- Band(s): Hemorrhoid
- Label(s): Extremely Rotten Productions, Headsplit Records
- Release Format(s): 12" vinyl, Cassette, CD
- Release Year: 2024
- Review Date: January 14, 2025
- Author(s): Appeleon
As much as I’d like to give this album the review it deserves, I really do belief a review for his album is absolutely pointless. There’s no way you need me to explain how this album sounds, as you’ve already read the title, you’ve seen the album’s cover and you’ve been looking at the logo for, at least, a minute straight. ‘Raw Materials Of Decay’ is birthed to one of the most murky dungeons of Death Metal.
Sure, Death Metal covers a complex multitude of different dungeons, swamps and basements. This vile records must have been conceived and fermented close to Undergang, Regurgitate and old Carcass’ bootlegs. This is pure filth from the nasty corners of Deathgrind. In true grind fashion, this record is fast, short and to the point. And with an approximate 25 minutes runtime, calling this a full-length is rather dubious. However, the amount of songs (15!) actually makes up for this.
So, let’s move on, what does Hemorrhoid put on display with their first formal introduction to the genre? This is one hell of an infectious, energetic and fun record. Hemorrhoid goes fast, groovy and, above all, Hemorrhoid goes all out. The guitars are tuned down into bass territory and are dressed in a sharp and ultra heavy dose of distortion. The riffs are centred around groovy mid-paced structures, which makes your whole body aching to spasm. Beneath the deep swamp of stinking riffs, there’s a monster of a drummer whose unleashing an overdose of years of build-up rage. The whole package is a toxic cocktail of raw energetic aggression. No thoughtful lyrics or intricacy, only Deathgrind in it’s most obscene and stripped down form.
To top it all off, the singer is spewing out undiscernible low barks, mixed with high shrieks and pitch shifted blubbery noises. This may sound like your ordinary bedroom Goregrind stereotype, but I feel Hemorrhoid have found a more ‘accessible’ mixture for this recipe, making this record appeal to a bigger audience than just the die-hard Goregrinders alone. A trick they must have learned from the early Carcass records.
After having spun this records numerous times, I feel like this album has been a fun ride. It’s hard to distinguish between songs, making it impossible to pick a standout track. Although, if you ask me, the title track sticks out just a bit, due to its great verse riff and slamming ending. The sheer amount of groovy riffs on ‘Raw Materials Of Decay’ is astonishing. This abominations is highly energetic and perfectly suitable to put on, randomly shout along to and let out some steam. This one well surpassed my expectations.
Headsplit Records
- Country: USA
- Style: Death Metal, Grindcore, Thrash Metal, Other
- Links: Homepage, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube