- Band(s): Blood of Seklusion
- Label(s): F.D.A. Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, CD
- Release Year: 2017
- Review Date: January 13, 2018
Blood of Seklusion have undergone a metamorphosis, as the US Death Metal sound of the debut album “Caustic Deathpath to Hell” have been exchanged for a HM-2 Boss buzzsaw sound. A surprising turn of events! In the last couple of years the Italian bunch took a good listen to the groove of the late Dismember albums. So Blood of Seklusion is jumping in the void Undead Creep created with their disbanding. The difference is that Blood of Seklusion kept their grinding blastbeat drums in some of the faster parts, which is more old General Surgery than Dismember, if you get my drift. “Servants of Chaos” will turn out in an unexpected first spin (if you’re familiar with the debut), but after that you will hear a fine and brutal Swedish sounding Death Metal album. (Ricardo)