- Band(s): Black Altar
- Label(s): Christhunt Productions
- Release Format(s): CD
- Release Year: 2004
- Review Date: November 14, 2004
- Author(s): FelixS
Black Altar is a Polish black metal band that lives up all the standards that goes within the scene. Complete with corpse paint, weaponry, pseudonyms and blasphemed artwork. When looking at this all it easily could’ve been from the early to mid-nineties. Looking to the artwork and looking at the pictures on their site it is quite obvious that one sees the link to the things that Last Episode were doing back in the days (where are they anyway?). But it also pretty clear to see that the chosen artwork was picked out on purpose in order to bring back the old days of black metal.
The music that Black Altar brings forth is pretty much standard black metal the old school raw way. With that having said I could simply end this review for that covers quite much the whole thing here. But I’m won’t, though I can’t really compare it with their earlier works for I simply haven’t heard any Black Circle material before. Though the band isn’t really new in the Polish scene, even the famous Doc (mostly known as the drummer of Vader) has been playing with them in an early stadium. Black Altar presents us black metal in a way that seems to get more rare each year (though there are plenty of real underground forces that keeps the things alive and kicking, class!) which is really blunt and primitive black metal. Not the really gloomy things we hear most often today, nor is it very fast or up-tempo. See this as a more primitive Darkthrone with a slight touch of later Gorgoroth. But, I wouldn’t label this as Norwegian at all, it sounds like German black metal from the mid nineties (like I said before, pretty similar to the Last Episode things).
I mentioned it before but I’d like to end this review with the same words: Black Altar is for me a band that lives up (nearly) forgotten times in black metal terms. And it may be standard but it is definitely still effective as it was about ten years ago (time flies!). Though I would only recommend this band to the real die-hards in the genre, and I know that there are still a hell lot of them!