For quite a while Fleshcrawl had the privilege to call themselves as the one and only Old School Swedish Death Metal band of Germany, but times have changed and Endseeker is one of those other brave soldiers to keep the HM-2 Boss Banner flying high. This EP is the first output of my fine country-neighbors and it’s a solid one for sure. And sure, the Stockholm-influences of early Entombed are all over the place, but I think the cover of “Supposed to Rot” will only confirm that for you. The riffs are grooving and sometimes a bit rockin’ (like on “Deployment of the Aroused”) to let the listener know “Wolverine Blues” also has made its mark for Endseeker. As well as Grave’s “Soulless” to name another album which make the guys of Endseeker stay a little bit longer and order another beer in the local bar. And once again great artwork by a certain M. Riddick, sometimes you get a feeling of overkill when an artist is being asked alot, but I have to say I really dig his work. Into Old School Swedish Death Metal and don’t mind a touch of ‘n roll of Entombed’s “Wolverine Blues”, I really can recommend you this EP. (Ricardo)