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Holycide – Bazookiller [EP]

holycide – bazookiller [ep]


I mentioned in another review my love for Thrash metal, but lately, I have become more enamored with it due to various circumstances. I’m always on the lookout for that Thrash thrill so to speak. One of the bands on my radar and I have a few releases of them already is Holycide. They started a bit slow for me initially, not quite hitting their mark but after the passage of time and a few more singles and full-lengths under their belt, they have begun to hit their stride. I’ve always been happy with their output to various extents and some I prefer more than others. The main draw for me is the catchy riffing and songwriting style that just begs for you to get up and mosh about your room, workplace, and or car.

With Holycide they are not quite your typical Thrash band, not the Bay Area sound but more of an Onslaught feel and with some Destruction overtones. It is all quick and to the point Thrash with plenty of socio/ political overtones in their lyrical message. If I have one gripe, and this is just a me thing, it would be the vocals. They are a bit too Death style and add to what I mentioned earlier they are not quite your typical Thrash band. Has you may already know the singer is Dave Rotten a quite prominent member of the underground scene and also the vocalist for Avulsed (amongst a host of others) so I can understand the vocal approach. Nothing bad by any means, it just gives you the listener a different sound to look forward to.

So with a whole host of releases and this being a 4 song EP, it might be a good starting point for you all to give them a listen.

Xtreem Music

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