- Band(s): Inhibitions
- Label(s): Ira Aeterna, Satanath Records
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2018
- Review Date: February 27, 2019
The second album of Inhibitions from Greece, can be categorized in the Symphonic Black Metal style with modern new millennium ideas when it comes to song writing. You will hear certain ideas of Dimmu Borgir, Limbonic Art, Satyricon and Arcturus, but in my ears they don’t manage to bring it all together.
While listening to the opening track “The Calling” I just keep on hearing a repeating piano tune that gets more annoying further on the song. With “Toxic Rain” you have bit of the same thing, only this time it is an acoustic part. But to be honest, “Le Dance Macabre” is filled with songs that aren’t memorable as the riffs are exchangeable and there aren’t a lot of hooks present. I do have to say the vocals are spot on.
Personally I would like to advise them to ditch the early 2000 Satyricon approach, listen to the first three Limbonic Art albums once again and see how you can mix them with the Dimmu Borgir ideas. If you want to be symphonic…be symphonic. (Ricardo)
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Satanath Records
- Country: Georgia
- Style: Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Thrash Metal, Other
- Links: Homepage, Instagram, Bandcamp, Youtube