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Prehistoric War Cult / Dolchstoß – Black Winds Of Fire And Steel [Split]

prehistoric war cult / dolchstoß – black winds of fire and steel [split]


Although the title of this split might suggest that we are having a Manowar tribute in our hands, it couldn’t be much further from the truth. This split tape (also to be released on vinyl later on by Fucking Kill Records) combines two bands out of Germany’s current day thriving scene: Prehistoric War Cult and Dolchstoß. The latter, by the way, is not to be confused with the Belgian band with the same name that is also currently releasing their latest music. ‘Black Winds Of Fire And Steel’ is a rather short split that features two tracks by each band, but that is well enough to show that while both of them are distinctly different they also have much in common.

First up is Prehistoric War Cult, a band that has been building up quite a name for themselves in the Bestial/War Black Metal scene. On a musical level, that is. With a small series of short players the band took quite a bit of a run-up to the ‘Barbaric Metal’-album that saw the light of day not too long ago. That album wasn’t only living up to its title, I thought it was a culmination of what the band was brooding on for a while. The short length of the album helped solidifying its impact, just as the previous shorter releases were impeccable in terms of intensity. The two tracks on this split are pretty much in line with those on the album, a bit slower in nature and thoroughly bass-heavy. With their grinding guitar sound Prehistoric War Cult is creeping increasingly up to the musical legacy of Archgoat. Their sonically thunderous appearance is further underscored by the slightly rawer sound of these recordings. In fact, these were many words to just say: if you liked Prehistoric War Cult before, you will still do after hearing these two tracks.

The other two tracks are much more Black Metal oriented. Dolchstoß is delivering a rather raw Black Metal that echoes the riff-driven intricacies of the early Norwegian Black Metal scene as well as that of the USA. While not exactly sounding like there are doing the copycat trick, there is a lot of Forgotten Woods and early Xasthur to be found in the musical DNA of Dolchstoß. Slow in its core, but with more up-tempo bursts and with its howling sort of vocals it definitely has much of the elements that would make a qualification as “Depressive Black Metal” in place. The (quite) raw and rehearsal-like sound, just like their split mates, gives the whole a feeling of actually being much older than it is. That genuinely raw sound and its subsequent pure authenticity are definitely one of the main assets of these recordings and makes it more than worthwhile to check out.


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