heads of the men who have been slaughtered) [ep]


Coscradh. For those who aren’t familiar with the Irish language, according guitarist and vocalist Ciarán Ó Críodáinas it is explained in the Annals of Ulster; an Old-Irish word describing the result of a battle ending in massacre – a slaughter or triumph in barbarous one-sided victory, as opposed to other outcomes such as rout or defeat. It’s also been used for the act of hacking and dismemberment.

Well, isn’t that suitable for a violent and primitive sounding Death / Black Metal combo? Coscradh! Would be fuckin’ damn shame old languages would disappear…

Coscradh combines every 80s Old School extreme Metal in their Irish savagery and presents 2 pre-production demo tracks of which at least “Plagues of Knowth” will appear on the forthcoming album. The horrific Death / Black Metal has a dark and harsh atmosphere which is enhanced by the demo production.

This will not please everyone, but if it does you can keep an eye on the debut full-length.

Invictus Productions

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