- Band(s): Obscure Infinity
- Label(s): F.D.A. Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2019
- Review Date: January 27, 2019
This German horde is one of the more interesting since many years to me. Had the pleasure to see them in Switzerland many years ago and they just killed. Since 12 years now on the map of death fucking metal with a back catalogue full of material, namely 3 albums, 7 splits and 1 demo, these guys released tons of stuff and don`t seem to stop soon. 2019 will see the release of their 4th. album. But we won’t discuss this right now…
FDA Records will also release a compilation of their split recordings, which is a good idea If you don`t have everything in your collection or just want to see how the band evolved through the years. The band was able to mix up American, Scandinavian and a sort of other European influences from the Death Metal scene and bring some fresh air and ideas into it. Well executed, written and produced for that kind of sound, no matter if it is a split or album recording. Besides growl and shrieks variations the band also incorporated some clean chant singing here and there, knows how to write very nice riffs and melodies and are masters on the guitar solo section. Bass and drums are fucking pounding, groovy and top notch in every aspect. Killer chops, fills, beats, speed alternations and so on. There are also unreleased songs as well as live tracks and everything is remastered by Patrick W. Engel. Death metal lunatics give it a listen. (DPF)