- Band(s): Demiurgon
- Label(s): Everlasting Spew Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2019
- Review Date: July 22, 2019
It’s been a long time since I have had my teeth broken by an album. This has to be one of the most intense records I have heard in a very long time. These Italian boys nailed it on this album. Each track is a barrage of beatings that don’t let up.
I’m not the biggest fan of gravity blast beats, but it works so well on this album. Most bands use it as a gimmick. Not these guys. “The Oblivious Lure” is just so intense that they needed that extra bit of intensity, and it works so damn well. Musically, this album does not do anything new that you have not heard before, but be prepared to have your ass kicked by the utter intensity of each track. I am on my 3rd spin of this album and it doesn’t get old. These guys set out to destroy and have way surpassed any expectations.
The musicianship on this great record is fantastic. Just when you think you have heard it all, they throw in a really tech riff that fits so well with the aesthetics of everything going on.
This is for sure on my top albums of the year. Prepare to have your ears and senses raped by this fantastically brutal and intense album! (Pazuzu)