- Band(s): Ophis
- Label(s): F.D.A. Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2021
- Review Date: August 14, 2023
- Author(s): Ben Schultz
Ophis here are a Death/Doom Metal band that just so happens to be from Hamburg, Germany. They started their downtrodden existence all the way back in the year 2001. And now, well as of 2021 that is, they have released their fifth, yes fifth, full-length album in ‘Spew Forth Odium’.
Not sure how I had never heard of this band that has been around for twenty years at the time of this release, twenty-two years as of me writing this. I am not exactly sure but thankfully I am finally getting around to it now. For ‘Spew Forth Odium’ is downright outstanding.
‘Spew Forth Odium’ is six tracks of grandiose, majestic, gorgeous, heart wrenching, soul crushing Death/Doom. Death/Doom Metal that would most resemble the styles of Mourning Beloveth and early My Dying Bride joined as one. A truly depressing delight.
So if you are like me and took twenty-two years before you ever heard a single note of Ophis’ music. Do not let it get to twenty-three, check out ‘Spew Forth Odium’ now or you’ll be kicking yourself for just one more year of ignorance. It’s fucking fantastic.
- Country: Germany
- Style: Doom Metal, Death Metal
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Bandcamp, Spotify